Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sweet (?) Dreams.....

Going to the house almost everyday brings up so many memories, so my mom is on my mind a lot lately. Last night was a bad night of memories, and when I finally fell asleep, I had this weird dream of my mom. Now, when my mom first passed away over a year ago, I was constantly having dreams about the point it was getting upsetting. Finally, the dreams subsided as time went on. So last night I had this dream. First, I seem to remember being with classmates and I think I was at my school...and I had a camera phone that had videos (which I do not even own in real life), and I had found some videos on the phone of my mom shortly before she died and was showing everyone and we were all crying. Then when I was walking down some hall, I saw my mom...she was wearing a dark pinstripe pantsuit and in my dream it was the same outfit she was buried in (in reality, I was wearing a dark pin-stripe pantsuit on the visitation day)..anyway, I told her she looked good in the outfit and she agreed and said she liked it, and then she kept hugging me and telling me how everything was okay. Then I had to get to some class and had to leave her and I didn't want to. I remember walking away and turning a corner and when I went to look back to see her, she was gone. I suppose these dreams can be comforting, but they just upset me more. I'll be glad to get this house finished, so I can get on with my life.

Today, I went to the house; but hubby decided he needed to do something with his car so he didn't go over there....really pissed me off, cause there is so much that has to be done that he needs to do! We had to take this big long ladder there, so he got it inside my jeep and tied it down and I drove there myself with this thing hanging out my jeep and I had to get it out by myself. He was suppose to clean the gutters and the roof with it, but never showed up....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! But I got the back steps paintd and put the bottom cabinet drawers back on....then I went to Lowe's and bought some new knobs and put them on. I also went to the bathtub refinisher place and they will be there Thursday to do the tub. Then Randy, my son, stopped over with the money he got for selling the Caprice. He was there talking, so I didn't get anything else done. Then it was getting late, so we were going to leave, but his car battery died on him. So he pushed it back far enough so I could drive my jeep around it over the grass and I had to take him back to his house to get a battery out of his other car, then back to the house to get his car. Didn't get home til almost 9:00. I don't know what the hell my hus did all day.....I was too pissed to ask him.............

Monday, May 30, 2005

Happy Memorial Day.....

It was a beautiful day today! We stayed home and got some outside things done. I cleaned up the patio and put out all my patio stuff, so it looks so nice now. I just love my patio! We had it installed last summer. It's one of those stamped concrete patios....way bigger than our old one, so I have lots of room for putting all my stuff. And we have these tiki lights set up, and it's so nice to sit out there with the lights burning at night. My husband cut the grass and I did a lot of cleaning up around the yard. I have these three cute little gnomes that I set out in the yard in various spots....and you know how mischevious little gnomes can they mysteriously show up in different spots. One day, one of them is near the big tree, and a few days later, he'll be under a bush...hmmmmmmm, ya never know where they will be next. My husband will go out there and say to me "what happen to the gnome that is suppose to be over there?", and I just look at him and say "I don't know...he must have moved in the middle of the night"...and then he has to find him....haha. I went shopping and bought some shish-kabobs and barbequed them. It was a nice relaxing day. Tomorrow my husband is taking the day off work, and we'll go to the house and do more work.

My youngest son, Randy, spent the weekend at our condo in Caseville with his girlfriend. They are suppose to be back today. He sold our 1995 Caprice that we replaced with the Impala for $2650, way more than I thought it was worth. He sold it to some guy from New York. The guy is suppose to fly in tomorrow and pick it up. Our Caprice is a retired cop car, so it has the big corvette-type engine in it, and I guess that is what the guy wants. Our Impala is also a retired cop car, so it has the bigger engine, too....whatever the hell that long as it gets me where I want to go, that's all I care about....but men and their cars and engines!

The little boy next door was outside playing and he is so cute...about 2 years old and his name is Valentino! My hus thinks it's a weird name for a boy...but I think it's kinda cute. Anyway, my dogs go nutso when they see him in the yard, and they stand by the fence barking their fool heads off....especially that Mini Sue...she is such a yiper...she barks at anything and anyone at all hours of the day and night. Some nights she is so bad...she will wake up all night just to go outside and bark....1:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m......some nights you just want to boot her in the ass. And I'm sure all the neighbors can hear her. Ever since we got her, 3 for-sale signs have gone up in our block...although, I'm sure it's just a coincidence....I mean, one guy died and I doubt if her barking killed the poor guy.....unless he died from lack of sleep!......Oh well, going to bed...tomorrow will be a busy day. I got the city inspector coming on Wednesday and God only knows what all he will say we have to do....I'm hoping for the best.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Life as we once knew it will never be again....

