Where did that pole come from?
I have no wheels today, cause my jeep is in the shop. So I have all day to just sit around and do nothing...yippee! I'm having the back bumper replaced and some scratches rubbed out. Last fall, I had stopped at a McDonald's in Lapeer and parked way in the back so I could let my dogs out and have a cig...then when I backed out, I ran right into some pole that shouldn't have even been there. I wanted to wait until after winter to get it fixed. Actually, I was hoping that during the winter with the icy slippery roads, I might get lucky and somebody would slide into me from behind and I could get it fixed for free then. All winter, I drove around....stopping short....cars sliding behind me....but did I get hit?....Nope So now I'm stuck paying for it. It will be just my luck, that as soon as I get it replaced, some clown will ram into me! Ok, now I admit that the bumper thing was probably my fault....but the scratches on the side of my car is my hubby's fault....we are still debating that one. I am totally not good at backing up. I cannot count the things I have hit backing up....poles, mailboxes, other cars....I even once backed into my hus car that was in the driveway...totally sideswiped his car....OOPS! We have these peonies on the side of our driveway that I am always running over. Our peonies only look good for awhile, and then they end up with tire tracks down the middle of them. So my lamebrain hus, who already knows that he has a driving-backward-illiterate wife goes and puts a big rock and this bushy plant at the end of the peonies, so now I am constantly sideswiping this bush and that's why I have all these scratches on the side of my car. I asked him why he planted the damn thing there in the first place, and he said it was to help keep me from driving into the ditch....haha It wasn't too bad when he first planted it because it was small, but now it is way bigger, and obviously I'm gonna hit it! When I drive down my driveway, I have his car on one side and these peonies, rocks and bushes on the other, so I really only have about 5 feet of clearance....he says it's more, but I'm going to go measure and prove I'm right..........
At 12:04 AM,
Diane said…
It must be hereditary...!
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