Cherokee Rose

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Missed the Fireworks...Bummer...

Redford...that's where I live...was having fireworks tonight and I wanted to go see them, and for some god-knows-why reason, my husband moved his car and parked it directly behind my jeep. So I'm thinking that he apparently did not want me to go....or maybe he had some other reason for moving his car...but he NEVER parks his car behind my jeep....weird! Now, you're probably thinking "Why didn't you ask him?"...well, I don't do that...I just get shit in my head and go with it. I don't ask for explanations. So I just sat up here in my computer room and "listened" to the fireworks. fun-fun-fun

It's still hot up here, and I tried opening that window luck. I know, I know, I should have told my husband to open it before he went to bed, but I was too pissed off cause I couldn't go see the fireworks. So I sweated up here listening to the fireworks...

I talked briefly to my son today, and he said that they have an appointment to take Jayden to the neurologist on July I'm hoping that the neurologist knows what he's doing and says everything is okay or will be okay.

My husband starts his vacation on tomorrow is my last day of freedom before he will be home for 10 days. I asked him if he wants to go to Caseville, and he doesn't seem very interested. We might go to a ballgame and see the Tigers play. He better do SOMETHING with me! I would love to take the dogs and drive to Niagara Falls. I've been there a couple times, but my hus has never been there. The Best Western Inn allows dogs, so we could take them. But there's no point in even mentioning it, cause he won't go anyway......

I'm bored and depressed today....was not a real good day....Well, tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


It is so damn hot upstairs and I can't figure out how to open up the damn window! We have these vinyl windows upstairs put in a year or so ago, and I can't figure out how to open them. I turn the little knobby thingy both ways and it still won't open. I hate how stupid I am at doing things.....and I am not about to go downstairs and wake my husband up just to ask him to open up my window....I'll sweat my sweet ass off first. I'll turn on the fan.

Anyway, today I started taking all my clothes I want to sell at this upcoming estate/garage sale that I am going to have at my mom's house while I am trying to sell it. You simply would NOT believe all the clothes I took over. My whole back jeep was full to the top and more in the back seat...all on hangers...and I still had more at home. It is embarrassing....and when my hus goes over there and sees all this crap, he will hit the roof. Cause my closets are still jammed with clothes that I'm keeping. Damn, where does it all come from? Every garage sale I have, I have tons of clothes...and I give bags and bags of stuff to charity all the time...and I still have tons of clothes to get rid of. I could open up my own resale shop. All 3 closets over there are pretty full with my crap and I still have more to take over. Then I had a bag overflowing with shoes....probably close to 20 pair. My poor husband doesn't even have 20 pairs of shoes!...haha

Then I have to start lugging over all the other stuff I have. My spare bedroom is full of boxes and boxes of stuff and stuff laying all over the place. What the hell is "stuff" anyway? Everybody has "stuff"...."I have to go to the store to buy some stuff".....Ya get boxes to put stuff in it....I buy something cute at a garage sale and my husband asks me what I'm going to do with it, and I tell him..."I can put stuff in it"....or he asks me what all is in a certain closet or drawer, and I tell him "just alot of stuff"....and people always have "stuff" to do....What the hell is Stuff???? Whatever it is, it is messing up my house!...and I'm getting rid of it....anyway, got to get to bed...there's a garage sale tomorrow and I heard that they have good STUFF!!
I've been TAGGED by Just A Mom to participate in the "Three Things" fun game. Now, I was Tagged by my neice, but I wrote my answers to the questions in her comment section, not in my blog...and now I can't remember how I answered, and I can't find her Archives to look it up......Soooooooooo, I'll just start from scratch...and some of the questions are a bit different anyway. Here goes........

1. Three Nicknames:

2. Three things you like about yourself:
I'm a great mom; my personality; my hair (sometimes)

3. Three things you don't like about yourself:
My tummy; My lack of ambition; my lack of patience

4. Three things that scare you:
nighttime thunderstorms; getting alzheimers; getting lost

5. Three of your everyday essentials:
Ginseng moisturizer; cigarettes; computer

6. Three things you are wearing right now:
cream shorts; pink top; toe ring

7. Three of your favorite bands growing up:
Beatles; Monkees; Rolling Stones

8. Two truths and one lie:
I love dogs; I love my kids; I love to cook

9. Three things you can't do without:
My dogs; my jeep; my cigs

10. Three things you most certainly CAN do without:
spam emails; winter; dog poop in my backyard

11. Three places you want to go on vacation:
Graceland; Vegas; San Antonio

12. Three things you want to do before you die:
Dance at my grandson's wedding; Go to Graceland; quit smoking

That's it...although I remember more questions from the other name three celebrities you would like to sleep with: Keifer Sutherland, John Mellencamp, and Don Johnson!!!!!!!!!!

OK...I'm tagging everyone who reads this!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Shopping and a Movie.....

I decided today I was going shopping! I have been so busy at the house that I haven't even bought myself anything new for summer, so I went shopping at Kohl's and bought 3 new tops. They are just lightweight summery tops with an American theme...perfect for the 4th of July coming up. My friend's birthday is coming up, so I shopped for a few gifts as well. Then came home and barbequed chicken on the grill.

I decided I wanted to go to the show and see "Batman Begins", but of course hubby didn't want to go, so I went by myself. He said maybe we'll go when "War of the Worlds" comes out....hmmmmmm, we'll see. Anyway, it was an awesome flick! I don't know the actor who played Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, but he was good. There were only about a dozen people there....not too crowded to say the least. Basically, the film sums up how Batman became Batman and how he got his suit, his Batmobile, the Batcave, etc.....there is a great car chase, and when one of the cops asks another cop what street he is on...the cop replies "He isn't on any street...he's flying over roofs!"...haha

Oh, and I did put all my husband's clothes away for him today....he didn't say anything, but he had brought a box home from work that I think he was going to use to put them in, and then he didn't need it cause I already took care of it. I'm such a good wife.....Hahaha....

And I want to add that I did good on my cutting back on my cigs far, only 9 cigs all day!...I'll probably have one more, then I'm going to bed.

