Chainsaw Massacre.....
I got up around 11:00 this morning, so I got a few hours sleep anyway...smoked my cigs, drank my coffee, read the paper, got dressed and was ready to start my day. Since those a-hole guys didn't bother showing up yesterday to get that couch out of the basement, I figured out another way to get it out...cause I want it out NOW!, not whenever they get around to it next week. I asked my husband if he still had a chainsaw, and he did, so I told him I think that we should just cut the thing in half and then we could probably get it out ourselves. He looked at me like I was nutso or something. So he asked me how much these guys were charging to get it out, and I told him $150...and he said "$150??!!!!"...."we'll use the chainsaw."...haha......So we went over to the house and brought the chainsaw and the table saw. I had sissors and started cutting the fabric and pulling out the cotton crap, and then we got down to the springs and got them out...took like forever, but I worked and worked on it....cotton, fabric, springs all over the floor, and then we got down to the wood in the middle of the couch, and then my hus took the chainsaw and started cutting....what a mess...I was laughing hysterically at one point thinking about what all the neighbors are going to think when they see this torn apart half-couch sitting out in front of the house on garbage day...hahahaha Anyway, tomorrow Randy is going to meet us at the house and get the two sections out of the basement. Then I'll have to call those guys and let them know not to bother coming and I'll tell them what I did. Sometimes I amaze myself on my ideas, and what I will do to save money.
At 7:14 PM,
Diane said…
LOL....Our minds think alike...where there's a will, there's a way! How did you put it back together once you got it up there? It looked okay to me when I saw it.
At 3:08 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
UMMMM maybe I would have liked to have that there couch.
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