Cherokee Rose

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Oh MY God! We had a really bad storm last night. It was the scary kind. I turned off my computer in case the electricity went out. Then I went to bed and snuggled with my little dog and hoped that a tree didn't come crashing down on the roof. So I get up this morning feeling all safe and relieved that nothing bad happened, and I looked out my family room window and I see a disaster in the corner of my yard. It looked like a tornado went through that corner. Our neighbor behind us has this big tree just on the other side of our fence. Well that thing totally went down and it crushed my fence and it's all over my yard.

I freaked out and went back there. My birdhouses were all over the place! So I called my husband and he came home from work. We've been on the phone with our insurance company. Would you believe....we recently upped our deductible from $500 to $1000 to save money....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Our insurance company told us that even though the tree was in the neighbor's yard, we are still responsible..not his insurance. I called a tree service to get an estimate for them to remove the tree and all the debris....and I called my fence guy to give us an estimate to repair the fence. Plus, our other neighbor's fence on the right side of our property also got we are going to have him fix both fences and put the claim in. Our neighbor is an old widow and she will just let it stay like that, I'm sure....and we need to get it fixed so our dogs don't get out.

Of course, nobody can come out today....I told the tree guys (on a message I left) that some of the tree is leaning against some wires and I have no idea what kind of wires these are and they have to be removed ASAP.

So my husband will have to cancel the cement guy this weekend. The debris and limbs are all over where we were going to lay the foundation for the shed. It's a good thing we didn't already have the shed put would be trashed, I'm sure.

Just yesterday, I was thinking how things are finally calming down around here...not a lot to have to do with the "house" now that I have it listed with a realtor...and maybe now I can relax and get some other things done. Holy this to deal with! It's always something, isn't it???

Note: Please send donations to the Diane Disaster Relief Fund via PayPal!!!! haha

I miss my "kids"......(sometimes)

A friend of mine called me last night and wanted to meet for brunch today. She knows I don't get around early enough to do breakfast...haha So we met at 11:00 at Ram's Horn and had a late breakfast. We haven't seen each other in awhile cause I've just been so damn busy and out-of-town and her life is hectic, it was nice to just sit, eat, smoke and chat and get caught up. She has a son that is still in school, so she only has until about 2:00 to do anything. Then she has to go pick him up as his school is quite a ways away. And she has to do this every'm glad those days are over for me...well, sometimes. I do miss my "kids". I remember them so well....where did they go? Now I have these grown men coming over calling me "mom". It's funny how when the kids are small, you wish they would grow up...then they grow up and you wish they were small again....weird.

I miss the camping trips I use to take my kids on...with our tent and sleeping bags. I even took Casey (our dog) with us. We went to quite a few campgrounds. I just loved it. We'd sit around the campfire and giggle in the tent. I think my husband went once with us....he wasn't much into camping....he said he had enough of that when he was in the army.

I miss taking them fishing....husband wasn't much into fishing either.

I miss taking them bowling on their Saturday afternoon bowling league...we called ourselves the Alley Cats. I was the scorekeeper for the team. My husband would come up once in awhile and watch.

I miss watching the little league baseball games....and rooting when they scored or caught a good ball.

I miss taking them to concerts. We were there when Michael Jackson played the Pontiac Silverdome back in the 80's...white glove and all...and the kids wore their MJ jackets and gloves. I think I just dressed in black and white. My husband went with us when we took them to see the!

I miss playing with them in the sand on the beach in husband misses that, too. He use to bury them with only their heads sticking out...and cooking marshmallows at the bonfire.

I miss telling them stories at bedtime, especially the ones I would make up as I went along...they laughed the hardest at those.

Oh where oh where have they gone? I miss them.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I just finished reading Suburbanbliss's blogs....I haven't read them in quite awhile...and I added her name to my list of bloggers to the right. She is from Michigan (Royal Oak, I think) and there was a write-up in the paper about her blog. Sooooooo she gets tons and tons of comments from people all over. I don't know how she even has time to read them all. Anyway, I just finished reading her blog from 9-19 and I swear, I could have written it myself...well not exactly the way she wrote it cause she writes so damn well...but what she had to say I am definitely relating to. It's titled Two plus Two........

Doctors, Realtors and Cars

It was a busy busy day today. My appointment at the OB/GYN went waiting at all. I think I must have been her first patient after her lunch or something. My appointment was at 1:40 and I was out of there by 2:00.

