I Really HATE Incompetency!
I just HATE when someone tells you they are going to do something and then they don't do it!! I had an appointment this afternoon with the inspector guy to come give the final inspection on the house. So I get a message on my cell phone last night from the woman at City Hall telling me that the inspector can't come in the afternoon because of a meeting, so he will have to come in the A.M....and if it is a problem then to call back before 5:00. Well, I didn't get the message until after 10:00 last night, so I figured I would just have to get my ass out of bed early and go there in the morning. I went to bed early last night and set my alarm for 7:00. I woke up a little after 5:00 and figured I may as well stay up, cause if I went back to sleep it would be hell waking up again. So I posted some pics on my other blog site...got me some coffee and was at the house around 8:30. I was busy pricing my garage sale stuff, but I was there until 2:00 in the afternoon and the guy NEVER F'ING SHOWED UP! I didn't even bother calling them. I'll deal with them later. I knew if I called, I would be ranting and bitching over the phone and I really really need to get this final inspection.
My g'friend stopped over while I was there and she said her son has been in the hospital since Monday. They are trying to get some nutrition in him and try to build him up before sending him back home. Saturday if all goes well, we are going to go to Greenfield Village and see the concert there and check out some of the houses on display. We went last summer to one of the concerts, but we didn't get to see the houses. I think we both need a break.
I was so damn tired tonight I just wanted to lay down and snooze. So my youngest son called me and he said that at the Walmart near his house they are selling landscaping bricks for $1.00 each and he wanted me to drive to the Walmart near me and buy some with my jeep. Damn....I wanted to snooze (okay, now I understand why my hus snoozes after dinner cause he has been up since 6 every morning..heehee) Anyway, so I asked my hus to follow me with his car and we can load up both his car and my jeep. He didn't want to, but then he changed his mind cause he had to go to Home Depot anyway....for what, I don't know....so he met me there....AND the landscaping bricks at MY Walmart were not on sale...still $1.77 each! The Walmart near me really really sucks bad. It is the worse one in the state of Michigan. Very very crappy and dirty and the employees are so slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. They just dawdle around. And heaven forbid if you have to return anything....plan on bringing a book or your lunch while you're waiting. I bought the paint for the house there and the paint guy screwed up and gave me a 5 gallon tub of EXTERIOR paint...I didn't notice it until I paid for it and realized the price was wrong. So I had to go back in the store and get the right paint and then go stand in the refund line to get a price adjustment and return the Exterior paint. There were only a few people in front of me but I stood in that damn line for 30 mins! They have one girl working...and she is busy talking to whoever. Anyway, by the time I got to her, I was freakin pissed off royally...and I was cussing and told her how I have been in that fuckin line for 30 mins...and f this and f that....so she tells me that she is NOT waiting on me and she will go get a manager or somebody...Fine, go get the manager! So she leaves for like 10 mins, while all these other poor people in line are waiting and comes back by herself and waits on me anyway...Idiots work there....and personally, I think bigger idiots shop there! Me included....I don't shop there normally, but they did have the best paint prices and the colors I wanted. Trust me, I checked around and I had no choice but to get it there. Now I LOVE the Walmart in Bad Axe....we shop there all the time and get great deals and no problems in the checkouts or the return. Of course, a town like Bad Axe has what I would call "better qualified, hardworking, competent" employees. The ones at my Walmart are a bunch of slow dumb asses.
So that was a wasted trip. I asked one of their "employees" about why the bricks at the other store are on sale and these aren't...and she didn't know shit...so what else is new?? She said that maybe they will be on sale tomorrow or next Friday..she didn't know. My son is always telling us about some great sale at his Walmart on something and my hus goes to our Walmart and it's not on sale. So what's with that? If Walmart is having a sale, shouldn't it be at ALL the stores?? It probably is, but like I said...the employees at our Walmart are too stupid to know anything. I should move to Howell....I heard they have a GREAT Walmart!!!!!!!
My g'friend stopped over while I was there and she said her son has been in the hospital since Monday. They are trying to get some nutrition in him and try to build him up before sending him back home. Saturday if all goes well, we are going to go to Greenfield Village and see the concert there and check out some of the houses on display. We went last summer to one of the concerts, but we didn't get to see the houses. I think we both need a break.
I was so damn tired tonight I just wanted to lay down and snooze. So my youngest son called me and he said that at the Walmart near his house they are selling landscaping bricks for $1.00 each and he wanted me to drive to the Walmart near me and buy some with my jeep. Damn....I wanted to snooze (okay, now I understand why my hus snoozes after dinner cause he has been up since 6 every morning..heehee) Anyway, so I asked my hus to follow me with his car and we can load up both his car and my jeep. He didn't want to, but then he changed his mind cause he had to go to Home Depot anyway....for what, I don't know....so he met me there....AND the landscaping bricks at MY Walmart were not on sale...still $1.77 each! The Walmart near me really really sucks bad. It is the worse one in the state of Michigan. Very very crappy and dirty and the employees are so slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. They just dawdle around. And heaven forbid if you have to return anything....plan on bringing a book or your lunch while you're waiting. I bought the paint for the house there and the paint guy screwed up and gave me a 5 gallon tub of EXTERIOR paint...I didn't notice it until I paid for it and realized the price was wrong. So I had to go back in the store and get the right paint and then go stand in the refund line to get a price adjustment and return the Exterior paint. There were only a few people in front of me but I stood in that damn line for 30 mins! They have one girl working...and she is busy talking to whoever. Anyway, by the time I got to her, I was freakin pissed off royally...and I was cussing and told her how I have been in that fuckin line for 30 mins...and f this and f that....so she tells me that she is NOT waiting on me and she will go get a manager or somebody...Fine, go get the manager! So she leaves for like 10 mins, while all these other poor people in line are waiting and comes back by herself and waits on me anyway...Idiots work there....and personally, I think bigger idiots shop there! Me included....I don't shop there normally, but they did have the best paint prices and the colors I wanted. Trust me, I checked around and I had no choice but to get it there. Now I LOVE the Walmart in Bad Axe....we shop there all the time and get great deals and no problems in the checkouts or the return. Of course, a town like Bad Axe has what I would call "better qualified, hardworking, competent" employees. The ones at my Walmart are a bunch of slow dumb asses.
So that was a wasted trip. I asked one of their "employees" about why the bricks at the other store are on sale and these aren't...and she didn't know shit...so what else is new?? She said that maybe they will be on sale tomorrow or next Friday..she didn't know. My son is always telling us about some great sale at his Walmart on something and my hus goes to our Walmart and it's not on sale. So what's with that? If Walmart is having a sale, shouldn't it be at ALL the stores?? It probably is, but like I said...the employees at our Walmart are too stupid to know anything. I should move to Howell....I heard they have a GREAT Walmart!!!!!!!
At 3:36 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
OMG!!!!! I am ssssslllooowwwlllyyyyy stopping laughing!
i a so sorry the stupid guy didn't show up, are you gunna call in the morning when you,,,, as Cliff would sy "SLEEP ON IT' hahaha
don't even get me started on all our walmarts out here!
At 2:13 AM,
Diane said…
I know that Walmart wants to relocate and have a better store in the old Wonderland mall...make it more of a Super Walmart or whatever they call it, but TARGET is trying to stop them...I love Target...but I want a better Walmart! Walmart in this area cannot compete with Target. Let's face it...K-Mart sucks!@!!!!!....no competition there. But Target....damn, I just love Target...I use to work there. I'm gonna do a post on Target vs. Walmart...haha
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