Cherokee Rose

Sunday, July 31, 2005's been a wild, hectic weekend....lots of partying! I was so exhausted last night, I came home at 2 a.m. and totally crashed! Yesterday...which was Saturday, I had made plans with my girlfriend to go to Greenfield Village and watch a concert, but Randy reminded me that Saturday night was also the first annual Telegraph Road Cruiser night....shit, now what do I do?? My in-laws who live behind Telegraph Road was having a Cruiser party and I wanted to go. So I called my g'friend and told her I was going to hit my in-laws during the day for a couple hours and watch the "old cars" cruise by and then I'll pick her up before 6:00. So I went over to my in-laws around 2:00 in the afternoon, and they had the whole yard decorated with 50's/60's stuff and we had a few beers and sat out behind their yard and watched the old cars cruise by....we had music, beer, hot dogs, hamburgers...and their neighbors had chairs all set out and music blaring and lots of was fun. My sister-in-law even dressed up in 1950's style with a beehive wig on and everything...and my brother-in-law still has his 68 Mustang that we got married in and his son cruised with it....Holy Shit...the car we got married in is now a classic car????How the old are we, anyway??? My youngest son, Randy, said he might cruise his 1978 Malibu later, but I had to leave by 5:00 to go pick my friend up to go to Greenfield I left around 4:45 and went and picked up my g'friend and we went to Greenfield Village and saw the "Ragtime" concert and walked around the village and looked at some of the houses. When we were walking some guy and his wife were walking past us and my g'friend tells me that he was so busy looking at my legs that he almost ran into his wife...hahahaha We got out of there by 9:30 and cruised on down to my in-laws to finish partying. My youngest son, Randy, was there with his '78 Malibu after he cruised. We had some beers and watched more old cars cruise by and then we were going to leave around 11:00. So we get in my jeep and I'm checking my voice messages on my cell phone and my g'friend says "damn, there's a cop here!" and sure enough...there's some cop walking in the backyard of the neighbor's house. Then my niece taps on my windwo and tells my to be careful..cause there is a cop motorcyle parked behind me.....OMG, I was just getting ready to put my car in Reverse and back up!!...damn, I would have hit his motorcycle for sure!!!...and I was I was like "OMG...get out of the car...I can't be driving" to my g'friend. So we got out of the car and my sister-in-law came out with her digital camera so we could take pictures of us in front of the cop motorcycle (see a pic of us on my other we're taking pics...and my brother-in-law is practically laying on the cycle and my son is taking his pic and I see the cop walking down the g'friend and I were laughing our heads off and the cop just smiled. He was there because the neighbors had their music blaring too loud. Well, he started mouthing off to the cop...which is NOT a good idea. Then 2 more cop cars came...3 of them now...and the cops are really pissed....too fucking bad as far we were all concerned. The cars on Telegraph Rd were noisey...loud mufflers...motorcyle guys doing wheelies...and they are concerned about a loud stereo?????...WHAT??? Are the donut shops all closed?...Nothing better to do??? My g'friend noticed how all the cops were a bit chunky..and I said "yeah, too many donuts:" and we laughed our asses off. Anyway, I think the neighbor ended up getting a ticket for something.

After the cops finally left, my g'friend and I got the hell out of there and we went to a bar! We went to a bar that her cousin owns and had a few beers.....(see, how I like to say a "few beers"...haha)...they had a band playing and the guitar player kept winking at me. I had worn this red/white/blue top and when my g'friend and I were dancing one of the band members said something about me being patriotic and started playing the Star Spangle Banner or something and this guitar player says "Well, I'm at attention!"..

We left the bar and I drove her home and I got home a little after 2:00 a.m. and totally crashed...I mean, I have never been that tired in a long time. It was a long day. My age must be creeping up on me...Oh holy shit!

Today, Sunday...I drove to my oldest son's house and saw my grandson, Jayden...We had a "few beers" and pizza and partied...then I came home. That little Jayden is a real pistol now. He is so damn smart. He goes and climbs up on the computer chair, pulls the keyboard out...scrolls the mouse...his little finger scrolling the wheel and pretends like he's typing on the keyboard! I'm still trying to figure out this damn computer! OH Shit....and get this....we're drinking and Michelle has a wine cooler sitting there and she leaves the room for a sec and I am taking a swig of my beer and I look and Damn!...Jayden has her wine cooler and he's chugging on it! I'm like gasping trying to say NONONO...and Michelle runs in and takes it from him...shit, he liked chugged down half of it!..It was Mango wine cooler, so it probably tasted like a fruit drink to him. He'll being sleeping good tonight!

Anyway, that was my case anyone cares...OH...I had an ad in the paper for the house today and not ONE SINGLE CALL!...A total waste of $93 for the fucking ad. See ya...Ciao.....