Then I drove over to the house and talked with the gal that just sold her house down the street. She said it was sold in 1 1/2 days! She has a much bigger house, and that is exactly what some guy was looking for. Then I swept off the driveway AGAIN and packed my jeep with stuff to take to charity. Then I drove over to the realtor's office and he said he would meet me back at the house. He agreed on the asking price I had for it, so I signed all the papers. He said that the sign will be up by tomorrow, and he will get it put on the internet immediately. He said there is only about 6-8 weeks left of the basic selling season and he will really try to push getting my house sold. He said that it shouldn't be a problem. Yeah, Right...well, we'll see.....

My g'friend stopped by just as he was leaving. She had her little grandson with her so she didn't stay long. He is so cute. But he says to me "Hi...I'm John, daddy died". That was so sad.

I drove home and my youngest son was here. He needed to get a part for his car, so I drove him to the car parts place...then he and my husband put it in. He was having the same problem with his car that my husband is having with his Stealth. It's keeps stalling out...that's why the Stealth has been sitting in my driveway (not to be confused with the Fiero in my backyard) for a friggin year not running, and I couldn't sell my other jeep that is in the garage last winter because it's right in front of the damn garage door. I have this jeep to sell...his car dies on him...he had it towed home...and had it parked right in front of the garage door.....really smart! So it's been sitting there with flat tires now since August, 2004. I told him I am going to have it towed to the dealership, because I need it out of there so I can sell my jeep this winter. So now he thinks that maybe it has the same problem my son's car he is going to go buy the part and see if it will start now. Whew....took him over a year to figure it out.

Oh yes...I keep forgetting to update on my little grandson. They took him to the neurologist where they did some tests. They simply said that the cyst is still there in his brain but it is a benign cyst and not to worry about it. Well, Guess what??????? I'm still WORRYING!!

I have some things on Ebay I'm selling that is ending tonight. I got bids on all three things, so at least I know they are selling. I sold a Pirate halloween costume for dogs....a set of Avon Hummingbird salt & pepper shakers....and a ICP(Insane Clown Posse) keychain that was my son's. I haven't listed anything on Ebay in ages, so it's nice to get something sold. I really need to start listing more now that I have some time. OK...that's it....later....

Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday Monday....

I was so tired last night I went to bed fairly early. I wanted to watch that Nip and Tuck TV show at 10:00...they had been advertising a new show all I turn it on and it's the same damn episode that was on LAST Sunday and again one night during the what the hell happened to the so-called NEW episode they had been advertising??

Yesterday I went to the Cider myself, as usual....and bought cider, donuts and an apple pie...oh, and some apple butter. The pie was absolutely delicious!....they make them right there with their own was still hot when I got it. It's the best apple pie I've ever had...and it's downstairs in the kitchen calling my name...haha

While I was at the Cider Mill it started raining and then it rained really hard. People who had booths set up were scrambling to get their stuff put away. I also bought a little gnome figurine from one of the booths. Then I drove to this consignment store I haven't been to in a long time, but I didn't buy anything.

Hubby wants to build a storage building in the back yard next Spring (gee, I wonder how many years it will take him to actually build it??), so he called the same guy who poured the cement foundation for my son and made arrangements for him to come and pour a foundation for it now. I think we agreed to a 10 x 12 size. He was first thinking 10 x 14, but I'm looking at my family room which is 13' wide and I told him that it would be wider than our family I think he's going to do a 10 x 12....that's big enough. He wants to buy a riding lawn mower for it, I guess. Well, before he buys one, he better get that damn car out of my backyard...the one that has been sitting there for at least 8 years!

I have an appointment with my OB/GYN this afternoon for my annual pap smear and I'll be doing the mammo thing next. Then I'm done with doctor appointments for awhile.

I talked to another g'friend of mine last night. Her parents and my parents were best friends and we've known each other since we were pre-schoolers....she was the maid of honor at my wedding. Anyway, her youngest son was diagnosed with cancer about a year or so ago. He's been undergoing chemo and the doctors said that it is now in a state of remission since July. It's basically the same type of cancer that my other friend's son had...but not nearly as advanced as his was when it was first that's good. He has a tumor that is localized in his hasn't spread anywhere else....the tests show now that there is no blood flow in the tumor and that it is now more like scar tissue, so that means it isn't active and it's in a remission...Lets pray that it stays that way!

OK....gotta shower and get dressed and get to my appointment....ciao

Sunday, September 25, 2005

It's Saturday Night Live...!

IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!!....LIVE....So what the hell did I do tonight??? Well, I know that LAST Saturday night I was at a beer tent having fun with my one friend's brother was dancing with me, and he told me he's been married for 25 years and he would never cheat...but if he DID, it would be with me....haha...guess he had a good time. So what did I do THIS Saturday night back at the old homestead??? I...We...whatever....he snored thru most of it....watched rental movies....We...Me...watched Million Dollar Baby and cried (he saw the ending at least)...then I watched (he went to bed by this time) Starsky and Hutch and laughed. I really loved how they Paul Michael Glaser and David Soul do a cameo at the end. God, I am feeling really really old now.....I think I need to go hang out with my younger friends....LOL now I am back to my "real" life. I had to go to my "mom's" house and put out more flyers and pack up some stuff I didn't sell at the Estate Sale to bring home....I left the house twice and came back...I was in a shitty mood...I did NOT want to go over there. So SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....I leave town and get out of my depressed mood, have fun, relax..then come back and now I can't even drive over there and I feel like crap. It's that damn house! Anyway, by 4:00 I finally went over there..did what I had to do...had a beer...and lots of smokes. I noticed that the people down the street that also have been trying to sell their house by owner listed it with the same realtor I was going to call and it had a SOLD sign on it!!! So I will be calling them and getting this house listed and hopefully they will sell it and get it OUT OF MY LIFE!!!

I came home and grilled up some brats. Well, first I had earlier had to go refill my propane tank. Last time I grilled some burgers, it died on me...luckily the burgers were done...God, I hate when that happens. My hubby spent the day at our son's house all afternoon helping him put a shed up in his backyard (where does he get the money to do what he does????)...He just bought another car! He is always buying cars. I know he just sold his Impala and he paid us back what he owed us...and he is selling his '78 Malibu (Damn, I love that car) and his g'friend told me he took out a loan to buy some f'ng Mustang...what the hell does he need THAT for?? OH...he says it's an "investment"...whatever!

My youngest son is in the business of buying and reselling cars for extra money...that's what he does. He paid $2700 for the Malibu and he has had offers of $5000 for it. I told him "Take the MONEY"!!! This kid has owned probably over 50 cars since he was 16. I use to keep track, but gave up. He basically finds a good deal...screws the guy down on the price...buys it....cleans it up....resells it..makes money. Now this is the kid I had to do his homework for just so he could graduate...literally DID his homework!! When he had stories to write, I wrote them...his teachers wrote..."WOW...Good story!...great imagination!...."...(MY STORIES!)....Anyway...he college (hell, I could NEVER do college!), but he learned "street smarts" to make a buck....and he's got his mom's talent of how to "survive" in this world without doing a whole hell of a lot...

So what the hell was I talking about??...Oh.. yeah, hubby spent the day doing whatever.....he ate my brats...slept thru most of the movie and went to bed. So now I'm on my computer typing shit...and that was my day!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I'm back....Again

I was going to come back from Caseville Wednesday, but it was so damn nice...and the last day of summer...that I decided to stay another day and just sit at the pool with my friends. So I got home Thursday instead. It was just as well that I left cause that's when the weather got all crappy. I was driving home in a storm, and I really hate thunderstorms. I got so scared and couldn't see a damn thing cause of the rain that I just pulled off the road for awhile. At least it wasn't a hurricane!

I went to the Harley festival in Elkton and there were a ton of people....bikes everywhere....and little booths set up where you can buy stuff. My girlfriend and I shopped around and I bought a small leather pouchy-type purse to carry my main crap when I go out, and a cute top that I wore to the beer tent later. The beer tent was totally packed that night and the band was good. I met up with my friends and we had a blast. I had 4 beers and then switched to water, cause I had to drive home and the Elkton cops are bad, bad, bad.

Friday night there was a wedding on the beach at our condo. They had this gazebo type thing made of balloons that they left sitting right in front of my place, while everyone was inside the banquet room for the reception. I was so not cool about that....I mean I have my dogs and I needed to put them outside and here were all these balloons sitting there. THAT is where my doggies go potty! At one point these people were outside taking pictures and the bride and groom decided it would be cute to sit on the grass inside this balloon thing and I heard the photographer say "look out...there's dog poop there"...haha...and the groom was trying to get out of the way and I heard balloons popping....I knew it wasn't a good place to put that thing! poor Hobie Cat friend wrecked his boat! My girlfriend and him went sailing on it during the day one day last week and then later he went back out by himself and it tipped over. Now you need two people to upright it so there was no way he could do it by himself, so he just left it and swam to shore. The next day he went looking for it and it had drifted back up on the beach, but it is pretty much trashed....the sail is wrecked and all the cables are screwed up. It's a good thing it didn't tip when Janice was on it...she would have freaked out....that's why I don't go on boats.

Anyway, I had a good time....drank way too much...hell, I was on now I'm back home....whoopee-doo. Sunday my husband did call me to wish me a Happy Anniversary and let me know that some guy called on the house. I called the guy back and gave him some info on the house, told him I'm out-of-town and if he wants to see the house to give me a call after far, he hasn't called back. I'll give him through the weekend, then I'll have to see a realtor.