Pictures of Jayden

Here is a picture of my sweet little Jayden wearing the Baltimore Orioles outfit I gave him for son is a big fan!

Some Cute Quotes....

"Your Outer Beauty May Get You Through The Door.....
But It's Your Inner Beauty That Keeps You In The Room."

(This one I "borrowed" from Just A Mom's site...):

"Life May Not Be The Party We Hoped For....
But While We Are Here, We Might As Well Dance.".....I love that one!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Lost Checkbook FOUND!

YEP....I found my checkbook and I was so elated...I was jumping up and down. There is a chair in my breakfast nook that I always put my purse on, and I found it down between the seat and the back of the chair...the wood part. It was barely sitting on the edge of the wood part. I'm surprised that it didn't fall through to the floor. I had looked all around the chair and the table thinking that maybe it had fallen on the floor...cause crap is always falling out of my purse there...but I didn't see anything, cause it was still wedged down behind the seat. So last night after I had typed my blog, I went downstairs to find my camera and was looking in my purse and that's when I spotted it. Then I freaked out cause I couldn't find my camera....I had taken it to the bar Saturday night and thought I had left it there...but my husband had put it in a cupboard....whew! Anyway, the 7 checks that are in it have been cancelled and it cost me $30!...and it was for nothing, cause it was right here in the house.

Today, I went to this big flea market and bought a few things. I found another white-tag Boyds bear for $3.00...and I got an Elvis video, The '68 Comeback one. I have been looking in Ebay for it, but hated to spend the extra for shipping, and this one I got today was only $1.50....and I bought some Wade Tea Rose figurines and 4 Budweiser mugs. Damn, it was hot again today and I fried in the sun walking around. Then I went to the house for awhile and tried to get this big metal closet thing into the furnace room, but I couldn't clear the doorway because of the key that was in it, and I tried and tried and could not get that damn key out...I even tried squirting some WD40 or whatever it's called into the keyhole and I still couldn't get it out....DAMN, why am I so inept at doing things?? I hate when I have to keep asking my hus to do something for me. So I just put it back up against the wall. And I tried to put some nails into this panelling in some of the places that needed some extra nails to hold it flatter against the studs, and could I do that??? NO...the nails kept going in all crooked and I was just making a bigger I gave up. But I did manage to switch these two kitchen cabinet doors...I had them mixed up when I first put them up and they weren't shutting right, so I switched them and now they shut okay.....yippee, I did accomplish something!

Then I went home and barbequed shish-kabobs and had a couple beers on the patio. My hus got the flowers planted, but he didn't cut the grass...and I don't dare say it will get a foot long before he mows it next weekend...cause he don't do much during the week. He got out all his summer clothes and put all his winter stuff upstairs in the hallway...and they're still sitting there....I just step over them. I suppose I could be nice and put them away for him....well, maybe tomorrow...I'll see..............

A great day to just lay around.....

Today was hot hot hot!...but I ain't complaining...anything is better than cold. I got up around 11:00 and my husband was gone somewhere for awhile. Then later after he got home, I saw some flats of flowers sitting in the driveway....yippee, I got my flowers finally. Maybe he felt bad about leaving the poor dogs outside last night, so he bought me my flowers. But his story is that he really didn't just leave them out there. He claims that they had been barking to go out all night, and he had just let them out again when he heard me driving in, so he just went back to bed figuring I'd let them in. Guess he wasn't drunk, just tired from being up with barking dogs. They knew I was gone and probably was barking at every noise thinking it was me....they just love me so much!

Like I said, it was so hot today, and I had the Air on in the house so low it was I kept going outside to warm up, then go back inside to cool off...back and forth. My husband worked around the house, cleaning out gutters, laying sod on some bare spots that are still there from when we had a few trees cut down last summer. Me, I just mainly laid on the lounger on my patio. I did offer to cut the grass, but he said no....then I offered to rake up the dead grass from when he cut it last weekend, so I at least did that...well, only a small area. When I told him I was done, he said "What? did the whole yard already?"...I told him I only did the worse area, it's too hard and hot to do the whole yard. So I laid back down on my lounger...sipping an ice cold drink....haha

I still haven't found my checkbook...and I'm sick about losing the registry part of it...I have no idea how I am ever going to be able to balance my checkbook now. Everything will be pretty screwed up for awhile.

My little Mini Sue has no more fleas!...guess the meds I bought her worked.

I smoked like a fiend last night at the I'll have to get myself back on track...I did better today. I'm going to buy myself some of those patches and see if they work. Then I'll probably light up a cig and forget I'm wearing the patch and be super buzzed. But I have GOT to cut down on my smoking....notice I'm not saying "quit"...I never say "quit"....just gotta cut down. Besides, I've been ordering my cigs online and now Gov Granholm here in Michigan is getting the names of people who order online, and they are sending major bills to people for taxes....and so far I haven't gotten a bill. The place I order from swears that they do not and will not give out any information to anyone. But if they get a court order to do so, then who the hell knows. One lady in MI got a bill for $2000!....Jeeeezzzzz....I don't need that! So my only alternative is to buy the cheapo Smoker's Choice for $1.00/pack....I don't like them, but that's just as well...If I don't like them, then easier to cut down, right??

My son, John, finished painting the basement floor at the house, so I'll go over there tomorrow and take a look at it and put some things back where they belong. Then as soon as hubby gets the sign ready, I can put it up....but I think I will have trouble selling it. Houses are just not selling very well. At the get-together last night, my friend was saying that her and her husband have been trying to sell two of their houses for a year now....nothing...very depressing. Well, I predicted this 10 years ago!...I kept telling people in about 10 years the housing market is going to start bottoming out, and it's starting. See, I was right!!...and it's going to get worse. My theory is that when the baby-boomer generation, which basically has controlled the economy in this country, starts retiring, then they will be selling all their inflated high-priced homes, and there aren't enough buyers in the next generation to buy, the next generation has no money....good jobs, all the toys, but no money. So prices of houses are going to have to start coming down, so these new buyers can afford to buy them....a lot of people are going to be screwed. So that was my theory 10 years ago!.....

