Cherokee Rose

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I got home from the weekend trip and I'm leaving again this weekend...

Spring is here.....I hate it here.....sometimes

So I am like out of here......3 days is better than nuttin...

I drive from Deeeetroit....

I hit the highway....

Forget the hubby, the house, whatever

As long as I have my dogssssssssssssssssss

I am gone....

I hafta work Friday.....

then I'm outta here!!!!!!!

I want the sun shining in my face....

I want the world shining in my life....

I want it all....I have it all....I have it ALLLLLLLL!!

Til life fucks it up.....


Today...well,yesterday...3-29....was my youngest son's BIRTHDAY!! Yep! He is now the old old age of ?.....haha...which would give away MY F'ING AGE.....anyway, he's old....

We, meaning my hus and I, took him and his girlfriend out to dinner to some steak place called "Branna", which is a really great place. We all had steak and his g'frind and I had these huge Mambo drinks....32 ozers.

So we came back to our place and I gave him this "three stooges"...posters that I thought he would like...It was the 3 stooges dressed like cops saying something like ".....(don't remember exactly)....soive and protect"....I wish I could remember what the it said.......anyway, it was good, considering he's a cop or kinda....

OK...tomorrow, he has to be at work at 6:45 and he has to "escort" like 10 Million dollars of money to the federal reserve place...some new place they have now. And since he was awarded the #1 guy to transport money, he is the one to do it. He will be protected with a bullet-proof vest (that he wears everyday anyway) but also with armed guards surrounding him...which he has done before...but this job makes him nervous....because he is the one that has to SIGN his fucking name at the end...any money missing is his responsibility...He once signed and $2000 was missing.....thank god, they found the $2 grand..Anyway,he is my baby.........

and I gave birth to him........Happy Birthday Randy!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Didn't do much today. Today was a work day, then I'm off til Tuesday. So tomorrow I'm going to drive up to Caseville and take a jeep full of stuff again. I have a dresser to take up and tons of stuff I've been buying. I hope I have room for the dogs! I guess they will have to sit on the seat next to me. I have the back seat down for now. They haven't been up there since November. I would leave them home, but since I won't be back until late Monday then I don't want them to be home all day Monday by themselves cause my hus will be at work. He leaves at 7:00 in the morning and doesn't get home until after 4:30 and that's almost 10 hours which is way too long to leave I'm taking them. That's why I prefer to drive up on Friday afternoon and be back by Sunday....but I had to work today. So they're coming with me.

So have a great weekend and see ya when I get back....ciao...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Quotable Quotes from Kellie Pickler......

"Hey y'all, don't be throwin away those cool whip containers when you're done with em. They make festive and colorful salad bowls for entertaining. Plus, they bounce, not break, when the trailer shifts. I'm up to a 12 piece place setting."

"Hey y'all, don't be throwin away that six-pack once your done. Those cans make up into mighty pretty windchimes that you can give as gifts to friends and family."


VFTW website.....

Val....Here is that website I was talking about in my last post.

Then click on Message Board

Then click on AmericanIdol 5

Then scroll down to "Trailer Park Tips from Kellie", user is started by KatieDidIt.

The purpose of this website is to get people to vote for the worse singer and try to keep him around as long as they can while good singers are gone....they hate American Idol...haha Last year they did really good at keeping fat fuck Scott Savol on for quite awhile. But Kevin is gone...thank maybe this year their website isn't being supported as much. Their next choice is Kellie, and since Kellie really does have a lot of fans out there, she will probably be around for quite awhile...we'll see....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

American Idol results show tonight! I went into that Votefortheworst website and obviously they are all voting for Kevin, who they feel is the worse at this point. He has a nice voice, but American Idol....NFW!! Once he's out, then their next choice is country bumpkin little Kelly Pickler. They have a message board that is hilarious with so-called trailer trash quotes from Kelly....just too funny. Then I think Bucky should go....I kinda like Bucky and he has an okay voice, but his "hair" is driving me nutso. Like Simon said "The Jessica Simpson hairdo has GOT to go". First of all, people need to tell people that long hair is like so OUT!!...Bald is definitely IN and that's why cute, sexy bald Chris better win this thing.

Now as far as the other contestants....

Ace: Cute, but no Constantine..more like a Constantine wannabe.

Elliot: Christ, he looks like he's Amish or something...bad teeth...and personally, I don't think he sings all that great.

