He Don't Plant Me Flowers....Anymore........
I am so bummed....The Pistons lost!...boo-hoooooooo The Pistons are still the better team, though.
Didn't do much today except go to the house and put out all the garbage. I had to use the dolley to get those two pieces of couch out to the curb. There is so much crap I had to put out....I hope the garbage guys take it all. I hit a couple garage sales and bought a white-tag Boyds Bear for only $1.00. A white tag on his tush means he's an older bear....pre-1992. Then I came home and barbequed steak on the grill.
Our driveway is such a mess...there are so many cracks and all these weeds and grass growing through. I complained to my husband about it, but he just complained back at me...said he hasn't had time to do anything cause he's been busy working on the house for me. Yeah, like on the weekends.....what's wrong with doing something during the week. I see guys outside working on their lawns during the week, and they must work during the day. So I went out and pulled out all the weeds and grass myself....hell, I should have just used the lawn mower on the driveway, it was so bad. And we have no flowers in the front yard...nothing....he has done NOTHING! I take my dogs for a walk and see how everyone else's lawns look so nice with flowers...and we have weeds growing in the cracks in our driveway. I told him the other evening that we should go buy some flowers and he said nothing...too busy laying on the couch. Screw him....I suppose I should just go do it myself, but I don't know what kind of flowers to buy and I don't even know how to plant them....Hus has always done that. I guess I should really learn...can't be all that difficult to dig a hole and stick a flower in it. But he has always done it and now he isn't, so we have no flowers this year. And I can't say anything cause there are still some things he has to do at the house, so I have to be good and keep my big mouth shut....
Damn, I'm in a crappy ass mood. I'm trying to cut down on my smoking. I use to smoke 2 packs a day...then I quit smoking in my car, so I'm down to about 1 1/2 packs. Well, now I'm really, really trying to cut down more, so I'm trying to break the habit of smoking in the morning. Usually, I'll smoke 1/2 pack before noon, so now I won't light up until noon...been drinking my coffee with no cigarette...yikes!...So yesterday, I only had 15 cigs, and today I've had 14...and I'm sure I'll have one more before bed, so 15 today....that's 30 in 2 days instead of 30/day...that's half!...That's pretty good, except now I feel like total crap...totally wired....ready to kill my husband because there are no flowers in my yard!!....
Didn't do much today except go to the house and put out all the garbage. I had to use the dolley to get those two pieces of couch out to the curb. There is so much crap I had to put out....I hope the garbage guys take it all. I hit a couple garage sales and bought a white-tag Boyds Bear for only $1.00. A white tag on his tush means he's an older bear....pre-1992. Then I came home and barbequed steak on the grill.
Our driveway is such a mess...there are so many cracks and all these weeds and grass growing through. I complained to my husband about it, but he just complained back at me...said he hasn't had time to do anything cause he's been busy working on the house for me. Yeah, like on the weekends.....what's wrong with doing something during the week. I see guys outside working on their lawns during the week, and they must work during the day. So I went out and pulled out all the weeds and grass myself....hell, I should have just used the lawn mower on the driveway, it was so bad. And we have no flowers in the front yard...nothing....he has done NOTHING! I take my dogs for a walk and see how everyone else's lawns look so nice with flowers...and we have weeds growing in the cracks in our driveway. I told him the other evening that we should go buy some flowers and he said nothing...too busy laying on the couch. Screw him....I suppose I should just go do it myself, but I don't know what kind of flowers to buy and I don't even know how to plant them....Hus has always done that. I guess I should really learn...can't be all that difficult to dig a hole and stick a flower in it. But he has always done it and now he isn't, so we have no flowers this year. And I can't say anything cause there are still some things he has to do at the house, so I have to be good and keep my big mouth shut....
Damn, I'm in a crappy ass mood. I'm trying to cut down on my smoking. I use to smoke 2 packs a day...then I quit smoking in my car, so I'm down to about 1 1/2 packs. Well, now I'm really, really trying to cut down more, so I'm trying to break the habit of smoking in the morning. Usually, I'll smoke 1/2 pack before noon, so now I won't light up until noon...been drinking my coffee with no cigarette...yikes!...So yesterday, I only had 15 cigs, and today I've had 14...and I'm sure I'll have one more before bed, so 15 today....that's 30 in 2 days instead of 30/day...that's half!...That's pretty good, except now I feel like total crap...totally wired....ready to kill my husband because there are no flowers in my yard!!....
At 2:39 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
OK slow down with the slowin down on smokin,,,, just smoke outside,don't smoke in the house, and only smoke 1/2 a cig at a time. that is the 2 things I have done to slow down. AND weeks and grass in the driveway,, ready for this trick,,, take the salt box out and poor salt on the crack, then boil water adn poor the hot water on it. That shit will die in 2 days!!!!
At 3:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
spurs put you in that mood lol,get some gas and blow that driveway away lol, no more weeds:-)
"Hasta la vista amiga"
At 10:33 AM,
Diane said…
JAM....Sometimes I do the 1/2 cig thing and that helps to cut down...why smoke the whole cig when ya don't have to...I'm gonna try that salt and boiled water thing!
Holly....I should try those patches...I know someone who quit smoking with them, so maybe they will help. I know the gum doesn't work, and I know the pills don't work, but maybe the patches will.
Anonymous...aka Jorge....Haha...We are going to steal Tim Duncan from you guys and then win next year!
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