Cherokee Rose

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Oh MY God! We had a really bad storm last night. It was the scary kind. I turned off my computer in case the electricity went out. Then I went to bed and snuggled with my little dog and hoped that a tree didn't come crashing down on the roof. So I get up this morning feeling all safe and relieved that nothing bad happened, and I looked out my family room window and I see a disaster in the corner of my yard. It looked like a tornado went through that corner. Our neighbor behind us has this big tree just on the other side of our fence. Well that thing totally went down and it crushed my fence and it's all over my yard.

I freaked out and went back there. My birdhouses were all over the place! So I called my husband and he came home from work. We've been on the phone with our insurance company. Would you believe....we recently upped our deductible from $500 to $1000 to save money....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Our insurance company told us that even though the tree was in the neighbor's yard, we are still responsible..not his insurance. I called a tree service to get an estimate for them to remove the tree and all the debris....and I called my fence guy to give us an estimate to repair the fence. Plus, our other neighbor's fence on the right side of our property also got we are going to have him fix both fences and put the claim in. Our neighbor is an old widow and she will just let it stay like that, I'm sure....and we need to get it fixed so our dogs don't get out.

Of course, nobody can come out today....I told the tree guys (on a message I left) that some of the tree is leaning against some wires and I have no idea what kind of wires these are and they have to be removed ASAP.

So my husband will have to cancel the cement guy this weekend. The debris and limbs are all over where we were going to lay the foundation for the shed. It's a good thing we didn't already have the shed put would be trashed, I'm sure.

Just yesterday, I was thinking how things are finally calming down around here...not a lot to have to do with the "house" now that I have it listed with a realtor...and maybe now I can relax and get some other things done. Holy this to deal with! It's always something, isn't it???

Note: Please send donations to the Diane Disaster Relief Fund via PayPal!!!! haha


  • At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 1:53 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    hahahahah I am so sorry, but the last part got to me. That really bites, does the old lady have insurance?


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