Taylor: What a hoot!...I want to keep him on the show for awhile just for laughs. I think he's a great entertainer....I love his Joe Cocker style...maybe he should win.

Mandisa: I think she has the best female voice...very powerful. I think she should be making records.

Lisa: She has a nice voice, very cutesy and young, but I don't think she'll make the final four.

Paris: She reminds me of Butterfly McQueen..."I don't know nuttin 'bout birthin no babies" with that voice and looks...haha...but she does have a great singing voice!

Katherine: She reminds me of Kelly Clarkston and we don't need another Kelly. She has a great voice with the right songs...don't think she'll make the final four.

Kelly: Her little twangy voice and her "put-on...phony" dumbness is getting on my nerves. Her and "Butterfly" Paris should make a movie together, "Gone from Am Idol".

Monday, March 20, 2006

I took my little Mini Sue to the vet. She got blood work, a heartworm test, her Distemper/Parvo shot, a cortizone shot, allergy pills, heartworm pills, flea meds and over $200 later I bring her home and she's still scratching!!...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I didn't feel like cooking...hell, whenever DO I feel like cooking???...anyway, I ordered out and got my hus some fish and chips and I got myself a really good greek salad and had the salad with some tomato soup. I'll be starving later and I'll probably pig out on chips and pretzels.

I listed some items on that freecycle website and I got some emails regarding the coaxial wiring I listed. I also listed some Star Trek books and a couple pieces of bullet-proof glass I have. Next I'll be listing some bi-fold doors that are in the garage, but I better check with hubby first on that one. Who knows what he's saving them for.

Tonight Prison Break and 24 are on......I love my TV!!
TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!...FINALLY....The temp isn't what it should be, but at least the calendar says it's warm weather is on its way.

Friday was St. Patrick's Day (Happy late St. Paddy's Day, BTW) so hubby and I went to this bar near us, ate and drank some beer. I had the corn beef sandwich, but he just had a regular boring hamburger. I'm part Irish anyway from my dad's side. My great-great grandmother was Kate Mahoney, daughter of Michael and Mary Mahoney...straight from Clare County, Ireland.

So Saturday I was suppose to get up early for this free-4-all thing I was going to go to at 10 a.m. There are these groups I belong to where if you have anything free to give away or are looking for, then you post it and anyone who wants it or has what you want emails you. So this one group was having a thing set up in a parking lot for us to bring all our free stuff. I had some stuff I was going to take. Now I know that I am not a morning person and it was going to be tough for me to get there by 10 a.m. anyway, but after hus and I drinking 3 pitchers of beer the night before, needlesstosay, I didn't make it....haha. I don't know why they set it up for the morning after St. Patrick's of the biggest drinking party nights of the year....really stupid!

My poor little Mini Sue has been scratching her skin almost off for the past few days. I gave her a bath but it hasn't helped. She has no fleas that I can see, but I used one of those flea bombs for the upstairs yesterday, but last night she was worse it seemed. So I am taking her to the vet today for a cortizone shot or something. She is way overdue for a checkup and I know she needs her vaccinations, so she is going this afternoon. I think she may be allergic to something she ate. Poor thing....

Thursday, March 16, 2006


There are some weird things going on in this house. Yesterday I told ya about that light bulb just popping right out of the socket when I went to turn the light on...and I mean the bulb...the metal screw in part was still in the socket. Anyway, so today I am in my spare bedroom where I have my grandmother's old floor lamp. The other day I was pulling the chain to see if it even still worked and it did. I was thinking maybe I might take it to the new cottage. So today I was in there and I noticed the light bulb was laying on the carpet....just the bulb part...the metal screw part was still in the socket!!!!...Holy Lightbulbs!!! What the hell is going on????

Then a few weeks ago I lost the DVD case for my movie "Beyond the Sea"...I had the disc but no case. So I put the disc on top of the other DVDs with no case. I have looked everywhere for it and can't find it. The other day my husband was going through our stack of newspapers that pile up and we have to eventually pitch out. So yesterday I noticed the DVD case sitting on the shelf of our entertainment center and I opened it up and the disc was inside, not on top of the DVDs where I last saw it. So I assumed my husband found the case among the newspapers he was going through and put the disc back in. So last night I asked him about it and he claims he doesn't know what I'm talking about. He claims he never found any case and he did notice the DVD sitting there and HE assumed I had finally found the case......Holy DVDCASE!!!! What the hell is going on???? He claims he didn't find it....I absolutely do NOT remember finding it...I mean, I have been looking for it for weeks now and I think I would remember if I had finally found how the hell did it end up on the shelf with the DVD INSIDE IT????