I've been on this computer checking out these two websites I heard about....real scary stuff. One is about artifical weather engineering and how this guy is claiming that these hurricanes we are getting hit with is all being deliberately created through some type of weather modification technology...a form of terrorism on our country....and it does kind of make sense when you read it and realize that these hurricanes are hitting us right where our oil refineries are!

The other website is ...really makes one wonder when you read what they have to say.

Okay...going to bed....Have a good night!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I'm leaving tomorrow for Caseville for the Harley Festival in Elkton, and I'm suppose to be packing right now and I came upstairs to get my luggage and now I'm on this computer and haven't done a damn thing. I have nothing to wear, anyway....I've outgained all my jeans...I tried on all my jeans today (major bad thing to do when you are already depressed, I know), and I only have 4 jeans that fit, and one pair has the button missing...probably popped off the last time I wore them! I pitched out more clothes...about 5 more pair of pair I still had was a size 4...laughed my big fat ass over them when I saw them....I actually could wear them like 6 years ago. 6 years and menopause later, they don't fit anymore....OUT they go. I remember it was 6 years ago, cause that is when I had my class reunion in 1999 and I wore my size 4 shorts to the picnic. I sold those at my sale. Anyway, now most of my size 6's don't fit...and some size 7's are snug...what the hell is going on???????.....mmmmmmm, could it be the beer?...the pizza?.....the fact that I haven't even been to the gym in 6 months???? Whatever....

So today I am still in this depressed state of mind...really bad....had to buy cigs and I barely made it to the store...on the verge of tears the whole time I was driving. I hate even going anywhere when I'm like this. I was going to go to the store and buy computer paper, but couldn' I just drove home. Went through some closets and pitched out more stuff.

This really is not a good weekend for me at all. Sunday is my anniversary. 23 years ago on my anniversary our little puppy, Dusty, died. He died on our anniversary, Sept 18. Very sad...I cry everytime I think of it. He is buried in our backyard, and that is why we will probably never sell the house.

Dusty was only 4 months old. He was 2 months old when we got him. He was a pomeranian. I always wanted a Pomeranian and my husband said there was no way he was going to own one of those yiping, ankle-biter dogs. I had been at a garage sale and the female was going to have I went back in July and dragged my husband with me. He saw him and fell in love so we took him home. He was a happy go-lucky puppy....he had my husband wrapped around his little paw. He would run to the door when he came home and jump all over for him to pick him up. He was so happy with us. We were good dog-parents. I took him in for all his shots like a responsible owner. He had gotten the whole series of shots....the parvo shot included. The vet told me to bring him back in a month for a booster parvo shot. I really did not think it was necessary, but wanted to do the right thing. A month later, I had a bad feeling and almost called the vet to cancel....but I figured I may as well take him and get it over with. He was so happy that day. I took him in....she gave him the booster shot. Two days later, he was sick. He was vomiting...had bloody diarhea. The vet was closed so I called the emergency vet. She asked if he had his parvo shot...I told him he did plus the booster just 2 days before. She said that it sounded like parvo, but since he had his shots, then it couldn't be that...she told me to see how he was in the morning and if he was still sick to take him to my regular vet. By morning, he was so bad. I took him to my vet....they did a blood test and it was confirmed that he had parvo. "How??"...."How could he have Parvo??" The vet admitted that sometimes the shot will GIVE them parvo as opposed to PROTECTING them from parvo. Oh my God...I was devastated. I thought I was protecting my baby...and I took him to the vet where they innoculated him with this poison that killed him. It was a Saturday, and the vet was closing early, so we took him to the emergency vet hoping they could do something...anything....they put him on IV's, but he died anyway. I feel so guilty....he trusted me....and I let him down. I should have listened to my instincts that day when I had such a bad feeling about taking him in for that damn booster shot.

I was in bed for a week....I couldn't eat...I lost 7 husband couldn't work...he called vets, pet stores, the pharmeceutical company that distributed the parvo shot. They told him that no puppy under the age of 6 months should have that shot!!! That is why my next dog did NOT get that shot until he was closer to 9 months old. It was a very bad time. We needed to find another dog just like him....we searched the ads and found one....a male Pomeranian, wolf-sable...we had our house fumigated for the virus...then we brought him home. He was our Casey...and we had him for almost 14 years. But we will NEVER forget our little Dusty....NEVER....

Dusty Lee Bo.....5-24-82....9-18-82

Kudos for Me!!