I was up late last night and typed a blog post and totally lost it. I went to publish it, and my computer freaked out on me and it was gone....really pissed me off. Yesterday I had went to this bathtub refinisher place, and I ended up near where I grew up and it is so depressing to see how everything has changed. The area doesn't look anything like how I remember it. But the house my dad built is still there. Across the street were a lot of houses that are all gone now and some car dealership is there now, and they paved the road. It use to be all country out there. The house where my high school boyfriend lived is not there anymore. We were a hot item back in the four years of high school....he was the one that I always thought I would marry and have children with. But it was not to be...immature stupidity stepped in and fucked everything up....oh well, he's dead now anyway. He died of lung cancer last Fall.

My husband took Friday off work, and we have been working on the house these past 3 days. My son, John, came over there today and helped get some old appliances out of the basement. I got the kitchen cabinets painted and did some painting on moldings and the back and front door. The kitchen is ready for the new linoleum when they ever call me....then the kitchen will be done! The tub refinisher place was closed, so I'll go there Tuesday and set up an appointment...then the bathroom will be done! The bedrooms are already done. Husband needs to put a second coat of paint on the doors, put carpet in the foyer, and I need to work on the floors...then the living room will be done....Then we have to do some things in the basement. Eventually I'll get it up for sale. It will be hard to sell my mom's house, though. There is some comfort in going over there. I keep thinking of things I want to do...and my husband says "It's good enough"...but I just want it to be perfect, and I don't want it to look like my mom's house...maybe it will be easier to sell.

We are going to take a break tomorrow on the house.....stay home and get some things done here...just enjoy the holiday...and it better not rain!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Constantine Still Rocks!

Carrie Underwood is the new American Idol.....I really wanted Bo, but I didn't bother voting, cause both were good. Besides, I think Bo will do much better on his own, without being tied to a seven-year American Idol contract as Carrie will be. Personally, I think this whole show is fixed. Simon decides who he wants to put his money into, and that is who always wins. I mean, how the hell do we really know if our votes count? I might not even bother watching it next season. Did ya see how Constantine kissed the camera?....that was for me!!...haha

Anyway, I got to the house yesterday before 9:00 and the furnace guy got there closer to 10:00, so it wasn't too bad. I did some priming on the kitchen cabinets and took all the doors off...well, except for one....there is always ONE that the damn screw wouldn't turn, so it's still hanging there. I went to Home Depot and bought some red mulch and white stones for the yard. Actually, they told me that they were out of red mulch until today, but I saw this dolley with a bunch of bags on it. The sales guy said it belonged to someone who parked it there....well, too bad...never leave your dolleys I took 4 bags and got the hell out of there FAST! Besides, it wasn't wasn't paid for...still belonged to the was just sitting there, maybe the guy changed his mind....and I needed it....

Last night I watched TWO TV' for American Idol and one for Lost....I brought my 13" TV downstairs and hooked it up and sat there with both remote controls. I didn't have to switch back and forth so much, but it still drove my husband crazy.

I did some genealogy research last night. We are trying to locate a Jack Driscoll, who is the son of Bernadette, who is the daughter of Helen Rood, who is the sister of Norman Rood, who is my great-grandfather. So I typed in John Driscoll through zabasearch (Thanks Holly!), and came up with one that was born in the right year who lives in Harbor Springs, I'm sending him a letter and hope he's the right one. A few months back I went to the Detroit Public Library and tried to find something on the Driscoll family and only found Helen's obit, which only added to the confusion, cause it said she was the grandmother of Jack and "Charles", and we have no idea who Charles is...cause Jack was Bernadette's only child. Oh, the mysteries of I am keeping my fingers crossed that I found the right Jack Driscoll.....XXXXXXXX (fingers crossed)!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I Hate Mornings!

I think I'm a night person living in a world of morning people. The furnace guy called and said that they will be at the house tomorrow to put in the new heat exchanger, and they will call me at 8:00 a.m.! I told them that I do not live at the house, so I need to drive there, and the A-hole said that it should only take me 20 mins to get there...ha-ha-ha....So now I have to get up at 6:00, so I'll be ready when they call and get my ass over there by 8:30...and they better damn well be there and not show up at noon. I am NOT a morning person, so I left the back door open just in case I can't make it...then they can get there at any time they want and just go in. I didn't tell my husband I left the door unlocked, though...he painted the front door over the weekend, and he didn't want to completely shut it, so he left it slightly ajar and he put all this stuff in front of the door with a piece of wood against it so nobody can get in.....and I left the back door completely unlocked!...So I'm not about to tell him that....