Saturday, July 30, 2005

I spent my whole evening shopping at WALMART with my youngest son....son #3. I had planned on going to the house and pricing stuff til I told my hus that I would NOT be home when he gets otherwords...fend for yourself..make your own f'ng dinner! But then I get a call from my son and he NEEDS me to help him get those landscaping bricks home with my jeep. So I priced things at my sale til about 6:00 and left and drove to his house. Got there and he's sleeping! I knocked and knocked and he finally woke up. We got to Walmart eventually.....after I scarffed down a cheese sandwich at his house cause I was f'ng starving! I did get to see his cat...who is named....Suebutts!...another boring story...but that is her name...ANYHOW....we drove to Walmart and piled 24 of these heavy cement brick things into our carts....and typical WALMART...the register and outdoor gates were closed at only 7:45 p.m., so we had to push these carts thru the entire store to a regular checkout...a really nice employee did help us push the!!...then we paid for it and carted it outside, my son drove my jeep to where our carts were (OH, he told me that Walmart just purchaed these great, fantastic, easy-wheeling carts for like $100 a guess I should appreciate that)....and the lady helping me push my cart had some guy help us unload them into my jeep. I admit, he was a sweetie...a bit of a mentally-disadvantaged guy...but what else can you expect from Walmart....HEY>>>>>>you get GREAT prices!!...anyway, he helped us unload my jeep. So we drove back to my son's house, unloaded the bricks or whatever you call them......Went back and bought 32 more...unloaded them ourselves. Then after we unloaded them at his house, we are trying to determine how many he will need. Well, we decided he needed we drove back to walmart and got 20 more of these things. By this time it is dark...and I am in a major dire need of a BEER@!! We did buy a couple of those 35 cent cokes they have in a machine outside their doors,,,,,but it don't compare to a BEER!!!

OK> I got home after 10:00...hus laying on the couch...dogs all over me cause they missed me so much!!...Hus was rarely aware I was even home. My hands were scraped and scrathed from all the bricks I was lifting and my arms ache. But I got my Beer!!....Ciao

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I Really HATE Incompetency!

I just HATE when someone tells you they are going to do something and then they don't do it!! I had an appointment this afternoon with the inspector guy to come give the final inspection on the house. So I get a message on my cell phone last night from the woman at City Hall telling me that the inspector can't come in the afternoon because of a meeting, so he will have to come in the A.M....and if it is a problem then to call back before 5:00. Well, I didn't get the message until after 10:00 last night, so I figured I would just have to get my ass out of bed early and go there in the morning. I went to bed early last night and set my alarm for 7:00. I woke up a little after 5:00 and figured I may as well stay up, cause if I went back to sleep it would be hell waking up again. So I posted some pics on my other blog me some coffee and was at the house around 8:30. I was busy pricing my garage sale stuff, but I was there until 2:00 in the afternoon and the guy NEVER F'ING SHOWED UP! I didn't even bother calling them. I'll deal with them later. I knew if I called, I would be ranting and bitching over the phone and I really really need to get this final inspection.

My g'friend stopped over while I was there and she said her son has been in the hospital since Monday. They are trying to get some nutrition in him and try to build him up before sending him back home. Saturday if all goes well, we are going to go to Greenfield Village and see the concert there and check out some of the houses on display. We went last summer to one of the concerts, but we didn't get to see the houses. I think we both need a break.

I was so damn tired tonight I just wanted to lay down and snooze. So my youngest son called me and he said that at the Walmart near his house they are selling landscaping bricks for $1.00 each and he wanted me to drive to the Walmart near me and buy some with my jeep. Damn....I wanted to snooze (okay, now I understand why my hus snoozes after dinner cause he has been up since 6 every morning..heehee) Anyway, so I asked my hus to follow me with his car and we can load up both his car and my jeep. He didn't want to, but then he changed his mind cause he had to go to Home Depot anyway....for what, I don't he met me there....AND the landscaping bricks at MY Walmart were not on sale...still $1.77 each! The Walmart near me really really sucks bad. It is the worse one in the state of Michigan. Very very crappy and dirty and the employees are so slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. They just dawdle around. And heaven forbid if you have to return anything....plan on bringing a book or your lunch while you're waiting. I bought the paint for the house there and the paint guy screwed up and gave me a 5 gallon tub of EXTERIOR paint...I didn't notice it until I paid for it and realized the price was wrong. So I had to go back in the store and get the right paint and then go stand in the refund line to get a price adjustment and return the Exterior paint. There were only a few people in front of me but I stood in that damn line for 30 mins! They have one girl working...and she is busy talking to whoever. Anyway, by the time I got to her, I was freakin pissed off royally...and I was cussing and told her how I have been in that fuckin line for 30 mins...and f this and f she tells me that she is NOT waiting on me and she will go get a manager or somebody...Fine, go get the manager! So she leaves for like 10 mins, while all these other poor people in line are waiting and comes back by herself and waits on me anyway...Idiots work there....and personally, I think bigger idiots shop there! Me included....I don't shop there normally, but they did have the best paint prices and the colors I wanted. Trust me, I checked around and I had no choice but to get it there. Now I LOVE the Walmart in Bad Axe....we shop there all the time and get great deals and no problems in the checkouts or the return. Of course, a town like Bad Axe has what I would call "better qualified, hardworking, competent" employees. The ones at my Walmart are a bunch of slow dumb asses.

So that was a wasted trip. I asked one of their "employees" about why the bricks at the other store are on sale and these aren't...and she didn't know what else is new?? She said that maybe they will be on sale tomorrow or next Friday..she didn't know. My son is always telling us about some great sale at his Walmart on something and my hus goes to our Walmart and it's not on sale. So what's with that? If Walmart is having a sale, shouldn't it be at ALL the stores?? It probably is, but like I said...the employees at our Walmart are too stupid to know anything. I should move to Howell....I heard they have a GREAT Walmart!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My Photo Studio

I started another blog for posting pictures. It's called "My Photo Studio" at You can also access it from my profile. There is another blog listed, but that is the one where I thought I screwed up and redid it with another there's nothing on that one....yet.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I Think My Brain is Locked Out Today.....

