Old and Creepy Men
I finally got my jeep back today....was suppose to be done yesterday, but not until this morning. I had to have my jeep back so I had them come pick me up. Then when I got there, they had the bumper job done, but they didn't do the buffing of my bush-scratches, so I had to wait til they did it....but at least they did for FREE!! Thinking of my bumper is bringing back memories of this funny-funny thing that someone said a long time ago. This was way back before I was married, so it like during the ancient days! I was out with some guy...I think it was Joe, the guitar player, and we were out with another couple somewhere; and I remember when we were walking through the parking lot to find our car, there was this car that had a ding on the bumper, and this other girl said "Oh, Look....he has a bump on his dinger"!!....We were all like on our knees we were laughing so hard!!....yeah, we were all a bit tipsy that night....(God, I wish I knew how to make paragraphs....doesn't work....so I'll keep putting "dots"..........................................................(new paragraph) Anyway, I got my jeep and I drove to the house to wait for the linoleum measuring guy to come. I was putting some wood floor finisher on the bedrooms while I was waiting, and I was hoping that when the guy came he could help me move some dressers. Well, this old....and I mean really old guy came wobbling in using a big leveler for a cane to keep his balance. So that idea was shot to hell! Then before he left he asked me if he could use the bathroom....."sure, go ahead", I said. So he goes in there and is in there awhile and I hear the toilet flush, but he doesn't come out...then I hear it flush again and I'm waiting and he finally comes out and leaves. I go in the bathroom and it smells, smells, smells....in my bathroom...I had to disinfect the whole room! Well, I guess if ya gotta go, ya gotta go...."but hey old man, shit somewhere else next time!"......................(new paragraph!)........Update on Mr. Strong Man: This guy was creeping me out! He sent me an email letting me know that he is available to get the appliances out of the basement after work.....except he had told me that he works afternoons, 3-midnight! So I emailed him and ignored what he said and simply said that I could be at the house as early as noon. So this creep emails me back, ignores what I said, and still says that he could come over after work. Yeah, like I'm going to meet him after midnight! So I emailed him and told him that I am going to rent an appliance dolley and one of my sons will do it for me...thanked him for his offer....and told him bascially to "fuck off"! God, what a creepo......I might not be too bright, but I ain't stupid..............
At 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
love your stories sweetie smiling I think I wil pull out your washer and dryer fron the basement lol, but remember my massage lol.
miss you
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