Today I went over there, but all I did was pick up the blinds I bought and I had to take them back to Home Depot and have them cut to size....and I made a stop at Target and bought a few things...came home....worked on the meeting minutes...and made a crappy dinner. I tried this new recipe with pork, rice, scrambled eggs and pineapple....all in one pan...and when it was done, it looked like dog food...and a bit dry. It didn't taste too bad...husband didn't complain, but at least the dogs loved it!

Now WHY-WHY-WHY do they have to put all the good shows on at the same freakin time?? 8:00 was American Idol and Lost....9:00 was Rob & Amber's Wedding and the Donald Trump I spent all evening switching channels back and forth. My husband really hates when I do he watched TV in the living room. And now I am so mixed up on what I watched. I think Rob and Amber are Lost somewhere, and Trump was singing.....................

Monday, May 23, 2005

Back from Caseville

I'm back from Caseville! It was an okay weekend. Even though it is only less than a 3 hour drive, it usually takes me much longer because I have to stop at garage sales along the way....and sometimes stores. I found this really great garage sale that had a ton of pottery stuff. The lady said her mother makes it and sells it, so she had a lot of it for sale at really discounted prices. So I bought about 5 pieces. I bought one that looks like a fish for my condo...a couple pieces for my living room; and I bought a large and small bowl for chips and salsa for my patio in the summer. And I bought a wicker tray and a Brita water purifier pitcher for my condo for only $1.00....I already have one for my home, and it's the only way I'll drink water now...makes a huge difference in the taste. And I bought another birdhouse!....and a big heavy beautiful glass vase for only 75 cents...I might keep it or resell it at my estate sale I'm going to have at the house...maybe someone will think it's antique and I can get $5.00 for it....

So eventually I got to Caseville and didn't do much Friday, except give my girlfriend a call to let her know I was there. So we got together Saturday. I went over to her house and it was a beautiful day, so we sat outside and chit-chatted. She has a gorgeous backyard with a pond and tons of fish in it. The waterfall is relaxing. Then we went out to eat. I couldn't do much Saturday night because of the early-morning meeting, so I watched TV and went to bed like 11:00!!! But I got up early at least and was ready for the meeting. The main thing I needed to do was to let them know that I was stepping down off the Board....enough is enough, so this new owner decided to be on it. That takes some pressure off me, and my husband wanted me off because of the liability that is involved as a Board Member. If something major happened and we were sued....which we already have been a couple times for minor things....the Board members can personally be sued individually....just another worry we don't need in our lives. We (the condo association) were sued once cause some 300# guy decided to go down the slide we had on the beach, and when he hit the sand, he broke his ankle, so he sued us!....Guess he thought we should have had a sign saying that 300# guys should not use the slide...what an idiot....we ended up having to take the slide out and I think he got a couple thousand dollars. People will sue over anything....And some lady sued us cause she tripped over some broken concrete. Anyway, if a real major thing happened, they could go after the Board I'm off the Board!

Sunday, I drove around looking at places for sale. I would love to get a bigger place and get out of the condo thing. I found one in Port Austin, but hubby needs to see it. It'll probably be sold by the time he gets up there.....They had a craft show going on and I bought a necklace with a shark tooth. They had a bake sale and I bought these cookies called Spider Cookies. They are made of chinese noodles with chocolate and peanut butter. I ate every one!...but I shared one with my dogs...then later that night, Lucky was sick and out came the chinese noodles...poor baby. I told my hus that he had been sick, but I didn't tell him I had given him chocolate chinese noodles....haha...

Friday, May 20, 2005

I am so lazy!....I haven't even packed a damn thing and I have to leave in a couple hours. I just can't function before noon....I don't know how the hell I am going to make it to a 10:00 in the morning meeting on Sunday??!!! Well, at least I got my hair washed, but nothing much else...drank my coffee and smoked a half pack of cigs by now...actually been up since 7:30...but I just can't get anything done before noon and that's just the way I am...doesn't matter what time I get up.

Anyway, I feel a lot better today. I totally forgot to take my Echinacea pills and remembered yesterday, so I started taking them and now I feel waaayyyyy better. A friend of mine told me about these Echinacea, an herbal supplement, pills that are an immune booster. She told me that if you take them regularly you won't get a cold or if you do, it will be mild....and if you take them when you have a cold, it will knock it right out of you. Every winter, I always get a really, really bad headcold...never this winter I was taking this Echinacea stuff and never got a cold ALL WINTER. But I stopped taking I was feeling this spring cold coming on and started taking them yesterday, and today it is like GONE!....Talk about a cure for the common cold....guess it really works.

