Little Babies and Big Babies.....
Little Jayden is still in the hospital, but feeling much better. They are treating the pneumonia and hopefully, he will come home tomorrow. Today, they performed an EEG test on him to be sure that there was no brain damage from the convulsions...they were concerned because the convulsions had went on for almost a half hour. My son said he looked like a little frankenstein because of all the wires they had taped to his head and body. Because he is so young, they had to put him to sleep before they could do the test. And that little bugger wouldn't go to sleep, even with all the drugs they were pumping into him. They kept giving him more and more, and he's laughing and smiling at them. The doctor said he had enough drugs into him to knock out 3 adults!...I'm sure he was only kidding...God, I hope so. My son said it took them 2 hours to knock him out!....And then when he finally went under, he was still moving a bit, so they had to hurry and do the test before he woke up. The test came back normal, so he's brain damage. They are still concerned about the cyst in his brain...they said that it is inside the brain, and they will set up an appointment for a neurologist to look at him. The doctor said it's weird because he has rarely seen a cyst in the brain, and he had two cases almost at the same time. I guess a 21 year old girl came in with convulsions, and her CAT Scan showed a cyst on her brain. They are assuming that Jayden's convulsions were due to his high fever, which is common in young children, but with that cyst showing up, they can't say absolutely for sure yet until a neurologist diagnoses it. I'm just hoping that it dissolves itself soon and gets the hell out of his brain.....I'm thinking that maybe lots of children and people might occasionally get a cyst, but it dissolves itself and unless you just happen to have a CAT SCan at the time, you would never know. Anyway, I'm hopin and prayin that it's nothing to worry about and it just GOES AWAY!
Then my husband didn't go to work today. He was not feeling right at all. He got up this morning and felt so bad, he just went back to bed. He said that his blood pressure was really high and it's freaking him out...getting him scared, I think. He keeps taking his blood pressure and the numbers are worrying him and getting his blood pressure up higher....he's going to worry himself into a stroke. I told him to stop testing his pressure and just forget about it. So tonight he took it again and he showed me that it was 176/96 and he's freaking out. So he wanted me to take MY blood pressure. Well, I didn't take my pill today, so I knew it would probably be elevated I tested it and mine was 180/108!!!...I'm surprised we weren't both dead. But I think it made him feel a lot better...haha So mine was way more than his and I'm up and about...went to the tanning salon...went to the house and was on my knees painting basement floors...talking to real estate people....I'm not fucking home in bed! I got too much to do before I drop dead....he's such a big baby......But anyway, I immediately took my pill!!
Then my husband didn't go to work today. He was not feeling right at all. He got up this morning and felt so bad, he just went back to bed. He said that his blood pressure was really high and it's freaking him out...getting him scared, I think. He keeps taking his blood pressure and the numbers are worrying him and getting his blood pressure up higher....he's going to worry himself into a stroke. I told him to stop testing his pressure and just forget about it. So tonight he took it again and he showed me that it was 176/96 and he's freaking out. So he wanted me to take MY blood pressure. Well, I didn't take my pill today, so I knew it would probably be elevated I tested it and mine was 180/108!!!...I'm surprised we weren't both dead. But I think it made him feel a lot better...haha So mine was way more than his and I'm up and about...went to the tanning salon...went to the house and was on my knees painting basement floors...talking to real estate people....I'm not fucking home in bed! I got too much to do before I drop dead....he's such a big baby......But anyway, I immediately took my pill!!
At 2:15 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
You better watch it girl, take it easy. It is not good at all to have the numbers that high, I know you already know that but for reals!!!!! take it easy.
At 10:47 AM,
Diane said…
Holly....John had emailed me and asked me if high BP runs in the guess he's got it, too.
J-A-M....I know...I've just been really stressed...the house, and now my little grandson...I need to go to Caseville and RELAX!...
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