And about a week or so ago I bought some milk cause I knew I had cereal but no milk, and I distinctly remember thinking that it was cereal with raisins in it...cause that's what I remember eating last. So I buy the milk and I go to make a bowl of cereal one night and I pulled out a box of Corn Flakes...I'm like staring at it cause I don't remember having Corn Flakes...I remember it had raisins in, it was 75% empty. So I asked my husband (who NEVER even eats cereal) if he by chance bought it and was eating it. He said "No"...I asked him if maybe our son brought it over as he will sometimes bring over food he doesn't want anymore...and he said no. Well, I don't remember having or eating Corn Flakes. I remember eating something with raisins in it. So I mentioned this incident to my husband last night and he tells me he has no idea what I'm talking about, and he doesn't remember me even asking him about any cereal!!!!

I told my husband that I think he is purposely doing things to make me think I'm crazy......or I really am losing my mother eventually did....

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ok...I know my house is a disaster and everything is aclutter (is that a word?) and I can't stand it anymore, so I did try to do some housework...something I really detest anymore. I cleaned the upstairs bathroom, did some shampooing and vacuuming of my dinette carpet and then tried to clean the hanging light over the table. The bulbs seemed loose and when I tried to screw them in tighter, I realized that only the bulbs were turning, not the metal part I'm messing with them and then when I went to turn the light on, something popped and one of the bulbs jumped out...actually jumped right out of the socket! So I got all the bulbs out and put new ones in and now the whole damn thing won't turn on. That's what I get for trying to clean something. Guess hubby will have to figure it out.

Tonight I think I'll go to that grief support group that I went to a few weeks ago. They are having a Hospice speaker. Then I'll come home and watch American Idol. Kevin better be the next one to go. Or maybe Melissa. Chris is my favorite of the guys, and Mandisa (sp?) is my favorite of the girls. And, of course, I like Taylor...he is a hoot to watch!

Monday, March 13, 2006

I was having major problems all day trying to get online with this computer and my stupid server. I gave up and called the tech support people and got a different access number but that didn't work either. I ended up having to talk to a real person...and it was some Indian guy that I couldn't understand a thing when he was trying to talk to me. I finally gave up and told him to just forget it and I hung up on him. Why in the hell can't they have regular Americans to talk to????

I still couldn't get online all day so I ended up having to call the Tech Support again and talk to this Indian guy. I had to keep asking "What?" a hundred times until I could understand what he was saying. He said my Earthlink was an older one and needed upgrading. He had me delete something and start over again. So now I can get online, but things are different. My regular Start Page just doesn't pop I have to click on Explorer to get it and all my stuff in my Favorites is gone. So I'm not too happy...but at least I can get online.

I didn't do a damn thing except mess with this computer all day....and made chicken for dinner. Now tonight is going to be another "flipping the channels" night. It's unbelievable how everything is on at the same freakin time. Finally, Prison Break is on again and it's opposite Deal or No Deal....then 24 is on opposite the Apprentice...and Julie Louis-Dreyfus new show starts tonight at the same times. Damn, damn, damn.....

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I don't want to use my blog as a "whining place", but I am just not a happy person right now.....Sorry....I wish I had a whole bed full of dogs to sleep with and cuddle with and feel their noses pressed up again my face...and screw the rest of the world...
Ok...So...Anyway,....I might have forgot to tell you how I tried to make my little Mini chihuahua into a sled dog.....YEP...I put a leash on her and tied it to a little red wagon I am going to give my grandson for his birthday..and then I tied my dogs to it and made them "go-go-mush-mush......haha"...Mini was good and she ran like hell like something was chasing after her....hahahah...but Lucky just ran the opposite way like his "mom" was nuts! I untied them and just had Mini pull the wagon. She was good....she ran like hell.....hahaha...she had this red wagon running behind her. My hus thought I was nuts but he was laughing....I told Mini she was my "best girl"...then I took both dogs for a walk and they loved it. They haven't been for a real walk since Fall...well,once in December for a short walk with the snow...but today they did the whole nine yards...a real walk...and they sniffed, peed, pooped, and sniffed more....God, I love my dogs!
OK....I got kleenexes all over the place...and I still can't breathe....whatever.