Anyway, I better get my sweet ass going....I have done nothing....still in my jammies, bed not made, no make-up, nothing packed...OMG, Guiding Light is on!...I have to go watch that first, then I'll get my ass going......

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Furnace checked...Bad news....

The furnace guy met me at the house today. He said he would be there between 1:00 and 3:00, so I was there like 5 mins before 1:00, and he got there about 5 mins after three....sheeesh; but I got a few things done while I was waiting. So he comes in and goes down in the basement and I hear him banging and banging on something. Then he comes up and tells me that the heat exchanger is cracked. I told him that the furnace is running fine, and what the hell was he banging on...maybe that cracked the heat exchanger. So he showed me what he was doing, and showed me the cracks. So I guess I really do have to replace the damn heat exchanger. Luckily, the furnace was still under warranty as far as the part is concerned, even though I have to pay some $70 handling fee....and I still have to pay $400 for labor!! Unbelievable!!

I feel I am definitely coming down with a cold, even though I have been taking cold medication all week. This morning I was sneezing and feeling like crap so I don't even feel like going to Caseville tomorrow, but I have to. Hubby told me I didn't have to take the "kids", but I would feel way too guilty if I left them home. I leave them everyday when I'm gone at the house, and besides, I already told them they were coming! furry little four-legged kids. Once in awhile if I go for just a weekend, I leave them home and they sulk. Once, Lucky even sat by the backdoor howling all weekend....cause they miss their mom! Actually, I read an article that said that pets get stressed out when you leave them, not because they miss you, but because they have this parental instinct and they think they are the parent and you are their kids, so actually they get stressed because they are worrying about you....when you are home, they know where you are and can watch over you, but when you leave, they can't protect you so they are worried. So they are all happy when you come back, because they know that you are okay. But I like to think they miss me! Anyway, they know where I'm going when they see the suitcases packed, and they follow me all around the house so I don't forget them, and they get so damn excited!! So tomorrow, we'll all be off for Caseville and hopefully I'll feel better.........

One down, Two to go......

I missed American Idol, because I had a get-together in Ann Arbor at 7:30. I am on the committee of our high school class reunion, and we do an annual mailing for our upcoming annual get-together that we always have the end of June. So a few of us met at one of our former classmates house and stuffed envelopes, and then just basically chit-chatted the rest of the evening. I didn't get home til 10:30...hus was in bed...and I thought for sure he would have at least left me a note or something letting me know who got booted out....but I had to go ask him, and he looks at me like "What??", and I repeated "AMERICAN IDOL...WHO IS OFF??" I mean how the hell did he think I was going to sleep if I didn't know?...idiot....So I guess Vonzell is off...doesn't really matter, as long as Bo is still there. He's gonna win anyway. Carrie is good, but as a country singer....besides she reminds me of a grown-up Jon Benet Ramsey...eerie. I want a rock guy to win....I want a good rock CD to come out of this.

Other than that, all I did today was go to the house and do a few things. I thought the tree guy was suppose to come and finish up some things and leave me a bill, but he wasn't there yet. Tomorrow I have to meet with the furnace guy, and he better not tell me that there is something wrong with the's working fine. Then Friday I'm outta here...going to Caseville for a few days of R&R, except I have a meeting on Sunday that is usually at noon, but I found out that it is scheduled for 10:00 in the fucking morning!!....I am so NOT a morning person, especially and I really mean especially on Sunday mornings....Well, I guess this Saturday, I'll have to drink pop and go to bed early....BORING!!!!....

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

My Furry "Kids"

I have two furry little "kids"....technically, they are called dogs, but that would be an insult to them, because they think they are human. My little girl is Mini Sue , who is a long-haired chihuahua; and my big boy is Lucky Lou , who is a black pomeranian. Now Mini Sue is half the size of Lucky, but she is definitely the boss of him! Tonight, they were fighting over a tiny miniscule piece of chicken, and she threw a sissy-fit and practically attacked poor Lucky....the fur was flying. So my husband yelled at both of them...well, maybe more at Mini since she was the little instigator. Now Mini gets her feelings hurt easily, a typical she sulked all evening. Usually when it is time to eat, she gets all excited and runs around the house and follows my husband watching and waiting....well, tonight she was sulking, so when he was getting their food, she stayed in the living room on the couch, ignoring him. She was acting weird all night....she wouldn't even look at him or go sit with him. She just laid in her little bed looking really sad all night.....poor Mini Sue....she'll get over it!

