Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Blog to Check Out......

Since I don't know how to set up Links to other people's blogs, let me give you one you should check out. His name is John and he is a soldier in Iraq. I was getting a bit worried about him because he usually posts once a week or so, and he hadn't posted anything since June 19, but he posted something on July 3 so I know he's okay. His blog is interesting....lets you know how life as a soldier in Iraq is. His blog site is


  • At 4:34 PM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    Yeah I give him crap when he don't post. have you checked out from mine iraq in 365?? he is home now but man he is good!

    OK to link,,,,,,, ready,, go to i power blog,,,change settings,,, template,,, then scroll down till you see where it says "edit me, google news",, ok click there and this is what your gunna type in there,ready!!??

    then save and then re publish,,,,, then you can put in other people only changing the name for their site go check it out I will check back on ya. or jsut copy and paste john's whole thingy i put on here

  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    ok the stupid thing will not let me put in the site thingy so email me do i have yours hang on,,,no eamil me and i will give it to ya


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