Back from Caseville
I'm back from Caseville! It was an okay weekend. Even though it is only less than a 3 hour drive, it usually takes me much longer because I have to stop at garage sales along the way....and sometimes stores. I found this really great garage sale that had a ton of pottery stuff. The lady said her mother makes it and sells it, so she had a lot of it for sale at really discounted prices. So I bought about 5 pieces. I bought one that looks like a fish for my condo...a couple pieces for my living room; and I bought a large and small bowl for chips and salsa for my patio in the summer. And I bought a wicker tray and a Brita water purifier pitcher for my condo for only $1.00....I already have one for my home, and it's the only way I'll drink water now...makes a huge difference in the taste. And I bought another birdhouse!....and a big heavy beautiful glass vase for only 75 cents...I might keep it or resell it at my estate sale I'm going to have at the house...maybe someone will think it's antique and I can get $5.00 for it....
So eventually I got to Caseville and didn't do much Friday, except give my girlfriend a call to let her know I was there. So we got together Saturday. I went over to her house and it was a beautiful day, so we sat outside and chit-chatted. She has a gorgeous backyard with a pond and tons of fish in it. The waterfall is relaxing. Then we went out to eat. I couldn't do much Saturday night because of the early-morning meeting, so I watched TV and went to bed like 11:00!!! But I got up early at least and was ready for the meeting. The main thing I needed to do was to let them know that I was stepping down off the Board....enough is enough, so this new owner decided to be on it. That takes some pressure off me, and my husband wanted me off because of the liability that is involved as a Board Member. If something major happened and we were sued....which we already have been a couple times for minor things....the Board members can personally be sued individually....just another worry we don't need in our lives. We (the condo association) were sued once cause some 300# guy decided to go down the slide we had on the beach, and when he hit the sand, he broke his ankle, so he sued us!....Guess he thought we should have had a sign saying that 300# guys should not use the slide...what an idiot....we ended up having to take the slide out and I think he got a couple thousand dollars. People will sue over anything....And some lady sued us cause she tripped over some broken concrete. Anyway, if a real major thing happened, they could go after the Board I'm off the Board!
Sunday, I drove around looking at places for sale. I would love to get a bigger place and get out of the condo thing. I found one in Port Austin, but hubby needs to see it. It'll probably be sold by the time he gets up there.....They had a craft show going on and I bought a necklace with a shark tooth. They had a bake sale and I bought these cookies called Spider Cookies. They are made of chinese noodles with chocolate and peanut butter. I ate every one!...but I shared one with my dogs...then later that night, Lucky was sick and out came the chinese noodles...poor baby. I told my hus that he had been sick, but I didn't tell him I had given him chocolate chinese noodles....haha...
So eventually I got to Caseville and didn't do much Friday, except give my girlfriend a call to let her know I was there. So we got together Saturday. I went over to her house and it was a beautiful day, so we sat outside and chit-chatted. She has a gorgeous backyard with a pond and tons of fish in it. The waterfall is relaxing. Then we went out to eat. I couldn't do much Saturday night because of the early-morning meeting, so I watched TV and went to bed like 11:00!!! But I got up early at least and was ready for the meeting. The main thing I needed to do was to let them know that I was stepping down off the Board....enough is enough, so this new owner decided to be on it. That takes some pressure off me, and my husband wanted me off because of the liability that is involved as a Board Member. If something major happened and we were sued....which we already have been a couple times for minor things....the Board members can personally be sued individually....just another worry we don't need in our lives. We (the condo association) were sued once cause some 300# guy decided to go down the slide we had on the beach, and when he hit the sand, he broke his ankle, so he sued us!....Guess he thought we should have had a sign saying that 300# guys should not use the slide...what an idiot....we ended up having to take the slide out and I think he got a couple thousand dollars. People will sue over anything....And some lady sued us cause she tripped over some broken concrete. Anyway, if a real major thing happened, they could go after the Board I'm off the Board!
Sunday, I drove around looking at places for sale. I would love to get a bigger place and get out of the condo thing. I found one in Port Austin, but hubby needs to see it. It'll probably be sold by the time he gets up there.....They had a craft show going on and I bought a necklace with a shark tooth. They had a bake sale and I bought these cookies called Spider Cookies. They are made of chinese noodles with chocolate and peanut butter. I ate every one!...but I shared one with my dogs...then later that night, Lucky was sick and out came the chinese noodles...poor baby. I told my hus that he had been sick, but I didn't tell him I had given him chocolate chinese noodles....haha...
At 2:01 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
hehe, those spider cookies are the bomb as my girls say, and so easy to make!! poor puppy.
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