I watched Big Brother last night and now they are down to the final 3 and the first part of the Head of Household competition. I went into the chat room for BB and found out that Ivette won the first part. I don't have the live feed for the show. For anyone who doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about....BB is on 24 hours a day and if you pay, you can watch them on a live feed and see what happens before it is even aired on the show. I don't have that...but I can still go into the chat room and find out from people who do. So Friday, the remaining 2 will go on to the second part of the competition....whoever wins that will compete with Ivette in the third part. Whoever wins...then decides which of the other 2 will go, and she and the other will stay and will be voted on as to who will win this year and win $500,000!! It's down to these 3 women, and they are fighting like cats to win this thing....haha
My youngest son bought a shed to put up in his backyard, so last night my hus went over there to help him put it up....so he basically was gone shortly after we ate until Big Brother came on. I could have went and helped, but I would have just gotten in the way anyway. Let the men do it.
Today I have a dentist appointment this afternoon....and I have to stop at the city clerk's office and pay my taxes cause they are due today and I almost forgot!
I am in such a depressed state of mind. I hate when I get like this. It just gets so overwhelming. I look at my life and see nothing to look forward to. I mean, first you look forward to getting married...did that; then you look forward to buying your first house...did that; then you look forward to having children...did that; then you look forward to buying your second house...did that; then you look forward to your children growing up and moving out....did that; NOW there is nothing to look forward to. It's all done...that's it...basically end of your life. Only thing left to look forward to now is retirement, and hus ain't gonna want to travel, or sell the house and move to Vegas or Arizona or some other nice warm retirement state, or do anything anyway....then there's death....whoopee-doo.....Well, I have Caseville and the beer tent to look forward to this weekend at least...and that's getting old....I'm so depressed.....
My youngest son bought a shed to put up in his backyard, so last night my hus went over there to help him put it up....so he basically was gone shortly after we ate until Big Brother came on. I could have went and helped, but I would have just gotten in the way anyway. Let the men do it.
Today I have a dentist appointment this afternoon....and I have to stop at the city clerk's office and pay my taxes cause they are due today and I almost forgot!
I am in such a depressed state of mind. I hate when I get like this. It just gets so overwhelming. I look at my life and see nothing to look forward to. I mean, first you look forward to getting married...did that; then you look forward to buying your first house...did that; then you look forward to having children...did that; then you look forward to buying your second house...did that; then you look forward to your children growing up and moving out....did that; NOW there is nothing to look forward to. It's all done...that's it...basically end of your life. Only thing left to look forward to now is retirement, and hus ain't gonna want to travel, or sell the house and move to Vegas or Arizona or some other nice warm retirement state, or do anything anyway....then there's death....whoopee-doo.....Well, I have Caseville and the beer tent to look forward to this weekend at least...and that's getting old....I'm so depressed.....
At 3:29 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
UUUMMMM did you wake up in my pile of shit???? OK so we are normal huh, I choose to call the crazyness if there is more then just me "NORMAL" thank you!
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