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Not a Good Day!!!!......

Boy, I thought the Pistons losing last night was a low point....but today was a totally screwed up - fucked up day....except when I went and partied with my friends..that was fun!...but the rest of the day was sucked...unbelievable!

First...I discovered around noon that I could not find my checkbookk. It was not in my purse where it always is. I looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it. I still haven't found it! I panicked big blood pressure was really up there...and I called the bank and told them I lost my checkbook. The lady tried to help me and kept asking me questions and I can't remember shit...can't remember the last check I wrote or where I wrote it. I have a new set of checks I haven't used with a starting number, so we started from she said she can stop payment on those outstanding checks that I can't account for. Damn, It's such a mess. Fine...stop payment....but I need my check registry!...all my notes and past checks I made for tax deductions, and house expenses are gone...Hell, I don't even know how much money I have in there...I need my registry to tell me my balance...Damn, how am I gonna balance my checkbook???...

THEN...while I was looking for my checkbook in my computer room, my computer glasses fell on the floor and I stepped on them....second time I did that. My hus fixed them the first time just before I had to work during tax season, and now they are broken again. little Mini Sue has fleas!!!....She has fleas crawling all over her head...I called the vet and as usual they want me to bring her in so they can get another $100 out of me before they will give me the Advantage flea medication......screw them....I told them I will go to the pet store and buy it...she said fine, go ahead....Fuckin vets!....They don't care if my dog is scratching and suffering...they just want their money! I went to the pet store and bought some meds for her, and I gave it both to her and Lucky so I hope it works.

THEN.....I am making a Digorno pizza in my oven waiting for hus to come home and the power goes out!! hus comes home and we have no TV!!...luckily, the pizza was done enough to eat....

I was going out tonight to meet my friends and when I left at 6:30. we still had no power...gee, wonder what hubby will do...sleep on the couch with no TV???? Who gives a royal S***!! I'm outta there.....

I went to Karl's Cabin and about 20 or so of us were there...and we had a blast....we drank, ate dinner, talked, drank, talked, drank, took pics, drank....they were taking last-call..and we were still there. We had alot of classmates that have never been to one of our get-togethers and they had so much fun, they said they will definitely be back next year.

THEN....I come home around after 1:30 (hell, better than 9 in the morning!)...I'm being so good...anyway, got home at a decent hour and I hear my doggies barking and barking...and they are OUTSIDE with the door shut...What the hell is that??? I let them in and I raged into my husband's bedroom screaming, "What the hell are my dogs doing outside??"...and he mumbles (sp?) something about...I don't even know what he said/....really totally pissed me off....My dogs do NOT go outside..unless they have to pee and then they come back inside. Shit , he was drunk and probably put them out and forgot about them...luckily I came home early, or they would have been out there all night.

So that was my was yours??

Friday, June 24, 2005

He Don't Plant Me Flowers....Anymore........

I am so bummed....The Pistons lost! The Pistons are still the better team, though.

Didn't do much today except go to the house and put out all the garbage. I had to use the dolley to get those two pieces of couch out to the curb. There is so much crap I had to put out....I hope the garbage guys take it all. I hit a couple garage sales and bought a white-tag Boyds Bear for only $1.00. A white tag on his tush means he's an older bear....pre-1992. Then I came home and barbequed steak on the grill.

Our driveway is such a mess...there are so many cracks and all these weeds and grass growing through. I complained to my husband about it, but he just complained back at me...said he hasn't had time to do anything cause he's been busy working on the house for me. Yeah, like on the weekends.....what's wrong with doing something during the week. I see guys outside working on their lawns during the week, and they must work during the day. So I went out and pulled out all the weeds and grass myself....hell, I should have just used the lawn mower on the driveway, it was so bad. And we have no flowers in the front yard...nothing....he has done NOTHING! I take my dogs for a walk and see how everyone else's lawns look so nice with flowers...and we have weeds growing in the cracks in our driveway. I told him the other evening that we should go buy some flowers and he said nothing...too busy laying on the couch. Screw him....I suppose I should just go do it myself, but I don't know what kind of flowers to buy and I don't even know how to plant them....Hus has always done that. I guess I should really learn...can't be all that difficult to dig a hole and stick a flower in it. But he has always done it and now he isn't, so we have no flowers this year. And I can't say anything cause there are still some things he has to do at the house, so I have to be good and keep my big mouth shut....

Damn, I'm in a crappy ass mood. I'm trying to cut down on my smoking. I use to smoke 2 packs a day...then I quit smoking in my car, so I'm down to about 1 1/2 packs. Well, now I'm really, really trying to cut down more, so I'm trying to break the habit of smoking in the morning. Usually, I'll smoke 1/2 pack before noon, so now I won't light up until noon...been drinking my coffee with no cigarette...yikes!...So yesterday, I only had 15 cigs, and today I've had 14...and I'm sure I'll have one more before bed, so 15 today....that's 30 in 2 days instead of 30/day...that's half!...That's pretty good, except now I feel like total crap...totally wired....ready to kill my husband because there are no flowers in my yard!!....

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sleepless in Redford.....

It looks like it's going to be another sleepless night, and it's too late to bother with a I'll tough it out. Maybe I'm too excited cause the Pistons won their 3rd game and only need one more to win the championship...hip hip hurray!...whatever.....

I admit I have an addiction...I'm addicted to this stupid, silly hand-held solitaire game and I have to play the damn thing over and over and over every night, and I can't sleep until I win. This has been going on for quite a few years ...told ya, I'm addicted to this thing. I even have to take it with me when I travel. And I haven't won yet tonight, so I'm taking a break and get back to it later.

I'm starving!....I am going out Friday night and I want to fit into my clothes, so I'm on one of my so-called diets again. The 3 candy bars I had left in my room are gone....damn.....I ate all the crackers I had stashed in my comp room. I think there are some pudding cups in my little fridge, but I don't have a spoon here, and I don't want to wake up the dogs going downstairs to get one. Hell, who needs a spoon anyway?? I'M HUNGRY!!