I couldn't sleep last night....I was up at 3:00 a.m. watching Ripley's Believe it or Not about a cat who ate with a spoon...Yep! I really saw it on TV...I was not dreaming! This woman trained her cat to sit at the table and he had a little plastic fork in his paw and he was feeding himself with it....PLUS, LOL...when he ate chinese food, he used CHOPSTICKS! I swear to God...I saw it. My hus doesn't believe me...he thinks I was dreaming...but I wasn't. It was well after 5 a.m. til I fell asleep. I just watched TV and played my little handheld solitaire game. So you would think I would be tired now....NOT...

My car was packed with more stuff to take to the house and I left around 1:00 and it started really pouring down rain while I was driving. It was raining hard! I could hardly see to drive. So when I got to the house, I just ran in.....and later when it let up, I went out to get the stuff out of my jeep and my doors were locked....and my keys were inside! I rarely lock my doors, so I must have hit a button or something when I was getting out of the car in the pouring rain. So I had to call my hus and tell him to come over after work and bring the spare keys. I had an appointment with the Red Cross to give blood at 5:30 and knew I wouldn't make it, so I had to reschedule for tomorrow. Hus didn't get there til about I was stuck there all damn day. So I didn't get to the cemetery as I had planned, but it was too crappy of a day anyway.

Then I got home and realized I had left my cell phone there....grrrrrrrrr....and when I looked in the mirror, I realized I had forgotten to even put any make-up on today....holy crap! I was definitely in a spaced-out mode today....lack of sleep, I guess. I couldn't sleep last night cause it was so damn hot....and I had the attic fan running all night....and this morning, I realized that all the damn windows were shut!! Apparently, I had shut them for the A/C during the day, and forgot they were I'm running the damn attic fan all freakin night...and of course, no air can come through the SHUT windows.....told ya, I'm not too bright.....

Monday, July 25, 2005

I went to the city hall today and made an appointment with the city inspector for the final inspection on the house, so he's coming on Thursday. And I also got a permit for the Estate Sale I'm going to be having in a couple weeks. I asked the girls at the city hall about putting For Sale By Owner signs up on the corners, and they said that I can only put a sign up on my yard....that if signs are put on the corners on city property they will probably be taken down. They CLAIM that real estate office signs also are taken down...yeah, right! She suggested that maybe if I put a sign up on a Friday evening and remember to take it down by Sunday night, it might be okay and not get taken down over the weekend. I'm not really sure if I want to go to all that trouble. I also called the paper and I'm having an ad put in for this maybe I'll get some calls.

Then I went to the house and put out more stuff. The place is getting filled up with all my crap, and I've got lots more to do. I don't know what the hell I am going to do with all the books my mom had. I swear, she kept every single solitary book she ever read! Plus, I have tons of books. I hope a lot of book readers show up at the sale.

Then I came home and grilled some smoked ham on the grill. I didn't get much sleep last night at all cause it was so freakin hot....I was dying....I went to sleep around 12:30...woke up at 2:30 and didn't get back to sleep til after 5:00! So of course I slept in and didn't get up til 10:00. I brought back one of my mom's fans so I hope it works better than the one I have. Our Air conditioning's good for downstairs, but doesn't do a damn thing upstairs.

I went up in the attic tonight to try and find this clothes rack I KNOW is up there somewhere, but I couldn't find it. I don't know what my hus did with it. It's probably stuck behind all the Xmas crap. It was so incredibly hot up must have been 150 least. Sweat was pouring off me....and I'm trying to go through stuff...and trying to stay on the boards and not fall through the ceiling. I brought down some of my son's Star War guys, but I don't know if he wants to sell them. I brought down some things of his, but if he doesn't want to sell them than I will have to go back up there to put it all back. I'll wait til Xmas to do it...much cooler.

Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. She would have been 80. I suppose I should go to the cemetery and at least bury her cat's ashes. My husband asked me if they were still in the house....haha When I was in Caseville, I didn't have any dreams of her...then as soon as I got back, I've had dreams of her and the house twice already. So I know it's that damn house. Well, that's all folks! Nite...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The cops are stealing our signs!!

I got started on my garage sale today, as far as getting things set out. I went to the house and started bringing crap up from the basement that I've been taking over and setting up the tables. I maybe got half of it done today. So it's a start. I got talking to one of the neighbors who is also trying to sell her house by owner. I had noticed that she had put a sign up at the end of the street and when I got back from Caseville, it was mine was gone after I put it up. She told me that it is some cop that is taking them down. She had one on another corner and the neighbor there told her he saw a cop take it down. She went to the police station complaining about it. They said that it is technically against the law to put signs up on city property. Actually, the police she first talked to didn't even know about it...he seemed surprised that some cop was taking her signs down, so he had to check. Guess it's some young know-it-all cop who has nothing better to do. She pointed out to them that the Real Estate office signs stay up. And all they had to say was that they don't have time to take ALL the signs down. Yeah, well, I think that it discrimination....they leave up the Realtor signs, but take down the For Sale By Owner signs.....sounds a little fishy to me.....especially since Realtors are known to take signs down. I told her that I am going to go to the City Office and check with seems to me that it would be up to the City to decide if signs can be up or not...and if there was a complaint, then the cops would have to do something about it....but nobody is complaining.

