What's that smell??
Everytime I opened my refrigerator today, there was this horrible skanky smell coming out of it....like something crawled in and died in there. I threw out some veggies and some leftovers and still that smell reeked. I cleaned the shelf where the milk sits but to no avail. It was driving me crazy. Even when I was in the family room and my hubby opened the refrigerator door way out in the kitchen, I could smell it waifing through the house. So I told my ignoramous hus that there was something smelly in that refrigerator and he says "I don't smell anything"!?!?!?!?!!? What? Does he have a freakin smell deficiency?? I looked through everything in that fridge and I found the smelly culprit! It was this opened can of kidney beans that's been in there for god knows how long.....okay, I admit that the last time I really cleaned the fridge was Thanksgiving, but I know that can of beans haven't been in there THAT long. So I took the can out and went to pour those stinky beans down the garbage disposal, and my hus actually says to me "Don't throw it out!"....Well, too late, I fed them to the garbage disposal. He's lucky I did, or he'd be getting them for dinner tomorrow! Then I threw the can in the trash.....and now when I open the door to the trash, that smell hits me. So I rinsed the damn can with hot water and it better not stink up my house tomorrow or I'm moving!
At 2:19 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
I hate when that happens, it seems to always be sooo small and hides so well too.
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