(where is my freakin lighter??)

Found it......anyway, I am going out Friday night to meet up with some friends from high school. We have an annual get-together every year in June for those of us who live or are in the area. We meet up at this bar and drink, chat and we have a good time. Hopefully, we'll get a good group and maybe I'll have some FUN....I am so bored and I need a night out. I use to go out once every month or so, but hubby always gets such a frickin attitude, so I've been cooling it for awhile...besides I need him to help me out on this house, so I've been good. So I'm looking forward to Friday night!....and I'll get home when I get home.

Why is it that husbands just don't have a clue about what "having a good time" means?....they think having a good time is ?????? WHAT?...I can't even think of anything....watching TV, mowing the grass, sleeping on the couch, scratching their ass...............HEY, that rhymes!...mowing the grass, scratching their ass.....HAHA

I think I'm getting sleep-drunk...(I swear, only one beer tonight)....I'm gonna go win that Solitare game and then read my Harry Potter book and that should put me to sleep.....nite

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Well, I was planning on taking a day off from the house tomorrow and just kinda do my own thing...whatever that might be...guess it depends on my mood. BUT Randy called, and tomorrow is his day off and he wants us to do some househunting together. He gets on this "I want to buy another house" kick every once in awhile and he'll drive me crazy about every house he sees. He has to call me up and read me every word of every ad he's found. He has a perfectly nice house, except it doesn't have a basement and he wants one. Well, I don't have a basement and I raised three kids here....gee, how on earth did I ever do that?..and without a basement. So tomorrow I guess I'll be househunting...we'll drive and drive and probably look at houses he can't afford anyway.

I've been in my house for almost 28 years, I can't believe it. I remember the day we first saw it. Randy was like almost 2 years old then...John was 5, and Ken was almost 12.....gee, how can that be? I mean, I'm only 35 now!!...Haha We had a small 3 bedroom house with no basement and only a 1 car garage and we wanted a bigger house for the kids. So we found this 4 bedroom cape cod house on a 1/2 acre lot...but it still didn't have a basement and it still only had a 1 car garage...but we fell in love with it and bought it. There were a few times I would look around thinking about moving, but we just love our house too much. I remember that it seemed so big when we first bought it...cause it also has a family room in the back, and with the upstairs we would lose each other. Now with all the kids gone, you would think that we would have all this extra room....NOT....I have so much crap everywhere in this house, I need more room. In my other home, I had one closet that we shared. Now I have my clothes in every closet of the's just ridiculous...I don't know where all this crap comes from. The garage is full of whatever my hus keeps in there...I don't even want to know. I throw something out, and months later I will find it in the garage. He is such a pack-rat. And, of course, if I throw out something that later I decide I want to keep, it's gone! Then I get mad cause he threw it out....haha

My wasted morning.....

Well, this is another useless morning...but then again, all my mornings are pretty useless no matter what time I get up. My dogs woke me up at 7:00 this morning and trying to get me to go downstairs, so I got up and just opened up the back door for them and went back to bed, and woke up at 10:30!...Damn....I did see the last 1/2 hour of Guiding Light. Now it's almost noon and I'm still in my jammies (my tinkerbell ones), and I'm screwing around on this computer. I have to meet the realtor at the house by 2:00, so I'll get there.

My dogs are going nuts, because apparently there is something (or someone..haha) under the house and they hear it...hell, I could hear it this morning, like a couple of animals fighting or Lucky sits by this register in the kitchen and barks at it all day and scratches at it. Guess they heard it this morning and that's why they were trying to get me up. What the hell am I suppose to do....crawl under there and kill the evil bastards?? My husband is going to have to get these critters out of there before one of them kills the other and then he'll be in worse trouble. We had something die under there once, and it ain't fun....he had to crawl under there and get it out....yuck! I sure as hell ain't crawling under there.

Ok, guess I should do the make-up and hair thing and get dressed. Have a great day!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Nice Father's Day......

Today is Father's Day and I gave my husband a birdhouse and some candy...he wasn't too surprised since I already gave it to him last Sunday because I thought last Sunday was Father's Day. My oldest son stopped by to see him and gave him a card and some lottery tickets, and told us that Jayden had a bad night with having a hard time breathing and coughing, so he went and bought a vaporizer and it helped. Later my middle son, John, stopped by with a card. I went to the house and my youngest, Randy, came over and helped me get those two pieces of cut-up couch out of the basement. I was suppose to try and cut the lawn so he got the lawn mower started for me, but we turned it off because I was going to do it later. Of course, later when I tried to start it, it wouldn't start! Now, I have never mowed grass in my life, so this was going to be a first for me, and I was kinda excited about it, but it never happened. I just don't have the strength to pull that stupid cord, I guess. The lawn mower just laughed at me.....but I got some things done and the basement is ready for John to finish painting.

I already got one market analysis on the house, and I contacted another realtor for a second one. Hopefully, she will be there by Tuesday.

Then I came home and barbequed some burgers and had corn on the cob and macaroni salad. I was hoping Randy would stop over at our house and eat with us, but he never made it over. He is involved in trying to find another house to buy, and he had some he wanted to look at.

I miss my dad....I can't believe he has been gone for almost 26 years! He was the best, that's for sure....a real one-of-a-kind dad and a great grandpa. Life sure isn't fair sometimes. He missed out on so much, and even after all these years, I still get so damn pissed off at whoever or whatever took him away.

Chainsaw Massacre.....