Lucky is pretty smart and you have to be one up on him all the time. He can figure things out. Once when we had cats, my husband would feed the cats and Lucky would always try to steal the cat dish and run with my husband use to stand guard in the kitchen until they were done eating. Lucky would lay there looking at the cat's dish and look at him....back and forth....his mind working....he knew if he wanted that cat dish, he would have to distract my husband, so this one night Lucky went into the family room and rang the bells that we have by the back door (he rings the bells when he wants to go outside), so he is ringing the bells, and my husband walked out of the kitchen to the back door to let him out, and as soon as he put his hand on the door knob, Lucky made a mad dash to the kitchen, grabbed the cat's dish and ran!.....My husband is standing there with his hand on the door knob and couldn't believe he just got outsmarted by a dog! I laughed my ass off.......

Monday, May 16, 2005

Last night I watched the series finale of "Enterprise" and cried when it was over....partly because it is the end of a Star Trek TV series and partly because they killed off my favorite main character! Why did they do that??? Then I watched the season finale of "Survivor" and was glad that Tom had won. I went to bed early last night....well, 11:00 is early for me....and I took some cold medication, so I slept good. Today I went to the house and met the power-wash guy and he power-washed the front of the house, so now it looks really really good. I got a call later that the tree-trimming guy was going to be there, but I had already left by then. So I'll go there tomorrow and see if he got everything trimmed the way he was suppose to. I came home and picked up dinner on the way and watched TV all night....pretty boring. I took some more medication. I feel like I am so run down....all this running to the house every day and working my ass off. Well, I'm taking a mini vacation this weekend. We have a small condo in Caseville and there is an owner's meeting this Sunday, so I'm leaving Friday. I'm one of the Board of Directors, so I should be there. Now normally, I would stay through Memorial weekend, but I can't because of this damn house! I'll drive back by Monday. I have to set up appointments with a furnace guy, a bathtub guy, the linoleum guy, and the inspector guy. Oh, Mr. Strong Man sent me another email asking if he can call me.....I'm ignoring him! Unfortunately, I had given him my number and the address of the house when I thought he was going to come get the appliances out of the basement.........................................I still can't make paragraphs....I hit the enter key and nothing! I asked my neice about it when I was at her house, and she had no problems......I must have some settings wrong or something. Anyway, I'm going to bed and get my beauty sleep...haha......

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Birdhouses and Elvis

I had a fun day with my neice! I drove way out to Howell, MI....and I got to see her cute reminded me of my first house. She even had the hall-way nookie-closet thingy that I had; and she said that it was the first thing she loved about the house....same as what I thought when I saw my hallway closet thingy...(ya know, where you put towels and shit) when we bought our first house. Ours had bottom doors that opened and one of our cats actually went into it and gave birth to her kittens.....guess she felt safe there for her kitties. And I got to meet "Luke"! Luke is an adorable big baby-dog! I love dogs! We exchanged lots of kisses!!....And I met Miss Fiona!....a beautiful grey and white kittie....she let me pet her....awwww, I think she liked me! We went "antiqueing"...(however the hell it is spelled...)....and I bought my hubby this awesome birdhouse for Father's Day....cause he has this thing about birds! He even has this birdhouse....or what we refer to as a "condo" for birds in our yard....It accomodates several 2-stories and five holes.....we should charge RENT!.....We have a birdhouse that our son made us when he was in lots of others I have bought him, so I hope he likes it. He always gets birdhouses! He will say "Oh, another birdhouse"......Hey, ya get what ya get! I bought him one just last Christmas that is still sitting in our family room. I'm glad we have a lot of trees.......... I spent the night watching an Elvis movie called "Tickle Me".....(hus snoring on the couch, of course). Can't figure out why but it is my favorite Elvis movie. I remember when I was pregnate with my first son and my first hus was working in a movie theater, and we could watch movies for free...and "Tickle me" was playing, so I went every night to see it..........