For one thing, it seems to me that it is beneficial to the city to have people sell there houses....cause then new people buy at a higher price and then the taxes go up....right? My mother's house has a very low property tax cap on it...once it is sold, the taxes will almost double. So what's the problem here putting a sign up at the end of the street to let people know there is a house for sale???? I know I'm not too bright, but I just don't get it.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Life Sucks......

This morning my g'friend called me and she was upset. She is the friend whose son has been battling cancer for quite sometime. The doctors have told them that there is nothing more that can be done and they are recommending Hospice at this point. She met me later at my mom's house and we sat outside on the patio and talked. Life sucks sometimes! Life just isn't fair sometimes. Where the hell is the justice? So many people have been praying for this young man...."HELLO...Anybody UP there????.....too busy to listen to any of us anymore???" Whatever....Nobody listened when I prayed for my father. Nobody listened when I prayed for my mother. Nobody listened when I prayed for my little Casey. Guess nobody is home....."Out to lunch....Be back in 1000 years"....or "Nobody is here right now, but you can leave a message and I'll get back with you when I damn well feel like it"......

What's Up, Doc???

Ok...first off...I'm a bit drunk. Hell, it's Friday just warning you. It may take me awhile to type cause I have to keep retyping all my typos....haha. And I want my post to appear somewhat sensible....(OK...get it together Diane)...big breath..........

What the fuck did I do today....?? Well, I went to my cutie doctor today for my appointment. He and I really do hit it off...I know he wants me! He was telling the nurse who was in the room with him how old I REALLY am and she didn't believe him....and when he laid me down on the bed....mmmmmmmm....he said "Look how great her legs are"...and he ran his hand over my legs.....Yeah, I DO have great legs...everyone tells then he takes me down to this room to have my blood taken and he goes and brings some other doctor in and tries to tell him how old I am and this other doctor didn't believe him and wanted to look at my chart and he was like "OMG.."" And then the nurse who took my blood wanted to know what my secret was....JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!! Were they just putting me on or were they all on dope??? Who gives a royal made my day, anyway....Had to run home and tell hubby. OHHHHHHHHHHHH...yes...that was the main thing that my doc was telling everyone...How when my husband first came to him as a patient a couple years ago and he recognized the name and asked my husband if "HE WAS MY FATHER"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Crap....I remember when my hus told me that and he thought my doc was joking.....Well, my doc wasn't joking...he is still embarrassed that he put his foot in his mouth, as he said. I just love my doctor!!

Anyway, my blood pressure was 124/70 when the nurse checked it...then cutie Doc comes in and he takes it again and tells me it is a bit high....YEAH,,guess so...he got me all hot and got my pressure up....damn him. No wonder he has me on BP pills.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Jayden Update...and a pic, too!!

OK...I gotta make this short. I have a Dr appointment tomorrow so I took a pill and I need to get to bed early tonight. I am so NOT a morning person, and even though the appointment is at noon, that still means I have to get my ass up early just so I can be ready by then. I move verrrrrry slowly in the morning....besides the fact that my Doc is cute so it's kinda like meeting a guy for a date..gotta shower, do my hair, pick out the perfect cute outfit to wear....haha

I talked to my son today and he said that Jayden went in for an MMI - MRI...don't is that test where you have to lay in that coffin-like tube and all these noises bang around. They took Jayden to the neurologist last week, but it was only for an evaluation. So yesterday they did that test. Since he is only 15 months old, they had to knock him out and they put little earplugs in his ears so he wouldn't reawaken from all the noise. He did good. So now they just have to wait for the results probably next week. For those who haven't read my earlier posts, Jayden is my little grandson and when he was sick with pnemonia and had convulsions from the high fever, they did a CAT Scan and found a cyst inside the left part of his brain. So they want to investigate it further and make sure that it isn't the cyst that caused the convulsions/seisures. Here is a picture of my son with Jayden:

Picture of Daddy with Jayden

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Anyone for Golf??

Today was a so-so day. I packed up some more crap for my garage sale. I still need to go back up into the attic, but it is too damn hot. AND I still need to go through the garage. I decided I am selling my golf clubs since I haven't golfed in probably 10 years and will probably never golf again anyway. I really wasn't very good at it but I really loved the game. It was kind of like hide n seek. I'd hit the ball...and it would go hide...and I'd have to go find it. And I didn't stick much to the rules. If I couldn't find it, I'd just get out another ball and put it in the best place I could and then hit from there. And if I swung and missed, I never counted those shots...or if it only went a few feet, I didn't count it...just kept swinging at it until it went far enough and then I'd count it. My score was usually around 90 for 9 holes and that was only the shots I counted...haha Needless to say, not very many people wanted to golf with me. So I golfed by myself a lot....which was just as well...easier to cheat that way. My youngest son use to golf with me, and a couple of the other owners at the condo would golf with me....but they were morning golf people, and I wasn't. I golfed so late, that by the time I finally got to the last hole, it was getting dark. Anyway, I think it's time to sell the clubs.

Last night my husband suggested that I use up the bacon that has been in the fridge for awhile for dinner tonight....which I was thrilled about, cause that is not really "making dinner"....just throw some bacon in the pan. So I got it all fried up and he's home and I go to get the mayo/salad dressing out and there is NOTHING. So I asked him where the mayo was (remember, I've been out-of-town for almost 2 weeks)...and he said "Oh, I forgot we're out".....duh!...I looked at the magnetic notepad on my fridge I use to WRITE THINGS THAT WE ARE OUT OF on...and it was blank....unless he used invisible ink, he did NOT write it down...and tells me to make BLT's. MEN!!! So I had to get in my car and drive to the store and go buy mayo/salad dressing......he likes salad dressing...I prefer Mayo. The story of our life...whatever I like, he likes the opposite.