I got up around 11:00 this morning, so I got a few hours sleep anyway...smoked my cigs, drank my coffee, read the paper, got dressed and was ready to start my day. Since those a-hole guys didn't bother showing up yesterday to get that couch out of the basement, I figured out another way to get it out...cause I want it out NOW!, not whenever they get around to it next week. I asked my husband if he still had a chainsaw, and he did, so I told him I think that we should just cut the thing in half and then we could probably get it out ourselves. He looked at me like I was nutso or something. So he asked me how much these guys were charging to get it out, and I told him $150...and he said "$150??!!!!"...."we'll use the chainsaw."...haha......So we went over to the house and brought the chainsaw and the table saw. I had sissors and started cutting the fabric and pulling out the cotton crap, and then we got down to the springs and got them out...took like forever, but I worked and worked on it....cotton, fabric, springs all over the floor, and then we got down to the wood in the middle of the couch, and then my hus took the chainsaw and started cutting....what a mess...I was laughing hysterically at one point thinking about what all the neighbors are going to think when they see this torn apart half-couch sitting out in front of the house on garbage day...hahahaha Anyway, tomorrow Randy is going to meet us at the house and get the two sections out of the basement. Then I'll have to call those guys and let them know not to bother coming and I'll tell them what I did. Sometimes I amaze myself on my ideas, and what I will do to save money.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Sun is Coming Up......Damnnnnnn

Holy Jeeeezzzzus.....the sun is coming up...and I ain't even got to bed yet. I really hate when I see the sun coming up....I was downstairs in my family room and I could start to see the trees in my yard and I knew it was coming, so I ran upstairs and closed all my a little vampire, that I am.

I just got off the phone with my youngest. He called me at 1:00 a.m. and we yakked and chatted til 5:00 a.m., so I'm still up. I told him that I really need to get some sleep. Isn't it great when you have a great relationship with your kids that they know they can call you at 1:00 in the morning and chat for 4 hours??? Well, that's what I got...and I love it!

I talked to my oldest son earlier and I told him that I was going to come see Jayden after I meet with these guys at the house for them to take some furniture out of the basement. So I got there at 1:00 in the afternoon and did some basement painting while I was waiting and waited and waited and 4:30, they called and said that they MIGHT get there a little later or they could rescedule for next week....(BP gettin higher)....a total waste of my time. So I left, drove home, changed clothes and hit the road and drove to Pontiac to see my grandson. They discharged him from the hospital, so he was home. I walked in and my son was holding him and he saw me and held his arms out to me and I took him and hugged him and he laid his little head on my shoulder.....he loves his granny!! His little arms are bruised from all the IV's and he has these little circles all over him from the electrode things, and his hand is swollen from another IV...poor little brave guy. But Jayden is such a happy and contented and good baby....he just smiles at you and never cries....he was so tired from everything but he was enjoying all the attention. There were a lot of people there, and we got some beer and pizza. Jayden has an appt with the doctor on Monday and an appt with the neurologist. I brought him some clothes and a pair of sandals that flash lights....he liked those!

So I left and got lost as usual....I get lost anywhere I go....I really did start to panic this time, though...I really did not have a clue where the hell I was at...I took a wrong turn at some point. Anyway, I finally found my way to the road I was looking 30 mins later....and then I got a call from Randy, my youngest, so I pulled over and called him back, left a message, and got home around midnight. I was just mellowing out,,,,having a few brewskis, smokin my cigs, and then the phone rang at 1 a.m., and it was Randy. And we chatted and chatted til 5 this morning.

See, that is the difference between our generation and our parent's generation.....we have more of a parent/buddy relationship with our kids as opposed to the "we are the parent, you are nothing" generation....or "until we need you when we get old" generation.......there is no way in hell I would have EVER called my mother at 1:00 in the morning just to f'ng hell!....hell would have definitely froze over!

So we chatted about everything and anything for 4 hours and then I started to see the sun coming up and panicked...."Christ, I need to get some sleep.....I need to get on my computer....I need to type on my blog....I need another beer!!!!"

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Little Babies and Big Babies.....

Little Jayden is still in the hospital, but feeling much better. They are treating the pneumonia and hopefully, he will come home tomorrow. Today, they performed an EEG test on him to be sure that there was no brain damage from the convulsions...they were concerned because the convulsions had went on for almost a half hour. My son said he looked like a little frankenstein because of all the wires they had taped to his head and body. Because he is so young, they had to put him to sleep before they could do the test. And that little bugger wouldn't go to sleep, even with all the drugs they were pumping into him. They kept giving him more and more, and he's laughing and smiling at them. The doctor said he had enough drugs into him to knock out 3 adults!...I'm sure he was only kidding...God, I hope so. My son said it took them 2 hours to knock him out!....And then when he finally went under, he was still moving a bit, so they had to hurry and do the test before he woke up. The test came back normal, so he's brain damage. They are still concerned about the cyst in his brain...they said that it is inside the brain, and they will set up an appointment for a neurologist to look at him. The doctor said it's weird because he has rarely seen a cyst in the brain, and he had two cases almost at the same time. I guess a 21 year old girl came in with convulsions, and her CAT Scan showed a cyst on her brain. They are assuming that Jayden's convulsions were due to his high fever, which is common in young children, but with that cyst showing up, they can't say absolutely for sure yet until a neurologist diagnoses it. I'm just hoping that it dissolves itself soon and gets the hell out of his brain.....I'm thinking that maybe lots of children and people might occasionally get a cyst, but it dissolves itself and unless you just happen to have a CAT SCan at the time, you would never know. Anyway, I'm hopin and prayin that it's nothing to worry about and it just GOES AWAY!

Then my husband didn't go to work today. He was not feeling right at all. He got up this morning and felt so bad, he just went back to bed. He said that his blood pressure was really high and it's freaking him out...getting him scared, I think. He keeps taking his blood pressure and the numbers are worrying him and getting his blood pressure up higher....he's going to worry himself into a stroke. I told him to stop testing his pressure and just forget about it. So tonight he took it again and he showed me that it was 176/96 and he's freaking out. So he wanted me to take MY blood pressure. Well, I didn't take my pill today, so I knew it would probably be elevated I tested it and mine was 180/108!!!...I'm surprised we weren't both dead. But I think it made him feel a lot better...haha So mine was way more than his and I'm up and about...went to the tanning salon...went to the house and was on my knees painting basement floors...talking to real estate people....I'm not fucking home in bed! I got too much to do before I drop dead....he's such a big baby......But anyway, I immediately took my pill!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

My Little Jayden is Sick!

