Cherokee Rose

Monday, March 20, 2006

I took my little Mini Sue to the vet. She got blood work, a heartworm test, her Distemper/Parvo shot, a cortizone shot, allergy pills, heartworm pills, flea meds and over $200 later I bring her home and she's still scratching!!...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I didn't feel like cooking...hell, whenever DO I feel like cooking???...anyway, I ordered out and got my hus some fish and chips and I got myself a really good greek salad and had the salad with some tomato soup. I'll be starving later and I'll probably pig out on chips and pretzels.

I listed some items on that freecycle website and I got some emails regarding the coaxial wiring I listed. I also listed some Star Trek books and a couple pieces of bullet-proof glass I have. Next I'll be listing some bi-fold doors that are in the garage, but I better check with hubby first on that one. Who knows what he's saving them for.

Tonight Prison Break and 24 are on......I love my TV!!


  • At 12:33 AM, Blogger PinkCat said…

    I never feel like cooking but when I do I always suprise myself.

    I used to live in Rochester Michigan when I was a child.

    Take care

  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Diane said…

    Brit...Rochester is a really nice city. I love going there to shop.

    Val...I can't wait to watch Idol tonight. I heard that the next Rock Star will be to find a new singer for Van Halen! Not sure if anyone can ever really replace David Lee Roth, even though Sammy Hagar did a decent job. I hope it's as good as the last one.

  • At 12:38 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    HEY GIRL how is it going poor puppy!!!!!!!


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