Then I watched that new show similar to American Idol only with dancers....and waited with bated breath for 9:30 so I could watch Rock Star - INXS, which is turning out to be really good....better than AI. So at 9:30 I turn it on and I'm looking at "King of Queens".....WHAT??? I checked the TV Magazine, and it said 9:30....well, it ain't on. I go online and find out that it was on at 9:00!! So I missed it....damn TV Magazine........just wasn't my day....I should have stayed in bed.....which I kinda did most of the afternoon anyway. Now it's raining, and I really hate when it rains at night....I don't like nighttime thunderstorms. My youngest son called and said the power just went out at his I better get this posted before our power goes out and I lose everything. Ciao.....

Did I or Didn't I?? Who the hell cares.....

I pretty much summarized my trip to Caseville but I wanted to add more details. I had a bit of a run-in with the barmaid at the bar in town. About 4 years ago, I was up there with a friend and left. The next day the manager in the office at our condo said that the police had been there because someone said that I had backed into a car in the parking lot. Now I know I am not good at backing up....already posted about my ineptness in driving backwards....but I was totally not aware of backing into anything that night. I was surprised as hell when he told me. I mean, when I backed into that pole at McDonald's last year, it was like BAM!, and I knew immediately I had backed into something. Anyway, so I went and looked at my bumper and there wasn't even a scratch on it...nothing. The manager said that probably someone made a mistake. I called a friend and she said that I didn't back into anyone that night. So I forgot about it. So when I went in there Saturday night, this blonde barmaid bitch says "I know you...about 3-4 years ago you backed into my car"....I'm like..."What??"....I tried to explain to her that I was not aware that I had backed into anyone's car and didn't know a thing about it until the police came to the condo the next day. I mean, I didn't hit a car and purposely drive off. She was being a bitch about it. I felt bad for her though....I mean, maybe I did....I know I DO back into things alot but I always know when I do. And there was nothing on my bumper when I had checked. So I'm feeling bad cause I'm thinking that maybe I did graze her bumper in a way that nothing showed on my bumper and maybe she had some damage...probably minor but still the bumper would have to be replaced....she said something about it costing over $500. So I decided to go back to my condo and get my checkbook and just write the bitch a check for her deductible or then she tells me she doesn't want my money. Hell, lady...what the hell DO you want?? I mean, it was 4 freakin years ago. I shrugged her off and we just left. Luckily, I wasn't driving that night...haha

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Birthday Thoughts.....

My birthday has passed, but since I was away from my computer and couldn't post I want to post about one of my "bestest" birthday memories.

It was just before my 10th birthday. We were living in Garden City at the time, and there was this hardware store that my mother use to go to a lot and take me with her. They had a toy section and up high on the shelf was this "Smokey the Bear" bear. Everytime we would go there, I would run down the aisle and just stare at him. I wanted that bear. I was a typical little girl (contrary to my now being a very untypical big girl) and I was more into dolls...I had never had a teddy bear before, but I wanted that "Smokey the Bear". Well, one day we went there and I ran down the aisle to see him and he was GONE! He was the only one and he was gone. I knew that someone must have bought him. I felt like I lost my best friend. So my birthday came and I unwrapped the present my mother had bought me, and it was SMOKEY! I couldn't believe I knew that it was my mother who had bought him....and now he was mine. I don't know whatever happened to him through the years to come, but a few years ago I was at a garage sale and they had an old vintage "Smokey the Bear" that I am sure is like the one I I bought him.

I am now a big teddy bear collector....I have lots of bears in my house and tons more Xmas bears up in the attic. I think maybe I am obsessed with teddy bears now because of that one good birthday memory I have about my mother and Smokey. Teddy bears represent my mother's love for me....who the hell knows.....

For those who were born in the month of July are: Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets. Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and the old friends. Likes to be quiet. Waits for friends. Never looks for freinds. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems. Loves to be loved. Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

Boy, that is ME to a T!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Back To Reality....Fun Time is over......

I finally returned from my Caseville vacation today! I'm back...for awhile, anyway. It was so hot up there, and I have no air conditioning....bummer. Most days it was too hot to lay that's when I would go shopping in air conditioned stores...haha.

I got there on a Thursday and as soon as I got there, my husband called to tell me that someone called on the house. I knew it! As soon as I go away, I'll get calls. So I called the guy and he said he wanted to see the house on Saturday, so I called my husband and told he'll meet the guy there.

My girlfriend owns an antique store which she has open on Fridays and Saturdays. So the first Friday she came over after she closed and we laid out at the pool and then went and got something to eat. Just basically chit-chatted and caught up with stuff. Saturday I went to her store and shopped around....went to Mainstreet Cafe near where she lives and got something to eat. Then we drove back to my place and laid out at the pool again for awhile. Then we met up with her boyfriend in town and we all went to the show and saw "War of the Worlds"....which all of us were not too impressed with....definitely not a movie we would rent to see again. When I got home, my husband had left me a message telling me Happy Birthday....that was least he remembered (although no present when I got back!) Since it was my birthday I wanted to go into the bar and have some drinks but we didn't....just drank at my place.