My poor little grandson is in the hospital. He's been very sick with a cold and running a real high fever and tonight he started having convulsions. The hospital ran tests and says he has pneumonia, so they are keeping him there and have IV's in his little arm. He's only 14 months old....poor little guy. But the real scary news is that when they did a CAT Scan on him, they say that there is a cyst, the size of a nickle, on his brain. I don't know what the hell that means.....they are going to have a neurologist look at him. My son used the word cyst....not not really sure at this point what it is. I'm scared shitless anyway. He's the cutest little boy in the whole wide world...and not because he is my grandson, but because he REALLY IS!!...and he's so smart and so good and now he is so sick....

Earlier today, this real estate lady was suppose to meet me at the house to give me a market analysis and she never even showed up!...and didn't even bother to call....BITCH! I don't know if I'm going to try and sell this house on my own or list it with a realtor...I really do NOT have the time or energy to be bothered anymore....I just want to enjoy my summer and my vacation place.

So today was a bummer day...and I'm in a shitty mood....and I eat when I get stressed out. I bought 4 candy bars today and already ate one....the other 3 are sitting in my bedroom calling my name....(SHUT-UP!)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Bad Computer Day.....

I don't know if it's my computer or my server, but I had major problems just trying to get online all day! It started last night, so I gave up. Then today I kept trying and trying....I'd connect, but then "action cancelled" everytime....over and over. I tried turning my comp off, but I still couldn't get online. I also kept getting some DW error thing. So I tried to scan my disk for errors and it kept saying that I was running windows in another program or something and couldn't scan. I even tried calling Earthlink but it was too confusing. Finally, tonight I was able to scan my disk and had all the errors fixed, but then I still couldn't stay online. So I turned off my comp again and tried it again, and HURRAH!!!, I was finally able to get online. Sometimes I long for the old non-computer days...when life was so much more simple and I had so much more time to get things done, like clean my house and watch soap operas and talk on the phone...hell, nobody chats on the phone's just emails now. This computer is like a "little monkey" and he's on my back....

My hus had his doctor's appointment yesterday and he isn't saying much. He said that his blood pressure was still high, but that he didn't want to take a higher dose medication cause the ones he takes now makes him feel like shit. I guess the doctor wants him to have a "stress test"....I had one already and I hated it and I'm use to the tread mill at the hus will die on that thing. I asked him if the doctor gave him an EKG and he said no....hell, he always gives me one. My hus said he told the doctor that he doesn't feel good and he thinks something is wrong...he says that if he climbs stairs at work he gets so out of breath. The doctor simply told him that there is nothing wrong with him. How the hell does he know if he won't even do an EKG?? When he first put my hus on blood pressure pills and I went to see him on my next appointment, I told my doctor that I had my hus with one foot in the grave and one foot on a banana peel with his high blood pressure and now he went and put him on meds....Gee, thanks Doc for adding another 20 years to my marriage....he thought that was funny....I mean, I was only kidding....haha

June Birthday people...

People who are born in the month of June: Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. Easily hurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious (??...don't have a clue what that means). Executive. Stubborn.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Michael is I don't expect most people to agree, but I never ever felt he was guilty of what he was being accused of. Just some greedy conniving scheming mother trying to get a free ride to his money. This trial was a total waste of taxpayer's money......
I lost another post. I typed a post last night til after midnight, and when I went to publish it, my server screwed up and I lost it. I have earthlink and earthlink sucks! I had an online meeting last night with my Thyla Star Trek group I belong to, and in the middle of the meeting, I got booted off and it took me almost 20 minutes to get back on. I was so mad last night, I just shut my computer down and went to bed.

When my hus and I were at the beer tent, we got talking about his pending retirement. He was saying that he really likes going to work and he dreads retiring and having to stay home all day with me......haha I told him that I'm rarely home much during the day anyway. Besides, if he retires then I can go places, cause he will be home with the dogs. I can go to Vegas, and I want to go to Graceland with my girlfriend. I would really love to buy a motorhome and we can travel with the dogs, but I don't think he's too keen on that he can stay home and dogsit. And if he gets on my nerves too much, then I can always go to Caseville for a break. So I don't know what he's going to do, but I'm sure he'll retire in a year or so. It will be a big adjustment, but I'll find things for him to do. Maybe I can get my computer room done. I bought a computer desk a few years ago and it's still sitting on the floor in the box, and my comp is still on a card table!

Right now, I will just be glad if he will get his butt over to the house and finish up all the little things that he needs to do. Sunday, he just laid on the couch all day and did nothing. I ended up going to the house because I was meeting this woman there so she could look at a twin mattress I have there. She posted in "freecycle" that she needed a twin mattress for her little boy, and I wrote her and told her I have one she can have. So she is going to pick it up later this week when she can make arrangements for a truck.

Today I went over there and tried to do a few things that I really need my hus to do, cause I am not all that talented with a lot of things. So first I took off the old doorknob off the front door, but then I couldn't figure out how to put the new one on, so there's no knob on it and can't lock the door now. Then I was going to try to replace the toilet seat, but couldn't get the old one off. So I didn't really accomplish much. I'm still working on the basement floor...and I'm having an awful time getting that sticky linoleum backing off....we may end up just having to paint over it. I just don't give a royal shit anymore.

Hus has a doctor's appointment after work, so I don't have to rush and get dinner. God, I hate making dinners. I can get by with a sandwich if I'm hungry. He's got to have his blood pressure checked. For some reason, he has really high blood pressure even with medication. He doesn't smoke (except for my secondhand smoke), and he's pretty much an easy going kind of guy...nothing much upsets him. Me, on the other hand, smoke, party, drink too much, and freak out at everything, and my blood pressure is okay with a low-grade medication...mine was pretty much borderline anyway....but his gets really high for some reason.

I'm due for my checkup as I need to go in for my annual pap smear and mammogram, but I just don't have the time...I just want to get this house done first.

Damn, it's a crappy day today...weatherwise....first we get all this 90 degree heat, and now it's rainy, cool and windy...typical Michgian....

Sunday, June 12, 2005

My Weekend as I remember it.........

