Missed the Fireworks...Bummer...
It's still hot up here, and I tried opening that window again...no luck. I know, I know, I should have told my husband to open it before he went to bed, but I was too pissed off cause I couldn't go see the fireworks. So I sweated up here listening to the fireworks...
I talked briefly to my son today, and he said that they have an appointment to take Jayden to the neurologist on July 13....so I'm hoping that the neurologist knows what he's doing and says everything is okay or will be okay.
My husband starts his vacation on Friday....so tomorrow is my last day of freedom before he will be home for 10 days. I asked him if he wants to go to Caseville, and he doesn't seem very interested. We might go to a ballgame and see the Tigers play. He better do SOMETHING with me! I would love to take the dogs and drive to Niagara Falls. I've been there a couple times, but my hus has never been there. The Best Western Inn allows dogs, so we could take them. But there's no point in even mentioning it, cause he won't go anyway......
I'm bored and depressed today....was not a real good day....Well, tomorrow is another day.