Cherokee Rose

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Today...well,yesterday...3-29....was my youngest son's BIRTHDAY!! Yep! He is now the old old age of ?.....haha...which would give away MY F'ING AGE.....anyway, he's old....

We, meaning my hus and I, took him and his girlfriend out to dinner to some steak place called "Branna", which is a really great place. We all had steak and his g'frind and I had these huge Mambo drinks....32 ozers.

So we came back to our place and I gave him this "three stooges"...posters that I thought he would like...It was the 3 stooges dressed like cops saying something like ".....(don't remember exactly)....soive and protect"....I wish I could remember what the it said.......anyway, it was good, considering he's a cop or kinda....

OK...tomorrow, he has to be at work at 6:45 and he has to "escort" like 10 Million dollars of money to the federal reserve place...some new place they have now. And since he was awarded the #1 guy to transport money, he is the one to do it. He will be protected with a bullet-proof vest (that he wears everyday anyway) but also with armed guards surrounding him...which he has done before...but this job makes him nervous....because he is the one that has to SIGN his fucking name at the end...any money missing is his responsibility...He once signed and $2000 was missing.....thank god, they found the $2 grand..Anyway,he is my baby.........

and I gave birth to him........Happy Birthday Randy!!!


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