Got drunk last night, so felt like shit today. I stumbled around and eventually got to the arts & crafts show in Livonia at Greanmead at some point in the afternoon. God, it was hot today!.....I didn't buy anything,except a hotdog cause I was starving.....I always get the extreme munchies with a hangover. I got the beer tent tonight, so I went home and slept on the couch in the middle of a good movie...called "Cowboys and Indians"....a so-called true story about this Indian guy who got killed by a cop and his brother was seeking the truth about what really happened.

My hus and I got to the festival eventually....and he was in a good mood for a change...cause he really hates going anywhere....a pain in the ass to get him to go anywhere....he wanted to walk around the fairgrounds and all I wanted to do was hit the beer tent. So we walked and ate some "fries", and "thank-god" got to the beer tent! They had a good band playing...same band as last year. So there is all these people there.....lots of women with or without husbands.....(and we always have this problem whenever we go out..that's why he HATES going anywhere with me) some guy sits down next to us and my hus looks at me and says "Here we go......."......So this guy straddles over and asks my hus if he could dance with me.....(yeah, like I really need His permission!) So I spent the night dancing with this guy and he was a good dancer and I had a blast. He ended up sitting with us and he kept thanking my hus for letting him dance with me and what a great dancer I was, blah, blah, blah...hus got pissed as usual and said we had to leave....god, he is such a we left. And as we were walking to our car, this guy drives by and still thanks him for letting him dance with me. I thought that was sweet....

An afterthought.....Just to explain something.....I set the record straight with my hus before we got married....I told him that the only man who has the right to tell me what to do was my father and he is NOT my if he ever tries to tell me what to do, he can walk out the door...and that is all he will get is the door, cause I will get the house. And he still married me........

Friday, June 10, 2005

I'm Lucky I got Lucky......

My nephew's kitty died and I feel bad for him, cause he really loved that cat. She had a long life and it's time for her to rest now.

I don't even want to think about losing my two doggies....just makes me sick thinking about it. When I lost my precious "Casey" back in 1996 (he was a Pomeranian and almost 14 years), it was so hard and I swore I would never have another dog....cause I couldn't bear to go through that again, and I never thought I could ever love another dog as much as I loved him, and I didn't think it would be fair to get a dog that I couldn't love as much. I use to go to pet stores and just look at all the "babies" cause it made me feel better and I really thought that when Casey died, he would be born again as another dog and I promised him when he was dying that I would find him and bring him home. After about six months, I found "Lucky" and I knew he wasn't really Casey but I wanted to believe he was. For two months, I would go to the pet store and just look at him....look in his eyes...looking for a sign that maybe he was Casey. I know it sounds weird cause it was!...but I was looking for a sign. Then I was going to go to Caseville for 2 weeks and I went and saw him before I left and I told him that if he is still there when I get back, then maybe I will take him home. So when I got back, I went to the pet store and he wasn't in his cage....and I was sad but also glad that he finally found a I shopped around and went back to look at the dogs before I left and he was there! I guess he had been to the vet for his shots earlier. So I went home and told my hus that he was still there. He didn't say anything. Then I told him that I think maybe we should get him. He still didn't say anything except he walked out of the room. I was depressed because I thought he didn't want to get him, but then he walked back into the room with his coat on and just said "Let's go get him". I jumped off the couch and couldn't get there fast enough.

Anyway, we love Lucky as much as we loved Casey, that's for sure. We named him Lucky because his birthday is 7-11, so it was either "Lucky" or "Party Store"...haha His whole name is Lucky Lou LeBear (he's a black Pomeranian and he looks like a little black bear)....actually we call him Louie most of the time, though.

Then we got little Miss Mini Sue and that is another story for another time. I never thought I would ever have two dogs, but I guess it took 2 dogs to replace Casey cause he was special and one of a kind.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

If It Isn't One thing, It's another......

I finally got the linoleum installed in the kitchen. They were suppose to be there a little after 9:30, so I got there at 9:30 and they didn't show up until after 10:30..and they were there alllllllll day...they didn't finish until after 8:30! Two guys and they were so friggin slow. My girlfriend stopped by and she knew them cause they also work at her job and she said that they are really slow workers. Then when they were done, and the appliances were plugged back in, the refrigerator wasn't kept tripping the outlet by the microwave. So I don't know what the hell is wrong now. The guy said that he thought it was the outlet because when he plugged in his radio, it didn't he was down in the basement testing all the fuses and his radio still didn't go on. Well, after he left, I plugged MY radio in the outlet and it I don't think he even had his radio turned on when he was testing it....idiot! But when I plug in the refrigerator, it still trips the other outlet and it won't work. I swear, if it isn't one thing, it's another! So I called my son and left him a message telling him, and I hope to God he knows what's wrong. Personally, I think this big machine that they were using probably did something. They had some machine that I heard them using and they had to plug it in somewhere and it probably messed something up. I am tired....I'm disgusted...and I'm fed up with this whole thing....I'm going to have a couple beers, take a sleeping pill and just forget about everything.................

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I'm gettin Frustrated!

I was going to post something last night, but gave up trying to even get into any websites. One of the other owners at our condo in Caseville decided to put me back on his buddy list, and he sends all these jokes and attachments and when I get like 8 or 9 of these, especially with attachments, it takes forever to download and bogs down my computer comp runs slow anyway. So it makes it impossible for me to do anything else. So last night I just shut my computer off. I sent him an email today giving him another email addy to send his shit to, and I'll check it once a week. I don't have time for people's inane jokes....although, sometimes you do get a cute one. I don't have a buddy list...if I see something I think someone might like, I just send it to that one person...which is rarely. And I really HATE when I get some damn chain letter telling me that I have to send it on to 10 other people...I just delete it...I don't care if I have bad luck all day or not! Just super annoying.....

I hit that subdivision garage sale again on Sunday, but there weren't as many homes open. I did buy a couple of cross necklaces...even though I rarely wear them..but they were pretty and cheap. If Christ had been executed in modern times, I wonder if people would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks???

