A Good Saturday Afternoon......
I picked up my g'friend today and we went to Greenfield Village. She has a seasonal pass and can take a guest for free. We've been to a couple concerts there before, but I've never toured the grounds and did the tour of all the homes they have there. Greenfield Village is part of the Henry Ford Museum. We toured the homes of Steven Foster, Noah Webster, Edison's laboratory, an old boarding house from the 1800's....just lots of homes. It's a great place to go if you've never been there. I love the way the people working there all dress up in period clothes. They also had an antique car show going on. They had a little shop and I bought a pottery vase. I couldn't believe how cheap it was and my friend used her membership card for another 10% off. We bought ice cream, and the slob I am...I dripped chocolate ice cream down the front of my top....I was able to get most of it out in the bathroom. I washed it better when I got home and it's in the dryer now.
Then we left and went to Applebee's and got something to eat....left there and went to the mall and I bought another pair of jean capri's and a ring. Then we went to a pub and got a beer.....ya knew there had to be a beer in here somewhere....haha
I got home in time to catch the last part of Big Brother.
Tomorrow, I'm going to the all-school reunion. Basically it's for all the years that graduated from my old high school. They have it once every 5 years. Plymouth is also having their Fall Festival....no beer tent at this one though....and another antique car show. My friend doesn't want to go because it's too soon after the death of her son and she doesn't feel up to talking to a lot of people.
I don't know what my husband did today...didn't ask....he was sleeping on the couch when I got home. I assume he made himself something to eat.
My friend told me that DON JOHNSON is going to be starring in another TV series this Fall on some odd channel I don't usually watch...probably why I haven't heard about it. I am so excited! I just love him to death and miss the old Nash Bridges episodes. She said that her son was a big fan of his too and couldn't wait to see his new series. Well, he can't see it now....so we'll be watching it for him.
So that was my day......
Then we left and went to Applebee's and got something to eat....left there and went to the mall and I bought another pair of jean capri's and a ring. Then we went to a pub and got a beer.....ya knew there had to be a beer in here somewhere....haha
I got home in time to catch the last part of Big Brother.
Tomorrow, I'm going to the all-school reunion. Basically it's for all the years that graduated from my old high school. They have it once every 5 years. Plymouth is also having their Fall Festival....no beer tent at this one though....and another antique car show. My friend doesn't want to go because it's too soon after the death of her son and she doesn't feel up to talking to a lot of people.
I don't know what my husband did today...didn't ask....he was sleeping on the couch when I got home. I assume he made himself something to eat.
My friend told me that DON JOHNSON is going to be starring in another TV series this Fall on some odd channel I don't usually watch...probably why I haven't heard about it. I am so excited! I just love him to death and miss the old Nash Bridges episodes. She said that her son was a big fan of his too and couldn't wait to see his new series. Well, he can't see it now....so we'll be watching it for him.
So that was my day......
At 12:13 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
I still can not believe that is still there!! I went there when I was little, our family went every year. That and the Detroit zoo(in Royal Oak?), like clock work. weird
At 5:02 AM,
Diane said…
JAM....yes, the clock is still there in the Village and bongs every 15 minutes..and the zoo is still there. I love it!
Hol....I knew your dad wouldn't go anyway, but people remembered him....they talked about Larry Walton's band and Chris Campbell's band now (Silver Bullet band)...Larry died way back when...I dated him. Met some girl named Janice..think her last name was something like Rubik....shit...forgot now...but it was something like that...she had the hots for him in school.
Just Help Me: I was hooping and hollowing when Janelle won HOH. I was hoping she would nom Ivette and Maggie ( only cause Maggie was responsible for getting Kaysar off originally...I really hate her!)...I was surprised that she saved April...can't stand her!...but who knows what her strategy is. I'm rooting for either Janelle or maybe Ivette to win at this point. All my favorites are gone anyway. I do not like Maggie...and I cannot stand April....so not much choice now.
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