I am soooooo proud of myself!! I'm patting myself on the back. I figured out how to add other blogs to my blog...see right. I've been working on it all morning. I screwed up somewhere and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Well, I had forgotten to add a little > to them...duh. So now I got it. "My Photo Studio" are my pictures, of course....John in Iraq is a soldier in Iraq who is now back in the States on leave for awhile; Domestic Princess and Sunshine Daydreamer are my neices, Holly and Stephanie; Just a Mom is Jaye from Arizona, who helped me with adding these blogs; and Just Help Me is Val from Arizona who recently moved there from Ohio. maybe I can get dressed and get something else done around here....

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blah, Blah, Blah.....Day

I woke up early and then fell back to sleep, but still managed to get my butt out of bed before 10:00 anyway. I had some things I needed to put back up in the attic, and I didn't want to ask my husband; so I climbed up there myself and hauled it back up. My attic opening is up inside my upstairs linen closet...which means I have to take crap out, take out shelves and climb up. It's such a mess up there from when they did the roof....we really need to clean it up....another time.

I paid my taxes and went to the dentist...just for a routine cleaning. I really need to make an appointment with my OB/GYN...I was due for a pap smear way back in June and haven't gotten to it yet. Then I have to do the mammo thing. I need to keep regular appointments in those areas though. I had a problem a few years ago and needed some surgery. Something about some pre-cancerous cells...then I was on some meds for 6 months and another check-up and it was fine. So now I am back to the once-a-year exams, and I am overdue this year. Considering that my mother ended up with uterine cancer, I really need keep track of things. My maternal great-aunt had breast that area needs to be watched as well. I'll make the appointment eventually...when I get time to go.

Watched Rock Star: INXS and it's down to the final 3 guys that I thought it should be from the beginning. They all wrote an original song and this JD guy's song really rocks. They have had him sing it like 4 times already. It's called "Pretty Vegas"....look for it soon in stores, I'm sure! He may not win, but I think he has a career going for him.

I finally cleaned out my oven. I bought this self-cleaning oven like 3-4 years ago and have never cleaned it and it was getting so bad. I just kept putting it everything I did it and now it's DONE! It looks great...took over 4 hours though.

I still feel like my whole house is disorganized with crap I don't need and it's driving me crazy. When I get this depression, I feel like I just want to throw everything out. I looked around to find some things to get rid of...found a few things...made me feel better. I need to start going through my closets and drawers again and get rid of stuff. I have all this crap that I'm saving....saving for what??? I have no idea...just stuff I hate to throw old things...things I've been saving for years...letters, cards, school stuff, vacation mementos, kid's things, old magazines, newspapers, things my dad had, things my mom had, things my grandmother had. What the hell do I need this stuff for? When I'm gone, it's just all going to get tossed out anyway. I got rid of a lot when I had my estate my old "hippy" dress...and now I'm thinking "I want my hippy dress back!!"'s gone...who needs it. Who needs any of this stuff??? Sometimes I even think about getting rid of this computer and going back to my good old computer-free days...days when I accomplished something instead of staring at this screen all f'ng day...should throw the TV out, too....haha

My husband hates when I get like this...I know he's probably hiding things...
I watched Big Brother last night and now they are down to the final 3 and the first part of the Head of Household competition. I went into the chat room for BB and found out that Ivette won the first part. I don't have the live feed for the show. For anyone who doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about....BB is on 24 hours a day and if you pay, you can watch them on a live feed and see what happens before it is even aired on the show. I don't have that...but I can still go into the chat room and find out from people who do. So Friday, the remaining 2 will go on to the second part of the competition....whoever wins that will compete with Ivette in the third part. Whoever wins...then decides which of the other 2 will go, and she and the other will stay and will be voted on as to who will win this year and win $500,000!! It's down to these 3 women, and they are fighting like cats to win this thing....haha

My youngest son bought a shed to put up in his backyard, so last night my hus went over there to help him put it he basically was gone shortly after we ate until Big Brother came on. I could have went and helped, but I would have just gotten in the way anyway. Let the men do it.

Today I have a dentist appointment this afternoon....and I have to stop at the city clerk's office and pay my taxes cause they are due today and I almost forgot!

I am in such a depressed state of mind. I hate when I get like this. It just gets so overwhelming. I look at my life and see nothing to look forward to. I mean, first you look forward to getting married...did that; then you look forward to buying your first house...did that; then you look forward to having children...did that; then you look forward to buying your second house...did that; then you look forward to your children growing up and moving out....did that; NOW there is nothing to look forward to. It's all done...that's it...basically end of your life. Only thing left to look forward to now is retirement, and hus ain't gonna want to travel, or sell the house and move to Vegas or Arizona or some other nice warm retirement state, or do anything anyway....then there's death....whoopee-doo.....Well, I have Caseville and the beer tent to look forward to this weekend at least...and that's getting old....I'm so depressed.....

