Kudos for Me!!
I am soooooo proud of myself!! I'm patting myself on the back. I figured out how to add other blogs to my blog...see right. I've been working on it all morning. I screwed up somewhere and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Well, I had forgotten to add a little > to them...duh. So now I got it. "My Photo Studio" are my pictures, of course....John in Iraq is a soldier in Iraq who is now back in the States on leave for awhile; Domestic Princess and Sunshine Daydreamer are my neices, Holly and Stephanie; Just a Mom is Jaye from Arizona, who helped me with adding these blogs; and Just Help Me is Val from Arizona who recently moved there from Ohio.
OK....now maybe I can get dressed and get something else done around here....
OK....now maybe I can get dressed and get something else done around here....
At 6:48 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
AAAAAAAAAAAAAa why bother. Now you need to get reallly purty with it!
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