Sunday I was up on the deck reading and gettin some sun and I saw a friend of mine pull up on the beach with his Hobie Cat sail boat. He wanted to take me out sailing, but I declined....haha....I don't like boats....My girlfriend wants to go, so maybe someday we will. So we just sat around talking and drinking all afternoon. His mother passed away almost a year ago and I haven't seen him since before she last we had a lot to catch up on.

My girlfriend had bought a 10' pool to set up in her yard, so Monday I went over there to see if she had it up. She didn't yet...but another friend came over that I know, so we sat around and had a few beers. She got the pool up by Tuesday. It's nice...enough for a couple of rafts or people just sitting around cooling off from the heat.

I think it was Wednesday when we decided to drive to Bad Axe and go shopping. That's the closest city where there are any decent a Walmart and a K-Mart and a Fashion Bug....whoopee-doo....but better than nothing. So we shopped til we dropped and bought clothes and shoes. We hit the Dollar Store and I was able to find this planter to replace another one I bought last year. They had one I was lucky to find it. Fashion Bug has major sales going on right now, so I bought some cute shorts and a birthday present to myself.

When I was at my girlfriends's house, I noticed that one of my diamond earrings was missing!....Only the back was still stuck to my the hell was that??? But the earring was simply gone. I looked everywhere on the floor, inside my bra...haha...well, ya never know...but it was nowhere. We had been to the restaurant to eat, so we called there and told them to look for it around where we were sitting. I had been to another store....Hell, I had been everywhere...who the hell knows when it fell out. I am so bummed! My husband gave me those earrings for Xmas quite a few years ago, and I wear them all the time. I haven't told him I lost one. Now I'll have to go see if I can find another one that matches. It's a small diamond...not expensive....but still they were my favorite.

Thursday, my Hobie Cat friend came over and we went up town to the bar and had a few drinks. Friday, I went to my girlfriend's store...but I wasn't feeling all that great, so I just went back home and watched TV and snoozed on the couch most of the night. Didn't do a damn thing....the heat and the drinking was getting to me, I think...haha

But Saturday I felt now it's party time again!! So we went out to the bar at the complex and also to this bar in town. It was fun...I danced...and I wore this cute short skirt that I had bought at Walmart. My girlfriend had this cute pink ruffled skirt that she had bought there, but the sizes were too big for I happened to find this one that was actually a girl's size XL and it fit better....So I wore it with this top I bought at Fashion Bug.

During the week, my husband called several times with numbers of people who were calling on the house....that's least people are calling. He also met that guy at the house and showed it to him. He seemed interested. His brother lives a couple houses down. Also his mother saw it with him. I think she is willing to help him out...I don't know for sure...but that's the impression my husband had. But the guy needs to sell his mobile home first.

Yesterday (Sunday), I cleaned up the condo and started packing my stuff up. My dogs could tell we were coming home when they see me packing. They were so good up there. I took them down to the beach once, but it was really way too hot for them. Some of the other owners were there, so I got to see them and chit-chat on the beach.

So now I'm back home...back to reality....back to my "real" world....whatever! And back to my AIR CONDITIONED HOUSE!!!...Yippee.......

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Caseville...Here I come.....

I got all my stuff packed....finally! The dogs are anxiously waiting. They know when they see the bags packed. They are following me around everywhere...afraid I'm gonna forget 'em.....NOT I forget alot of things, but never my dogs. I once came back from Caseville and realized I had forgotten my MAKE-UP kit! Holy's like I left my face in Caseville....haha So I had to go buy the basic things until I got back up there to get it. I'm sitting here trying to remember if I have everything. I still have to fill up the water jug for my dogs. I don't mind the well water's really not bad...but it bothers my them the runs..and I don't need THAT! I'm outta here....I won't be posting for awhile cause I have no computer there and no laptap...hell, my cell phone doesn't even work up there. So everyone have a great couple weeks and I'll post when I get back....ciao


OK....Today was Day 6 of my husband's "vacation", but it sure ain't much of a vacation if you ask me! I keep thinking of that song by Paul Simon..."50 Ways to Leave Your Lover", but more like "50 Ways to Kill Your Husband"...I mean, I am just so damn frustrated I could just strangle him...or accidently run over him with my car, anyway. WE have done NOTHING! And now he says he doesn't even want to go to Caseville. We never went to the show to see War of the Worlds...we didn't go to a Tiger game...hell, we didn't even go out to eat! Getting him to go out to eat or do anything is like pulling teeth...extremely hard and painful. I got so mad and upset New Year's Eve that I vowed that I am NEVER going to ask him to take me out to eat or anywhere. So since the beginning of the year, we have gone out to eat twice, BUT that is only because our son wanted to go out for my hus's birthday in February and his own birthday in he reluctantly went and we were with my son and his girlfriend. WE...just him and I....have NOT even gone out to eat together AT ALL!....and that is 7 months now....and actually even longer than that cause I know we didn't go out in probably since Oct or Nov...hell, it's been so long I don't even remember. I know we went to the beer tent in June, but that's different...hell, we didn't even eat.