Monday, September 12, 2005

A Hangover Day......

I definitely slept til noon today...and felt like crap when I got up. Boy, you would think I'd learn. I did get some grocery shopping done, and just bought some ribs and stuff at the deli for dinner. So I didn't have to cook...just heat it up.

I talked to my brother today about the house, and we agreed to just list the damn thing with a realtor and get this house SOLD. So when I get back from Caseville, I'll get in touch with a realtor. Now I have to decide which realtor to go with. I hate making decisions.

I sure didn't do much today. I laid around most of the day. Tomorrow maybe I will drive to the cemetery and at least bury my mom's cat's ashes....they are still upstairs in the box...haha

I received the packet on the upcoming family reunion in New York next month. They have a lot planned for the weekend. I'll do some of it, but not all of it. They have some morning things planned, and well...we all know that those plans are out for me!

I am soooo I'm going to crash how and get some restful sleep.
OK....It's like after 4 a.m the fuck what?? Read it in the morning then...I'm typing it now.

Only cause I'm still up....

The sun ain't shining thru my windows so I can still be up....

I'll sleep in tomorrow.....I have no job....I can sleep til noon

I went to my all-school reunion today....I mainly hung out at the bar where people can at least SMOKE....and this girl looks at my name badge and says "Where's Ron?" brother....she apparently knew him and had the hots for him when they were in school. I told her he wasn't there BUT all the girls STILL have the hots for him now....haha.

Then I checked the books for anybody that graduated with my was an ALL-SCHOOL reunion...all years that graduated from our high school and my mom and her brothers and sister graduated from the SAME high school as me and my I found a name, and went from room to room and I found her; so I went up to her and started to tell her who the hell I was and her friend sitting next to her said "you are Florence's daughter"!...yep....I couldn't believe it...It was Madeline and Shirley...I have heard many stories about them...they use to go to Vegas to visit my Aunt all the time...and they came to my mom's funeral when I wasn't there and missed them. They were so happpy to see me and we talked a lot about my mom and my aunt. They are actually going to Vegas in November to visit my uncle.

About 8 of my classmates from my class year showed up and we had a good time....then I went to the Yaught...Yaght...Yuaght...shit...can't spell the damn's what you call a boat....a fancy boat...something Club....anyway, went there with one of my classmates....who like me...likes to party way after they throw us out! we went there...had a couple pitchers (pitchers go a long way and costs much cheaper)...and then left. He is so cute...followed me to the bathroom...worried about me when I didn't come out...sent a waitress in to check on me....hell, I was smoking and drinking with some girls in the john...nothing to worry about. Came out...he followed me out to my car..............

Came home....dogs are happy to see me....hus bought pizza (glad he can feed himself)...grabbed a slice of pizza....dogs followed me to the bathroom...followed me into the family are like dogs...except at least my dogs got a PIECE of pizza!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Good Saturday Afternoon......

I picked up my g'friend today and we went to Greenfield Village. She has a seasonal pass and can take a guest for free. We've been to a couple concerts there before, but I've never toured the grounds and did the tour of all the homes they have there. Greenfield Village is part of the Henry Ford Museum. We toured the homes of Steven Foster, Noah Webster, Edison's laboratory, an old boarding house from the 1800's....just lots of homes. It's a great place to go if you've never been there. I love the way the people working there all dress up in period clothes. They also had an antique car show going on. They had a little shop and I bought a pottery vase. I couldn't believe how cheap it was and my friend used her membership card for another 10% off. We bought ice cream, and the slob I am...I dripped chocolate ice cream down the front of my top....I was able to get most of it out in the bathroom. I washed it better when I got home and it's in the dryer now.

Then we left and went to Applebee's and got something to eat....left there and went to the mall and I bought another pair of jean capri's and a ring. Then we went to a pub and got a beer.....ya knew there had to be a beer in here somewhere....haha

I got home in time to catch the last part of Big Brother.

Tomorrow, I'm going to the all-school reunion. Basically it's for all the years that graduated from my old high school. They have it once every 5 years. Plymouth is also having their Fall beer tent at this one though....and another antique car show. My friend doesn't want to go because it's too soon after the death of her son and she doesn't feel up to talking to a lot of people.

I don't know what my husband did today...didn't ask....he was sleeping on the couch when I got home. I assume he made himself something to eat.