Friday, May 13, 2005

I got some great CD deals off Ebay! Some guy was selling CD's who lives in Taylor, MI...not all that far from me; so I wrote him and asked him if I buy some CD's with the Buy It Now option, could I pick them up and then not have to pay the shipping charges and he said I could. I got 5 CD's: Elvis, Eric Clapton, John Lennon, CCR, and Aerosmith...all for only $28! So after I was at the house, doing more floors and cleaning the oven, I drove out to Taylor; but there was so much damn construction that I ended up having to take detours to get there. Then the guy had only given me his apartment building, but no number....I had told him I would call him when I got there and he said he would be watching for me. So I get there, and he ain't answering his phone....I'm calling from the parking lot and keep getting his machine. So I asked some little girl if she knew which apartment he was in and luckily she did. He was there, but on his computer so his phone wasn't ringing. Anyway, he was a pretty cool guy. He use to be in a band and he even played at the same bar my son's band plays in now. He use to be with a band called Mud-something....don't remember now, and he had about 3 cassettes of their music.....guess they were pretty good.....and he was telling me about different bands he has met, like KISS!......................................Mr. Strong Man won't give up! He sent me an e-mail apologizing for not being able to get there, and then (GET THIS!).....he wrote that he "would like to continue conversing" with me....and that he looked at my yahoo profile (cause I was emailing him through my yahoo ID) and that he is "very much interested" in me!!! HAHA I kinda figured that already, cause I have a picture in my profile and I figured he had seen it.............................I watched the last hour of that Elvis special and it was so good!! Elvis still puts butterflys in my if Mr. Strong Man looks like Elvis, then maybe.............

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Old and Creepy Men

I finally got my jeep back today....was suppose to be done yesterday, but not until this morning. I had to have my jeep back so I had them come pick me up. Then when I got there, they had the bumper job done, but they didn't do the buffing of my bush-scratches, so I had to wait til they did it....but at least they did for FREE!! Thinking of my bumper is bringing back memories of this funny-funny thing that someone said a long time ago. This was way back before I was married, so it like during the ancient days! I was out with some guy...I think it was Joe, the guitar player, and we were out with another couple somewhere; and I remember when we were walking through the parking lot to find our car, there was this car that had a ding on the bumper, and this other girl said "Oh, Look....he has a bump on his dinger"!!....We were all like on our knees we were laughing so hard!!....yeah, we were all a bit tipsy that night....(God, I wish I knew how to make paragraphs....doesn't I'll keep putting "dots"..........................................................(new paragraph) Anyway, I got my jeep and I drove to the house to wait for the linoleum measuring guy to come. I was putting some wood floor finisher on the bedrooms while I was waiting, and I was hoping that when the guy came he could help me move some dressers. Well, this old....and I mean really old guy came wobbling in using a big leveler for a cane to keep his balance. So that idea was shot to hell! Then before he left he asked me if he could use the bathroom....."sure, go ahead", I said. So he goes in there and is in there awhile and I hear the toilet flush, but he doesn't come out...then I hear it flush again and I'm waiting and he finally comes out and leaves. I go in the bathroom and it smells, smells, my bathroom...I had to disinfect the whole room! Well, I guess if ya gotta go, ya gotta go...."but hey old man, shit somewhere else next time!"......................(new paragraph!)........Update on Mr. Strong Man: This guy was creeping me out! He sent me an email letting me know that he is available to get the appliances out of the basement after work.....except he had told me that he works afternoons, 3-midnight! So I emailed him and ignored what he said and simply said that I could be at the house as early as noon. So this creep emails me back, ignores what I said, and still says that he could come over after work. Yeah, like I'm going to meet him after midnight! So I emailed him and told him that I am going to rent an appliance dolley and one of my sons will do it for me...thanked him for his offer....and told him bascially to "fuck off"! God, what a creepo......I might not be too bright, but I ain't stupid..............

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Where did that pole come from?

I have no wheels today, cause my jeep is in the shop. So I have all day to just sit around and do nothing...yippee! I'm having the back bumper replaced and some scratches rubbed out. Last fall, I had stopped at a McDonald's in Lapeer and parked way in the back so I could let my dogs out and have a cig...then when I backed out, I ran right into some pole that shouldn't have even been there. I wanted to wait until after winter to get it fixed. Actually, I was hoping that during the winter with the icy slippery roads, I might get lucky and somebody would slide into me from behind and I could get it fixed for free then. All winter, I drove around....stopping sliding behind me....but did I get hit?....Nope So now I'm stuck paying for it. It will be just my luck, that as soon as I get it replaced, some clown will ram into me! Ok, now I admit that the bumper thing was probably my fault....but the scratches on the side of my car is my hubby's fault....we are still debating that one. I am totally not good at backing up. I cannot count the things I have hit backing up....poles, mailboxes, other cars....I even once backed into my hus car that was in the driveway...totally sideswiped his car....OOPS! We have these peonies on the side of our driveway that I am always running over. Our peonies only look good for awhile, and then they end up with tire tracks down the middle of them. So my lamebrain hus, who already knows that he has a driving-backward-illiterate wife goes and puts a big rock and this bushy plant at the end of the peonies, so now I am constantly sideswiping this bush and that's why I have all these scratches on the side of my car. I asked him why he planted the damn thing there in the first place, and he said it was to help keep me from driving into the ditch....haha It wasn't too bad when he first planted it because it was small, but now it is way bigger, and obviously I'm gonna hit it! When I drive down my driveway, I have his car on one side and these peonies, rocks and bushes on the other, so I really only have about 5 feet of clearance....he says it's more, but I'm going to go measure and prove I'm right..........

