's been a wild, hectic weekend....lots of partying! I was so exhausted last night, I came home at 2 a.m. and totally crashed! Yesterday...which was Saturday, I had made plans with my girlfriend to go to Greenfield Village and watch a concert, but Randy reminded me that Saturday night was also the first annual Telegraph Road Cruiser night....shit, now what do I do?? My in-laws who live behind Telegraph Road was having a Cruiser party and I wanted to go. So I called my g'friend and told her I was going to hit my in-laws during the day for a couple hours and watch the "old cars" cruise by and then I'll pick her up before 6:00. So I went over to my in-laws around 2:00 in the afternoon, and they had the whole yard decorated with 50's/60's stuff and we had a few beers and sat out behind their yard and watched the old cars cruise by....we had music, beer, hot dogs, hamburgers...and their neighbors had chairs all set out and music blaring and lots of was fun. My sister-in-law even dressed up in 1950's style with a beehive wig on and everything...and my brother-in-law still has his 68 Mustang that we got married in and his son cruised with it....Holy Shit...the car we got married in is now a classic car????How the old are we, anyway??? My youngest son, Randy, said he might cruise his 1978 Malibu later, but I had to leave by 5:00 to go pick my friend up to go to Greenfield I left around 4:45 and went and picked up my g'friend and we went to Greenfield Village and saw the "Ragtime" concert and walked around the village and looked at some of the houses. When we were walking some guy and his wife were walking past us and my g'friend tells me that he was so busy looking at my legs that he almost ran into his wife...hahahaha We got out of there by 9:30 and cruised on down to my in-laws to finish partying. My youngest son, Randy, was there with his '78 Malibu after he cruised. We had some beers and watched more old cars cruise by and then we were going to leave around 11:00. So we get in my jeep and I'm checking my voice messages on my cell phone and my g'friend says "damn, there's a cop here!" and sure enough...there's some cop walking in the backyard of the neighbor's house. Then my niece taps on my windwo and tells my to be careful..cause there is a cop motorcyle parked behind me.....OMG, I was just getting ready to put my car in Reverse and back up!!...damn, I would have hit his motorcycle for sure!!!...and I was I was like "OMG...get out of the car...I can't be driving" to my g'friend. So we got out of the car and my sister-in-law came out with her digital camera so we could take pictures of us in front of the cop motorcycle (see a pic of us on my other we're taking pics...and my brother-in-law is practically laying on the cycle and my son is taking his pic and I see the cop walking down the g'friend and I were laughing our heads off and the cop just smiled. He was there because the neighbors had their music blaring too loud. Well, he started mouthing off to the cop...which is NOT a good idea. Then 2 more cop cars came...3 of them now...and the cops are really pissed....too fucking bad as far we were all concerned. The cars on Telegraph Rd were noisey...loud mufflers...motorcyle guys doing wheelies...and they are concerned about a loud stereo?????...WHAT??? Are the donut shops all closed?...Nothing better to do??? My g'friend noticed how all the cops were a bit chunky..and I said "yeah, too many donuts:" and we laughed our asses off. Anyway, I think the neighbor ended up getting a ticket for something.
After the cops finally left, my g'friend and I got the hell out of there and we went to a bar! We went to a bar that her cousin owns and had a few beers.....(see, how I like to say a "few beers"...haha)...they had a band playing and the guitar player kept winking at me. I had worn this red/white/blue top and when my g'friend and I were dancing one of the band members said something about me being patriotic and started playing the Star Spangle Banner or something and this guitar player says "Well, I'm at attention!"..
We left the bar and I drove her home and I got home a little after 2:00 a.m. and totally crashed...I mean, I have never been that tired in a long time. It was a long day. My age must be creeping up on me...Oh holy shit!
Today, Sunday...I drove to my oldest son's house and saw my grandson, Jayden...We had a "few beers" and pizza and partied...then I came home. That little Jayden is a real pistol now. He is so damn smart. He goes and climbs up on the computer chair, pulls the keyboard out...scrolls the mouse...his little finger scrolling the wheel and pretends like he's typing on the keyboard! I'm still trying to figure out this damn computer! OH Shit....and get this....we're drinking and Michelle has a wine cooler sitting there and she leaves the room for a sec and I am taking a swig of my beer and I look and Damn!...Jayden has her wine cooler and he's chugging on it! I'm like gasping trying to say NONONO...and Michelle runs in and takes it from him...shit, he liked chugged down half of it!..It was Mango wine cooler, so it probably tasted like a fruit drink to him. He'll being sleeping good tonight!
Anyway, that was my case anyone cares...OH...I had an ad in the paper for the house today and not ONE SINGLE CALL!...A total waste of $93 for the fucking ad. See ya...Ciao.....
After the cops finally left, my g'friend and I got the hell out of there and we went to a bar! We went to a bar that her cousin owns and had a few beers.....(see, how I like to say a "few beers"...haha)...they had a band playing and the guitar player kept winking at me. I had worn this red/white/blue top and when my g'friend and I were dancing one of the band members said something about me being patriotic and started playing the Star Spangle Banner or something and this guitar player says "Well, I'm at attention!"..
We left the bar and I drove her home and I got home a little after 2:00 a.m. and totally crashed...I mean, I have never been that tired in a long time. It was a long day. My age must be creeping up on me...Oh holy shit!
Today, Sunday...I drove to my oldest son's house and saw my grandson, Jayden...We had a "few beers" and pizza and partied...then I came home. That little Jayden is a real pistol now. He is so damn smart. He goes and climbs up on the computer chair, pulls the keyboard out...scrolls the mouse...his little finger scrolling the wheel and pretends like he's typing on the keyboard! I'm still trying to figure out this damn computer! OH Shit....and get this....we're drinking and Michelle has a wine cooler sitting there and she leaves the room for a sec and I am taking a swig of my beer and I look and Damn!...Jayden has her wine cooler and he's chugging on it! I'm like gasping trying to say NONONO...and Michelle runs in and takes it from him...shit, he liked chugged down half of it!..It was Mango wine cooler, so it probably tasted like a fruit drink to him. He'll being sleeping good tonight!
Anyway, that was my case anyone cares...OH...I had an ad in the paper for the house today and not ONE SINGLE CALL!...A total waste of $93 for the fucking ad. See ya...Ciao.....
At 3:11 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
NOT a waste,,, just wait till tomorrow. Nobody calls on Sundays, they figure your spending time with family.
Glad you had some fun,this weekend. I remember the places you mentioned yet again! THANKS.
At 12:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
You could get a sign,put your skirt and walk in front of the house.
You will see that you sell
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