My friend told me that DON JOHNSON is going to be starring in another TV series this Fall on some odd channel I don't usually watch...probably why I haven't heard about it. I am so excited! I just love him to death and miss the old Nash Bridges episodes. She said that her son was a big fan of his too and couldn't wait to see his new series. Well, he can't see it we'll be watching it for him.

So that was my day......

Husbands are good for something once in a while.....

I finally got dressed today and decided to go over to the house and do some cleaning up outside. The driveway was full of tree crap and looked like hell, so I swept it all up. And hallelujah!...Remember I said that when I went to Caseville, I told my hus that there were two things that he better get done while I'm gone or ELSE....well, they were done! Praise the Lord...a miracle! He put in the new faucet in the kitchen and fixed the leak, and it looks great! and he put the pantry door back on. Now he only has two more things to get done...but I'll give him a break for awhile. He still needs to caulk around the tub and put the shoe molding down in the kitchen.

Later I went to Kohl's and did some shopping. They have some great sales going on. I bought myself a pair of jean capri's and a couple of tops. And I got some Xmas shopping done...geeeez it's already September! Only blah, blah more days til Xmas ya know. I don't even want to think about it. Told hubby that I would rather just skip it this year and keep all the crap up in the attic.

We were watching that telethon for the Hurricane victims...something Shelter...and at exactly 9:00 it just stopped and switched to some wrestling show...what the hell was that??? Guess the TV station thought wrestling was more important...duh

So I put in a DVD of some movie called "A License to Kill" with that hunky sexy Denzel Washington. It was about a drunk driver that kills this couple's teenage daughter and the pain it was to get justice in court and have him sent to prison. The driver was like "I only had a couple drinks", "I can hold my liquor", "I can drive when I drink".....geeez, sounds like me.....think I better cool it...that movie scared the livin daylights out of not cool.

They were talking on the radio today about coyotes and people calling in telling stories of seeing them in their neighborhoods....around HERE. One guy said he watched a coyote tear the neighbor's cat apart.....OOOOHHHHHHHH, my little Mini Sue, I am so scared! I told hus that we have GOT to fence in that one part in our yard he said he will....and he better....or ELSE!

I tried to call my friend but she wasn't home, so I don't know if we are going to do something tomorrow or not at this point. Maybe I'll hear from her in the morning. Oh Lord...I just remembered that it was another friend's birthday today, well actually yesterday now...and I was gonna call her and FORGOT....damn!

Friday, September 09, 2005

I posted a couple of pics at the NASA space center in Cleveland on my picture I know I really need to set up a link for it on my blog site here....I got the instructions on what to do, but just have been too damn lazy to do it. I need a good day when I can concentrate so I don't screw it up.

No new coyote sightings.

Well, it's after noon here...and I'm still in my jammies and my hair is still wet and I have no clue what I want to do today. I want to drive to Northville, but am too cheap to use my gas. I need to call my g'friend to make plans for tomorrow. I am so bored here....I want to go back to Caseville where it is way more fun! And I'm hungry as hell and can't eat. I gained way too much weight from all the cheeseburgers and beer I have been consuming in the past few weeks...(see my expanded waist line in my pics...yeah, yeah, yeah...I know you're saying "what the hell is she talking about??" Anyway, I see it...I feel it...I hate now I am starving myself. Plus, when I was in Caseville last weekend, I bought a pizza and ate the whole damn thing....not good.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

We have Coyotes!

We have coyotes roaming around here. Before I left for Caseville my hus saw our neighbor's dog chasing one down the street. He talked to the neighbor and he said that he has seen it in the middle of the road at night. Then while I was in Caseville, my hus said that he saw it again running along the side of our fence on the neighbor's side. She, the neighbor next door, said that she has seen it before too. My hus called the police and they are aware of people seeing a coyote and they have alerted the city next to us. They said that they have tried to catch it, but can't. I am so worried about my dogs....especially my little Mini Sue. Our yard is fenced in, but this small area in the front only has this green chicken wire and a coyote could jump over that easy. I know that there are a lot of rabbits around here and I'm sure he is around for the rabbits, and I'm afraid that he will try to go after my little dog. Those things are vicious and kill small animals.

I called a friend who lives in Niagara Falls, Canada to let him know that I will be there in October (Yes, I know...another trip!) I am going to New York for a family reunion and then I'm stopping at the Falls on my way back for a couple days. hus won't be going with me....he has no interest...besides, he has to watch the dogs. When I was first in Niagara Falls doing a geneology research, I met the old guy that now owns my great-great-grandparents house. He's like 92 years old and a very sweet guy. He is great to talk to....he remembers everything in his life and I have heard the same stories everytime I go see him, but it's still interesting. Anyway, he was so glad to hear from me. I guess he was in the bathroom when I called, so he had to put the phone down so he could pull up his pants....hahaha...he always makes me laugh.