Went to the house what else is new...and I am trying to get the basement floor ready to paint, and I ran into some trouble with this one area that use to have linoleum on it...there is all this stuck on crap on the cement and I am having a hell of a time trying to get it off. I have to chisel it off piece by piece. My hus went online to see if there is anything you can buy to get it off easier, and he found this one product, but someone commented that it really doesn't work that well and you still have to just chisel it off anyway. I've been spraying DIF (wallpaper removal) on it, but it's not helping much. Yesterday I was just so damn disgusted with this whole thing...I am just so SICK of spending my days over there, and we are almost done and now this....I just sat on the couch and cried. My husband is taking a half day off today and he is going to meet me over there and finish up the bathroom and finish painting the doors. All I have left to do is paint the basement floor and finish the living room floor. Tomorrow the linoleum will be installed and the kitchen will be done....there are a few minor things that have to be done, but it can be done later. I just want to get it up for sale ASAP, and get the main things done so it can show well. I did get the red mulch and stones put out and it looks really nice. I bought some solar lights for the front yard that hus still has to put in.

Anyway, I got disgusted and left before 3:00, came home and barbequed chicken on the grill and relaxed on the patio...then after dinner, Randy and his girlfriend came over. He is on vacation this whole week. They went to the zoo yesterday and it was so hot....He said that they will probably go back up to Caseville again this weekend. This weekend Redford is having their festival and we go every year....and there is this big Arts & Crafts sale going on at Greenmead, so I am taking a break from that fucking house and going to enjoy the weekend.......!!!!! AND IT BETTER NOT RAIN!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Bargains Galore.....

I had intended on getting up really really early to hit this huge subdivision sale that is going on this weekend...woke up at 6:00, woke up at 7:30, woke up at 8:30, finally got my ass out of bed at 9:00...but I hustled around and got there around 10:00, and the streets were jammed...I drove around and around just trying to find a place to park...and I'm sure all the really GREAT stuff was gone by then...all those morning early-birders...probably slept in their cars overnight. I didn't have a lot of time cause I had to be at the house by 2:00 or so. So I hit maybe 1/3 or less of the homes, but I did get some good bargains. The best deal was this Hallmark Star Trek 30 year anniversary 2 ornament die-cast metal ships with voice activation of William Shatner...never opened...retailed for $45, and I got it for $2.00! It's never been opened, and I don't want to open it,,,so I have no idea what it looks like...but it's a good deal. And I got a Hallmark Queen Amidala from Star Wars Episode 1 ornament for $1.00....and some Precious Moments figurines, clothes and my real find for the day is a croquet set that I have been wanting since last summer. And I got this blue and white rabbit figurine from England for .25....I'll probably sell a lot of what I bought on ebay...that's what I for stuff to resell and make money.

I got to the house around 2:00, cause we sold this bunkbed that was in the basement and the guy was going to come pick it up. But he didn't even get there until 4:00...and then he had to take it apart and he was talking the whole time. I know everything about his life now. His mom died of alcoholism 3 years ago when she was only 48...his dad died when he was only 3 years old....He works at Art Van cause his painting business wasn't all that good....he is driving to Florida cause his brother-in-law got some girl pregnate and is getting married....he use to be an alcoholic but he quit drinking....his uncle poured beer on his mom's grave after the funeral so he kicked his ass and he got arrested........on and on and on....anyway, I did get some work done...I primed the areas on the basement floor that I scraped to get it ready to paint.

Tomorrow, I'm hitting the sales again......find more bargains!

Friday, June 03, 2005

My 5 Fantasy Men...

Holly and Steph are posting who their 5 famous people would be that they would sleep with if they could...which because they are famous there is not a prayer's chance in hell that it will ever happen anyway, so spouses are okay with it. I'm more into TV people than movie "stars", so my list is thus:

1. James Denton....hunky plumber on Desperate Housewives..(my Sunday nite show that ended!)
2. Sayeed/Saheed....the sexy Iraqi guy on Lost
3. Keifer Sutherland....who I have loved long way before he did "24"
4. Don a heartbeat...I don't care how old he gets
5. John (Cougar) Mellencamp....the singer...a real groupie for him...been to lots of his concerts...even got a backstage pass once and drank some beers with some of his bandmembers, although he was not there....wish I could post pics here, cause I got a pic of me and Kenny Aronoff, his former biggest thrill was when I went to this free concert he was doing somewhere in downtown detroit and I was like 6 feet from him as he was walking by. I was standing next to his wife watching him sing...then I followed them both to their van and told him I loved him....I even had a vanity license plate that reads JCM FAN...totally love the guy!

So today I have a zillion things to do. I sold a couple things on ebay and have to go to the post office. My hus bought this Lassie lunchbox at a resale store for a buck, and I sold it for $13!....and I have to go to Walmart, Lowe's, Secretary of State office, the tanning salon, Big Lots, and the house. Tomorrow there is going to be this huge subdivision garage sale that I love going tomorrow I have to get up early, get my shit together, and go there...can't wait!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The inspector came to the house and only a few minor things have to be done that we are doing anyway...whew!...I was so happy! I thought he was suppose to be there yesterday, so I was waiting and waiting and then I looked at my paperwork and it said June 2 ....where was my head at?? He was suppose to be there between 12-3 and they even called me this morning to confirm the times, so when I got there at 11:45, there was a note on the door saying he had been there at I had to call them and he came back. I made sure I wore my little tight jean shorts to distract him and was oh-so nice and friendly, so he was nice and only wrote up a couple things...hell, he didn't even notice the broken bannister down the basement....probably too busy looking at my butt...haha

The bathtub refinisher guy came and now the tub looks like new. I am going to have it done to my own tub at home soon.

I don't know what the hell to watch on TV now. My whole normal weekly TV shows are gone....Monday: "24"...ended Tuesday: American Idol and The Amazing Race...ended Wednesday: Lost and American Idol....ended Thursday: Survivor and Apprentice....ended Friday: Enterprise...ended..........What the hell is there to watch now??? I just sit and stare at the TV guide and keep switching channels...driving my hus nuts.............

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