Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Star Wars Info

Now I'm not a Star Wars fan, but I know that some of you are.....I'm more of a "Trekkie" fan, but I just received an email from someone in IFT (International Federation of Trekkers), this Star Trek club I belong to, and he wrote that it's official that there will be a 100 episode Star Wars TV series being made in Australia. He said George Lucas was on TV talking about it. That would be pretty awesome! Maybe I'll even watch it, especially now that they are taking "Enterprise" off the air. We've been working hard trying to save "Enterprise"....sending letters, calling Paramount, we even raised over $3 million dollars and had people trying to negotiate with Paramount to let us fund another no cost to them at all....but to no avail. Paramount won't listen. So "Enterprise" is out, and Star Wars is in.....


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