You guys just gotta go see that movie..."8 Below". I am being overwhelmed by that movie...I cant sleep...I was on the internet today typing in "sled dogs" in google...and typing in "anarctica". I am really obsessed and crying when I'm driving my car today. The last movie I was that crying over was "Titanic" now I'm crying over some dogs....WELL...GO SEE THE MOVIE!!!!!!!

For example::::....the only female dog is Maya...and main guy character asks her "How is my best girl doing?"...(cause he loves herrrrr...haha) at the end of the movie when Maya is okay, Kate asks him "How's your best girl?"...and I'm cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying........I keep remembering this part...and others...and keep crying...

Ilove dogs.....
Tonight is not a good night. Sorry. I want my mom. I really need her. I am doing the best I can...I promise I am, but I need my mom. OK, so last night I went and saw a sad dog movie.....and tonight I went out with my girlfriend who lost her son...and then I had like 2 buckets of beers and a couple of shots, so I'm liking feeling realy who the fuck really cares...or gives a royal sh**. See how nice I am...I am using **....haha. OK....I drove to my g'friend's house tonight who lives a couple streets over from my mom's house (she is the g'friend who helped me with my mom when NOBODY else was available)...and she was also losing her son at the same time....FUNNY, how unavailable people come when real help is really needed...and people who have been there since you were 14 are there when nobody else is...and family people are just too busy....whatever.

I had all these thoughts going through my head and now I can't think of a fucking thing. My brain is dead. Right now I just got the fuckin hiccups!!...and I can't keep thinking about those dogs from that movie!...I told my g'friend about that movie and she wants to see it.

Anyway, I drove past my mom's house and saw people in it thru the open front window and they are using the dining L for a dining room with a table and I saw their couch where my mom's couch use to be against the wall...and a little boy walking across the room....

I wanted to pull in the driveway and walk up to the door and Knock...and say " mom use to live here...can I come in???"...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Oh and BTW

It was 4 months ago tonight that I smoked my last cigarette!!

Friday, March 10, 2006

I love Dog movies!!

I worked today and now I'm off until Tuesday which should be a short day cause my boss has to leave for somewhere by 3:00. So I got home from work and felt like doing something and asked hubby if he wanted to go see a movie....big fat HaHaHa...cause he rarely goes to a movie or goes anywhere as far as that goes. So I decided to just go myself....afterall I am my best company! So I went and saw "8 Below"...which is a dog-lover's movie that's for sure. These precious beautiful dogs just tear at your heart. I was in tears for a lot of the movie...all by myself and my hankies.

So these 8 sled dogs get left behind and their main guy wants to go back and get them but can't get anyone to take him. So they are there for months just surviving with each other...taking care of each other. It was heart-warming.

I wanted my hus and I to go to Caseville tomorrow so I can take up a bunch of stuff and show him what I've done to the new place, but he doesn't want to go....he says he'll go when the water gets turned on....WHATEVER! So I don't know what I'll do over the weekend. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Am Idol Results tonight....

I just love American Idol. The Results show is on tonight. There are only a few of the girls that I like and should make it into the finals, but the guys are so awesome this year. I can't speculate as to who is going to be eliminated tonight, but I know it better NOT be Chris or Ace. The only one for sure that better be out of this competition is that squirrely looking Kevin guy. The rest of the guys are good so I don't know who the second guy to leave should be. I suppose it should be Will. He's a cutie and can sing, but he's young and reminds me too much of Peter Brady. I prefer to keep the contest to adults. That is one problem I have with that show is that the minimum age limit is 16 and that is just way too young. For one thing, they are still in freakin school! I think the age limit should be at least 18.

Anyway, I really like Medusa (sp?) of the girls. She is one really really great singer...and I am predicting that it will come down to her and Chris at the end. I think she should win at this point, but it's too early to really tell. Personally, I don't think she should even be on American Idol...she is so far above that show...she should aready have her own record contract. So lets get this thing going!!!!!!! I want to see who the final 12 will be!!!!!! Let's PARTY!!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I went to this fabric store yesterday and saw a lamp I liked, but didn't have a 3-way switch that I wanted so I didn't buy it. Well, I decided I liked it too much and it was 50% off so I went back today and bought it. I'm taking it up to the new cottage for the living room. I also bought another lamp for the other table, but it's a torch-like shade, just a glass thingy on top. I don't want matching lamps....too conventional for up there. Today I also went to the consignment store and bought a couple of cute baskets with lighthouses on them for the 1/2 bath and a lighthouse clock for the entryway when you first come in. I want to hang up that fish net stuff on the walls with shelves and put cute nautical stuff on it. Then I went to the dollar store and bought some shells and an Al Pacino "Scarface" picture for my computer room whenever I get around to getting this room done the way I want it. I want to do my computer room in TV/Movie/Music memorabilia on the walls. For example, I have a James Dean "Rebel Without a Cause" movie poster...Marilyn Monroe plates...Elvis posters....a signed record and album cover of John Entwistle of the "Who"...etc, etc...and I will hang up a lot of my old 45 records...Star Trek stuff, of course...I already have a ST clock. It will be so cool when I get it done.