My computer is acting up, so I hope this posts okay...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Back Again...til next week anyway...

I got home tonight around 7:30 from Caseville....I would have loved to have just stayed there, but since I didn't bring the dogs, I had to get back cause hubby is back to work tomorrow. I drove up Friday and stopped at my g'friend's house on the way and visited for hours before I even got to my condo. Saturday my son and his g'friend drove up and we all went to the beer tent in Pigeon that night. They had a good band and my friends were all there. Luckily, I let my son drive back...I had drank too much. Since he didn't know my car that well, when he went to turn the windshield wipers on to get the fog off the windshield, he mistakenly turned the lights off and then turned them back on...and, of course, there was a cop sitting there who just HAD to turn around to see what was up. My son was okay...didn't drink that everything went okay. He simply explained what he had done....gave him his business card (which states he is a Detroit Police Reserve Officer) with his license, and the cop just said for us to have a good-night....WHEW!!!! Then we drove back to the condo and went into the bar there and had a couple more beers, but at least we could walk home and not drive. They left in the morning before I got up....I got up after 11:00!....they had to attend some family picnic his g'friend's family was having.

Sunday I basically did jack-sh**, cause I was pretty crashed out. Monday my g'friend came over and we hung out by the pool. I also met with a realtor to see a cottage, but it needs way too much work and was too small anyway. Tuesday, we hung out at the pool again....then my Hobie-Cat friend showed up and they were at my place til 10:00. I cleaned out my fridge, finished up whatever beer was in there and went to bed. Then I woke up hearing someone knocking on my was like the middle of the night, so I ignored it...then there's knocking on my other door, so I'm thinking "Who the hell is knocking on my door in the middle of the friggin night??", so I answered it and it was my other friend's husband. I'm like "What the hell time is it?" It was 6:30 in the morning. He had just gotten off work from his campground job and had to be at his regular job at 8:00, so he thought he'd stop and visit!!! 6:30 in the morning?? I was not too happy...I was out of beer, so I gave him a pop and we sat at my kitchen table and smoked cigs for 45 mins or so...then he left. I went back to bed and got up at 11:00 again. Damn! I know that Janice(who is also friends of him and his wife)is an early-bird and he's use to her visiting and having coffee at 6:30 in the morning, but I am NOT a morning person like she is. It's funny...she'll get up early and go have coffee with either Jean or Lola and then have to wait until at least noon before she knows she can even call me....haha

So today I went over to her house and we went and got something to eat...went to a vet and got flea meds for our dogs and then I hit the road around 4:30.

It was kinda nice not having the dogs there to take care of, pick up dog crap, and listen to them barking every 5 f'ng minutes...but I DID miss them. So I'm back for a week, then off the Caseville again for the Harley festival and another beer tent!

Friday, September 02, 2005





Thursday, September 01, 2005

The world is Flooded with stupid people.....

A lot of things piss me off. One of them is the stupidity of people. Just annoys the hell out of me. People make decisions. People are responsible for the decisions they make. Then when it blows up in their faces or causes an inconvenience, they expect everyone else to feel sorry for them and help bail them out. STOP making stupid decisions!

Now....okay, gonna get some flack here, but I don't really care.....these people who made a stupid decision to actually live in a city that is literally in a bowl under sea level, only protected by man-made levees, are now whining and crying cause they lost their homes and everything they own.....well, who the hell told them to live there??? They knew what consequences could come of it....yet they made their choice. Nature will always prevail. If you go against nature, then be prepared. The land there is slowly eroding due to the levees that man built. It is nature's way to occasionally flood the land and the silt from the floods helps keep the land up....that area has been slowing eroding and getting worse...making the area more vulnerable to flooding when it does happen.....and it will. Also, besides living there....these people had warning that it was coming and what might happen, yet many of them made another stupid decision to stay, and ended up on roof-tops expecting someone else to help them out.

Frankly, I'm tired of reading about other people's main concern right now is that I have to pay over $3.00/gallon for my gas and I have trips to make! God, I'm such a selfish bitch....but at least my house is here and dry...cause I'm not stupid enough to live in a flood-zone.

There are flood-zone areas in Dearborn Heights and when my son was looking for a house, he wanted this one that was in a flood-zone...we talked him out of it....he bought another house....a couple years later there was a flood and the house he almost bought was totally flooded.....his house, on the other hand, was fine. You DON'T live in a flood zone area; and if you do, be prepared and don't expect a lot of sympathy from me.

I did donate $10 to the Red Cross Disaster Fund to help out...I would have sent more, but I need the money for gas.........

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