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Star Wars Info

Now I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I know that some of you are.....I'm more of a "Trekkie" fan, but I just received an email from someone in IFT (International Federation of Trekkers), this Star Trek club I belong to, and he wrote that it's official that there will be a 100 episode Star Wars TV series being made in Australia. He said George Lucas was on TV talking about it. That would be pretty awesome! Maybe I'll even watch it, especially now that they are taking "Enterprise" off the air. We've been working hard trying to save "Enterprise"....sending letters, calling Paramount, we even raised over $3 million dollars and had people trying to negotiate with Paramount to let us fund another no cost to them at all....but to no avail. Paramount won't listen. So "Enterprise" is out, and Star Wars is in.....

Monday, May 09, 2005

Desperately Seeking Strong Man!

I went over to the house today and was suppose to meet some guy there that was going to help me get an old washer and dryer out of the basement, but he didn't show up. I've been trying to get get these damn things out of the basement! I thought the kids would do it, but can't seem to get two of them there at the same time to get it done. Then I was in touch with some scrap guys that were suppose to come get them and take them away for nothing, but they didn't show up. So, out of desperation I went into this website where you can buy/sell/trade things and I posted a message saying I needed two strong men and would pay them $, you wouldn't believe the responses I got!...haha.....I did explain that I needed them to carry these appliances out of my basement and put them at the curb for me. Anyway, some guy responded and said he has an appliance dolley and would be glad to help me out. I asked him if he had another guy to help him, but he said he was strong and he could do it himself....although, he added that he might need a massage afterwards....(yeah, right buddy!) So there I was....a woman alone in a house.....waiting for some strong stranger to come over......just to get these things out of my basement! Told ya, I'm getting desperate.....I got an email from him explaining that things got too hectic today....(mmmmm, maybe too many desperate housewives in need of his services), but he will check his schedule and get back with me, but he said he will definitely be there. I got some more painting done, at least. Then I had to rush home same time as hubby.....cause I had an appointment to donate blood at 5:30. I've been a regular blood donor for a few years now....I try to give at least 4-5 times a year. I'm a B+, and I learned that only 9% of the population has they call me every 2 months for a donation. So I did my good deed for the day!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

The weekend always goes by so fast! Today was Mother's Day, so I went to the cemetery and then my hus and I went over to my in-laws and visited with his mother and his brother and wife and a few of their kids. I haven't been over there since Xmas time, so it was nice seeing everyone again. On the way home, we stopped at our son, Randy's, house to see the car he found us on Ebay. I've seen it when they drove it up from Ohio, but my hus hasn't even seen it yet. It's a black 2001 Impala....really nice for only $4500!! You get great deals off Ebay. Randy wasn't there, so while we were looking at the, the one he bought for himself, a black 2000 Impala for only $3100.....and the guy he bought his car from drove it 11 hours from Utah and delivered it personally....then he had to get a room for the night and he took a flight home from Detroit. Boy, you would think he could have sold his car to someone local, wouldn't ya think?? Actually, Randy had agreed originally to pay $4200 for it, but after the guy drove it all the way from Utah, Randy told him he changed his mind and told him he would have to drive it the guy dropped the price to $3100.....That son of mine is a real dealer....haha Anyway, while we were there, Randy called me on my cell phone and he was at our house waiting for us. So we went home, picked up some pizza and visited with him and his girlfriend. Just as they were leaving, our other son, John and his girlfriend stopped by, and they were there til 9:00. Then I watched that Elvis movie and now I'm going to bed......I'm exhausted....too much visiting today. Happy Mother's Day!


The earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday". Celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent, "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England. During this time many of England's poor worked as servants for the wealthy. As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the "mothering cake" was often brought along to provide a festive touch...............Remember your mother today. Today I will go to the cemetery and spend some time with my mom......LOVE YOU MOM!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

What's that smell??

Everytime I opened my refrigerator today, there was this horrible skanky smell coming out of something crawled in and died in there. I threw out some veggies and some leftovers and still that smell reeked. I cleaned the shelf where the milk sits but to no avail. It was driving me crazy. Even when I was in the family room and my hubby opened the refrigerator door way out in the kitchen, I could smell it waifing through the house. So I told my ignoramous hus that there was something smelly in that refrigerator and he says "I don't smell anything"!?!?!?!?!!? What? Does he have a freakin smell deficiency?? I looked through everything in that fridge and I found the smelly culprit! It was this opened can of kidney beans that's been in there for god knows how long.....okay, I admit that the last time I really cleaned the fridge was Thanksgiving, but I know that can of beans haven't been in there THAT long. So I took the can out and went to pour those stinky beans down the garbage disposal, and my hus actually says to me "Don't throw it out!"....Well, too late, I fed them to the garbage disposal. He's lucky I did, or he'd be getting them for dinner tomorrow! Then I threw the can in the trash.....and now when I open the door to the trash, that smell hits me. So I rinsed the damn can with hot water and it better not stink up my house tomorrow or I'm moving!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Good-Bye Scotty!

Hip-Hip Hurray!!....The American public got it right this time!, and that arrogant asshole Scott got the Idol boot. He didn't look so cocky tonight, did he? But still with Constantine gone, what's the point now??? Anyway, Today I went to the house and did some work there and while I was there, my girlfriend stopped by. I feel so bad for her. She was very upset. Her son has been battling cancer for quite awhile now. I sometimes feel that I am so overwhelmed at times, but my friend has so much more to deal with. She works everyday and then goes to her son's house and helps take care of him and her grandson while his wife works nights, besides visiting her mother who is in a nursing home with Alzheimers. She really has crosses to bear and yet she is the strongest person I know. I am not much of a praying type of person, but I do pray for her and her son.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

An Evening with the Idols

I got started late, but I went to the tanning salon and then to the house and got some painting done. I stopped at the market and bought some groceries and got home at 6:30. Hubby was laying on the couch, so I assumed he ate something......if not, too bad. He laid on that damn couch sleeping all night...he only got up to go to bed. Although, I think he was awake when American Idol came on. It was hard to tell the difference between his snoring and Scott's singing! Now that Constantine is gone (He was on the Ellen show yesterday!!), I guess I'll stick with Bo so I called in 100 votes for him.....not that it will do much good, I'm afraid. There is a website that is encouraging people to vote for the worse one and screw the show, and they decided that Scott is the worse, so all these people are calling in to make him the winner and laugh their asses off at poor Simon having to give this guy a record contract.....would be kinda funny, I guess. Well, if Bo gets booted off, then I'm joining them and I'll just start voting for fat-ass Scott......His eyes are so squinty in his fat little face; I swear, he's about 10 pounds short of being legally blind!
Last night was one of my bad insomnia nights and I finally took a Tylenol PM after 3:00 this my dogs woke me up around 7:00 (worse than kids) and I was still groggy from the damn pill, so I went back to sleep and woke up at 11:00!! Now my day is all screwed up, cause I am totally NOT a morning person. I'm still sitting here in my jammies and no make-up and it's almost freakin noon.....oh well. I'll get it together and still get over to the house later, but I definitely will not be home in time to make dinner, so the hubby will just have to eat the leftovers from last night....haha....God, I hate cooking so I'm kinda glad I have an excuse......a poor excuse, but still an excuse. But I'm really super bummed cause I missed "Guiding Light"!, and poor Harley is in jail and poor Tony is dead and poor Gus is trapped somewhere, and I'm snoozing....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

Monday, May 02, 2005


Hello...hello....hello.....I just created this blog and I have no idea what I'm doing, so I hope it works! I don't have time to write a lot tonight cause it is almost midnight and I have got to get to bed because I have so much to do tomorrow. First, I have to wake up and have my cigs and coffee, put the dogs out, get dressed and hit the road. I want to get to the gym, but I doubt if I will have time. I am in the middle of doing some painting at this house I own with my brother, and there is so much to do. So I'll go there and paint. Then on the way home, I'll stop at the tanning salon or maybe hit it first before I go to the house. Summer is coming and I want a good start on my tan. Well, I think summer is on it's least, that's what the calendar says, but you wouldn't know it by the weather.

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