Anyway, so I was thinking and hoping that maybe for his July vacation we might actually go out to eat or do SOMETHING. But NOPE! So now I'm really pissed off....can ya blame me?? And I'm really upset because he knows my birthday is Saturday and we are usually in Caseville and we always go to the Fireside Inn for my birthday....and now he doesn't want to go to Caseville...which means, of course, that I will be going by myself and spend my birthday in Caseville without big deal! I have friends in Caseville....younger friends who like my company and think I'm fun to be with and like to party and have screw him! Tomorrow, I'm outta here....with my dogs...and I'm gonna stay a week or so...come back when I damn well feel like it.....Sure, I could stay home over the weekend and leave on Monday and go for a week or so, but WHY?...He probably won't do anything anyway and I'll have to beg him to take me out Saturday and I'm NOT about to do that. He is making the choice...he can either go with me or sit his ass home.

Now, what I would REALLY like to do is stay home and go out with my friends here...but oh Lord, then he'll be pissed and won't get the stuff done at the house that I need him to I'll go party in Caseville. He knew that was the plan, and if he wants to change the plan, then so be it....his choice, not mine....I don't change my plans for other people....I won't accomodate his sorry ass.....besides, to be perfectly honest, I think he wants me to leave and go to Caseville and give him some peace...haha....he would be disappointed if I stayed home. He is use to our summer "time-outs" and I have been so busy with the house and with my mom before, I haven't been able to spend much time in Caseville. Before, it was normal for me to go there for a couple weeks, come home for a couple weeks, then go back for a couple weeks. Hell, I use to go for 2 weeks in June, come home for 2 weeks, then go 3 weeks in July, come home for a week...then go back in August and stay through a week after Labor Day! But then those were the days when he would drive up on the weekends and for a week in July and a week in August and Labor Day weekend. Now he doesn't have much interest....

Also, today we saw a rabbit sitting in our she hopped away and I went to investigate what she was doing sitting and scratching in this spot...and my dogs were with me. Well, my one dog, Lucky, started scratching and he pulled a little bunny out!...I couldn't believe I started yelling at him and the little bunny tried to hop away. We got the dogs and put them in the house...and managed to help the little bunny back into the hole with the other one. I think there were at least two. So my hus marked the spot so he doesn't run over it with the lawn mower. But now, we have to put Lucky on the leash when he wants to go out; otherwise, he will go over there and get the bunnies. So just as well that I'm leaving tomorrow and taking the dogs.

....And...get this....I was packing up a bunch of boxes of stuff in the cabinets and cupboards to take to the house for the Sale, and I know there is stuff in the garage, so I started checking out the garage. There's a shed attached to the back of the garage and an overhead space above I go up there and OMG, there is so much crap up there! There is stuff up there that I KNOW I threw out years ago. And he complains about my clothes...I couldn't believe it. I told him when I get back from Caseville, we are cleaning out that garage and shit is going OUT! So I'm thinking that maybe that is why he doesn't want to go to Caseville now....while I am gone, he is going to be hiding stuff....hahaha...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Blog to Check Out......

Since I don't know how to set up Links to other people's blogs, let me give you one you should check out. His name is John and he is a soldier in Iraq. I was getting a bit worried about him because he usually posts once a week or so, and he hadn't posted anything since June 19, but he posted something on July 3 so I know he's okay. His blog is interesting....lets you know how life as a soldier in Iraq is. His blog site is

Here's a cute pic of my little Mini Sue....

Today I made a couple trips to the house with my jeep full of stuff for the garage sale. After I got home, my husband was gone. I guess he went to the house to do a couple things and missed me. So when he got home, he says to me "Where did all those clothes come from?"....oops, I knew he had been to the house and saw all my crap in the closets....but I just said "What clothes?".....and he says "All those clothes in the closet over there". I told him that they are all the stuff I'm selling. And he asks me "don't any of them fit?"....duh...yeah, they fit but what the hell does that have to do with anything....I don't want them anymore! So I ain't wearing them. I admit he had a pretty disgusted look on his face. Well, he has tons of stuff too that he doesn't wear anymore and they are all packed in boxes in a closet cause he don't throw anything least I'll sell my stuff...get it the hell out of here. A lot of it are my office clothes that I wear when I work during tax season...and I got tired of wearing the same stuff every year, so I bought a lot of new outfits and I'm pitching out the old stuff. And I admit I have a lot of office clothes. I only work 2 months out of the year - Feb to Apr - and I only work 2 or 3 days a week, but I refuse to repeat my outfits so I have to have enough outfits for the that's at least 25 outfits. I have a few pair of black slacks that I will rewear but with a different top. I won't wear the same thing twice!!...and that's that.....So I have a closet upstairs that is full of all my office clothes....God, it's a good thing I don't have a full-time job...haha

I knew he'd have a fit when he saw all the clothes I'm getting rid of....he even asked me where they all were in the house considering that my closets are still full of stuff...haha Well, my computer room closet is pretty bare now cause that's where I keep all the stuff I know I'm getting rid of. And a lot were packed away in bags. It's a good thing I had all my unworn panties put in this dresser drawer, so I'm sure he didn't see them. I am always shopping for panties and for some reason when I shop for panties I always think that my butt is smaller than it really I end up not wearing them and I must have a dozen or more that I'm going to sell. Some of them are Victoria Secret and they weren't cheap...oh well...

I don't know what we are going to do tomorrow...probably take more stuff to the house and he has to fix the sidewalk out in front for the inspection. He couldn't do it today because it had rained. Then hopefully, we'll go to Caseville on Thursday. Today we ate coney dogs again!...but still no onion rings.....

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

All I want is a Coney Dog!