I'm making cabbage soup in my slow cooker...I make it almost every year. I started it yesterday and should be ready to eat by tomorrow....I let it slow cook a long time..haha. Tonight we are having leftover chicken. Hus should be home soon, so I better go check on dinner....bye

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sorry...I know it's been a while since I posted, but with the problems with my computer and my disinterest in it anyway, I just haven't been on it much. I've been working...yesterday I didn't get home til after 6:30...and once my TV shows are over, I've been going straight to bed. I just don't have time to waste on the computer. I was suppose to work tomorrow but my boss called and said that his printer isn't working and he needs to get it either replaced or fixed so he told me to come in on Thursday instead....which means I probably won't work Friday so maybe I'll drive up to Caseville and take another jeep load of stuff. Or maybe I can talk my husband into driving up with me on Saturday for a night....which would be a miracle in itself, I guess.

We were still getting over our colds over the weekend and didn't do a whole lot. I did do some shopping and I drove past the house for the first time since I sold it. There was a van in the driveway, potted plants in the front window and a little black dog in the backyard. It seemed weird to drive there and not pull in the driveway...and depressing. I had a dream about my mom again after that. I finally listened to the tapes I made in the in "White Noise"...but there was messages from the voices.

So Sunday my husband heated up a Wendy's burger and brought it into the family room to eat, then forgot something and left it sitting on the coffee table while he went back into the kitchen....really dumb thing to do when you have two DOGS! So he gets back and it's he gets mad at me cause I was sitting in the chair and didn't notice Lucky taking his burger...LOL....I wasn't paying any attention cause I was busy listening to my audio book in my DVD player next to my chair cause he told me not to listen to it on the regular DVD cause he didn't want to hear he gave me the portable DVD to put it in and I'm all hunched over this thing listening cause I had to keep the volume done and that's why I didn't see Lucky take his burger....Well, at least he still had the chili to eat...Good thing Lucky doesn't like chili...hahahahahaha

On a sad note, I felt bad to hear of Dana Reeve's passing. I really thought she had the lung cancer thing licked. I was such a fan of Christopher Reeve and Dana was such an extraordinary woman. The Christopher Reeve Foundation is one of my charitable organizations I regularly send money to. I do find some joy in knowing that they are together again....that he was there for her...walking.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I worked yesterday and I don't have to go back in until Friday. So today I went shopping at my favorite consignment stores. One is a clothing store and I shopped and shopped and bought some clothes I can actually FIT INTO to wear to work. The other is called Home to Home and I bought a lamp for the cottage in Caseville. I also found a bowl that I am sure matches the set of bowls that were my mom's that I took up there and one of the sizes is missing from her set, and I'm sure this is the size I'm missing...I hope so. She had a set of older vintage type pyrex bowls that I kept. I also bought these bamboo beaded curtains to hang. The one bedroom is off the living room and rather than keeping the door closed all the time, I thought hanging these beaded curtains over the doorway would look good...we'll see....maybe, maybe not. I've been buying a bunch of crap that I have to see how I like it. If I don't like it or if it doesn't work the way I want it to, then I'll sell it at a garage sale.

I'm really hating the way all the stations on TV are showing everything I want to see at the same time and overlapping each other. Monday I ended up taping the Apprentice while we watched "24"...yesterday, I missed Deal or No Deal so I could watch American Idol and then only caught parts of The Amazing Race cause I had to watch Boston Legal so I'm flipping back and forth. So tonight I taped Deal or No Deal, watched American Idol and caught the last half of what the hell happened on the first half guess I'll have to catch a rerun....which is easy enough with Lost...haha...they show reruns more than they show the regular episodes, I think.

Tomorrow I should do some housework...but I probably won't....

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