Today was just a lazy relaxing day, I guess. I got out the croquet set and asked hus if he wanted to play, and nope...he didn't. So I played by least I won.

I had a major craving for a coney dog and onion rings. Hus really didn't care what he ate, so I drove up to this restaurant that has good coney dogs and they weren't open! Guess they were closed cause of the holiday. So then I drive to Steak and Shake thinking they might have them cause they have good chili....they were open but no coneys on the menu. The waitress suggested a couple coney places near me, so I drive to both of them and they were both closed....damn! I drove to another coney place down the street from me, and they were closed, too....what the hell?? I know it's a holiday, but people have to eat. I had been driving for almost an hour at this point and came home empty handed. Poor husband was waiting for his coney dog and I had nothing. He told me to just go buy the stuff and make them myself...but I didn't want a homemade coney dog...I wanted a restaurant one...and onion rings! But I had no choice, so I went and got the stuff and made them. I wanted to at least grill the dogs on the grill, but I couldn't get the grill to light....gee, it just wasn't my day today.

Monday, July 04, 2005

BORINGGGGGGGG....................'s Sunday night...what the hell did I do?? I took some crap over to the house....came home...sat on the patio...watched my hus mow the grass.......I refused to make or grill dinner. So he made fried bologna sandwiches.....whatever.

I watched TV...some movie about dinasours...something Park, pt 2.....then watched Private Ryan movie. He slept on the couch zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Would have been nice if one of my kids came over for barbeque....

Oh...when I went to the house to take more garage sale crap over there...the sign I put up at the end of the street was gone! I guess the owner that THINKS he owns the fucking city lot in front of his house decided he doesn't want a sign in front of his house, so he took my sign down.....screw him!

Anyway...I watched TV tonight...what else is new? I watched "Married...with Children" hus always compares me to Peg Bundy!!...hahahahha...Yeah, I know...I sit home and he works....and I spend his money....That was the point of getting married, wasn't it?????????Otherwise, I would have stayed single and had fun!

WHATEVER!! So it's the Fourth of July Holiday...and he cut the grass...and I watched movies...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Thursday night I was up late typing a post on my blog til like 1:30 in the morning and my computer was acting up and totally froze up on me. I couldn't do a damn thing. I couldn't even copy and paste my post to save it. Nothing worked. I was so mad!! I just had to shut the damn thing off and lost it.

Yesterday hubby was home for his week-long vacation and guess he was working outside doing stuff. Now I am usually up in the mornings by 9:00 or so, sometimes earlier....well, Thursday night cause I was so pissed off at my computer, I ended up taking a pill to sleep around 2:00 a.m.....then woke up at 8:00 groggy and fell back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 11:45!!! I go downstairs and now hubby thinks I sleep til noon everyday....and I don't!...well, sometimes but not usually. I know he already thinks I'm the laziest wife in the world, so now he's sure of it.

I started loading up my car with all my garage sale crap to take over to the house, and my girlfriend called me, so I told her to meet me at the house and we'll have a few beers. So I stopped at the store and bought a 30-pack of beer and a fifth of rum......hell, it's the holiday weekend, and I want to have a good time, right? She met me at the house and helped me lug the crap down the basement and this was about 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Then we just sat, drank beers and yakked til 9:00....god, I was gettin trashed. I think I drank about 10 beers. She had walked over, so I drove her home....(yeah, I can still drive....shit, 10 beers ain't nothing). Got home about 9:30....I forgot my cell phone so I couldn't call hubby to let him know how late I was going to be....anyway, got home and he had bought a, see he really CAN fend for himself when I'm not around. I was starving and started scarfin down the pizza....drank more beers and had a few rum and cokes and watched some movie on TV. It was super late when I finally crawled upstairs and passed out...haha Obviously, I didn't do so good with my smoking....I think I smoked a whole pack just while I was visiting with my girlfriend!...Bad..bad...bad

I woke up around 9:00 this morning....God, I really wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep, but I didn't dare. So I got up, went downstairs and tried to act somewhat sober....but damn, I felt like shit! I loaded up the car again with more stuff and took it over to the house. Then I put the For Sale By Owner sign up on the lawn. Actually, my girlfriend and I tried to put it up when we were there the night before, but it kept falling I brought it home to see if we could make it more sturdy. I told my girlfriend that it was probably my mom pushing it over...haha...maybe she don't want me selling her house.

I brought back my mom's cat's ashes....her cat died and I had her cremated and the ashes were still at the house....not something you want potential home buyers to see when they go through the house. So I brought them home, and now my hubby is all freaked out cause Cleo's ashes are sitting in the living room. I'm planning on going to the cemetery and digging a hole on my mom's grave and I'm going to pour them in it.

So I made a taco salad for us...had a few beers...and rented a DVD, The Forgotten...I think that's the name...with Julianna Moore...about a woman whose son died and everyone tries to tell her that he never existed...that it's all in her mind...and it really has to do with aliens trying to erase her memory. Pretty good flick.

I missed the John Mellencamp concert tonight...thought about getting tickets, but didn't. I've seen him sooooooo many times already. My friend in Caseville and her boyfriend went. I should have went and met them there. Oh well.....Hopefully, we'll be going to Caseville later in the week. I told my son he can use the place over the weekend cause we won't be there. And guess we ain't going to see the Tigers play afterall....they are playing the Yankees and all the tickets are sold least that's what fun-guy hubby says............Ciao

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