Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Just a typical day...

Today I went to my favorite consignment store. It use to be called Consignment Interiors but now it's called Home to Home. They have house things there like pictures, furniture, kitchen items, household items....a lot of really neat stuff. It's a very nice place and they only take in really good stuff to resell. When you walk in you would think you were in a new store cause everything is like new and very well displayed. Anyway on Wednesday if you pay cash you get 20% off your purchase. I had seen a microwave there for $25 and I wanted to go today and get the 20% off, but of course it was gone! But I did find a couple fish plaques and a nautical seaman for my new cottage. Oh, and just yesterday I was telling my hus that I wanted one of those larger George Foreman grills for Xmas, and lo and behold they had a brand-new-in-the-box one there for $12, minus the 20% = $9.60!! I couldn't believe it.

Later after I got home my youngest son came over cause he had the day off and wanted me to drive him to Rochester Hills to pick up a car he bought for his an hours drive away....and then I had to drive to his house so he could park it there and then drive him back to my house so he could get his car. I didn't get back home til 8:00, just in time to watch Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer!...haha He had spent all day trying to find a cheapo good-running reliable car and he had called on about 10 cars and this one guy called back from Rochester Hills. The car is from California and in great shape inside and outside and it's a 1992 Buick Century and Randy talked him down to $750. It has new tires and runs great. So he is going to surprise her with it this weekend when he picks her up. He sold his 1976 Malibu this past weekend and he told her he would get her a car when he sold it. She is going to school to be a medical assistant and the family car keeps breaking down on her, so she will really be surprised.

So that was my day....ciao

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Has anybody seen that silly movie, Napoleon Dynamite? It's about these two nerdy high school guys and their uncle. My youngest son brought it over at Thanksgiving and we watched it. It must be some kind of cult movie or something. I've seen Napoleon Dynamite t-shirts in the stores....."Vote For Pedro"!!

I watched the Biggest Loser finale tonight and I couldn't believe how much weight those people lost...they were so unrecognizable....what an amazing transformation when you shed 100 pounds. I just want to drop 15...can I do it? YESSSSS...I CAN DO ANYTHING...I AM SUPERWOMAN!!!! I made the mistake of not weighing myself everyday and not writing it crept up on me and I didn't know it...or at least I pretended not to notice. So now I will weigh myself every morning...preferably before I have coffee cause a cup of coffee is 8 oz, so a couple cups would be a I get up, pee and weigh in naked...yes, naked cause I don't want clothes on the scale. Then I write it down on this piece of paper I have on the furnace...then even my hus can see it. I don't cheat...I always write exactly what it says.

My diet mainly consists of eggs, meat and cheese...pretty much all I want since there is very little carbs...and rice cakes, pita bread, crackers, lots and lots of diet pop and water and diet pills. I eat what I make for dinner, but small portions of anything with carbs. I really HATE carbs...they are so bad bad bad for you...they make you fat. No cereal, no regular bread, no desserts, very little veggies and no fruit...well, maybe once a week....fruit is so full of carbs...bad bad carbs.

And I am back to my running in place...the only way I can burn the calories. I just don't have the time to get to the gym, so I run in place to music. I try to do at least 10 mins a couple times a day. I'll increase the time as I go on. I use to do 20-30 mins a day. I wish I had a treadmill! And I need to get back into my routine floor exercises. I just got so damn lazy this past year.

I finally bought the first two books from the Chronicles of Narnia and I'm reading the first book. When I was in Caseville I read "When the Wind Blows" by James Patterson...I read the whole book in 3 was good! So now I'm off to bed to read for awhile and try to relax and not think of food or cigs.

I only look thin, but I'm NOT!

I've been spending all morning on this report I had to do. I belong to this Thyla group, a chapter of IFT (International Federation of Trekkers), and we have to send in a monthly report and I've been working on it since last night. Anyway, it's done!

Yesterday I purposely went to Meijers because I have this $5 coupon that is only good from 11-27 thru 11-29 and I bought some things and totally forgot to give them the damn coupon, so now I have to go back today and buy something else before it now I am forced to buy more stuff....haha

I know that when I talk about my having to lose weight it makes people laugh cuz they just think that I'm so thin and can eat whatever I let me tell ya:

First of all, I don't usually let people see me when I gain weight unless it's family and I can't help it. I don't go out, I don't visit people, etc. My friends think I'm being a snob or being rude cause I won't meet up with them when they call. Well, I avoid people when I gain weight. So most people only see me when I'm thin and they think I'm like that all the time...HA HA HA I wish! And I only post thin pictures of me....never ones of me when I've gained weight.

I use to be around 120-122 pounds (like 5 years ago)...and I am quite satisfied with anything around 125 pounds; but my weight keeps creeping up well into the 130's. Last January I weighed 136, dieted and got down to 126 by May...but it keeps creeping back up. I usually weigh myself every single day and write it down, but I stopped doing that when my weight got back up over 130, so yesterday morning I weighed myself and I was 139 freakin pounds!...YES, that is fat for me. I am only 5'5" and that is too much weight for my small frame. I can only get into about 3 pairs of my 30 pairs of jeans and I look like I'm pregnate. So I am taking Hydroxycut diet pills and simply not eating hardly anything. So today I weighed myself and I was 136#, a little better but a long way to go. Hell, I go back to work in February and I need to fit into my clothes. I knew I was in the mid-130's, and I think my eating candy instead of smoking cigs put on more pounds. I expected that, but it still freaks me out.

So now I am not smoking (18 days now), and not eating....I am basically a bundle of nerves. My stomach is in knots, especially at night when I crave a cigarette the most. I can't sleep cause my nerves and stomach are so knotted up, so I've been taking Tylenol PM to try to relax and sleep. I am at the point where I just want to EAT cigarettes!...haha I think it would help if I got together with one of my smoker friends and just breathe in their smoke, but I can't see anyone right now til I lose at least 5 more pounds!....

Also, I know that a lot of my weight gain is from my weekend binging of beer and I can't do that anymore either til no cigs, no food, no booze...Holy hell, I may as well be dead...but at least I'll be skinny....

Sunday, November 27, 2005

The long Thanksgiving weekend is over. I ate too much as usual...too much turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie...but it was good!! Now I have to start my before Christmas diet. I bought those new diet pills they advertise...hydrocut, I think they're we'll see if they work. I really hate that they took Metabolife off the market...I mean, the one with Ephedra in it. Cause those worked and ever since I can't buy them anymore, I have gained weight and struggle to keep it off. I want Ephedra diet pills!! Damn government....

I did some Xmas shopping. I went to the "house" and took the solar lights down before they freeze in the ground. I turned the heat on 45 degrees. We haven't been able to get all the leaves up and there are leaves still in the gutters, but who the hell cares anymore. I'm tired of having to do everything. I am too busy with my life to be bothered anymore with that damn house. The last time I went there, the refrigerator wasn't running because the damn outlet had stopped working, and the other outlet that usually trips when it goes out was also not working. So there are two outlets in the kitchen not working. I'm surprised it didn't start a fire. I wrote my son and asked him if he could go over there and change those outlets. It's pointless to expect my husband to do it. He still hasn't put in the shoe molding in the kitchen, nor has he bothered to caulk the bathtub yet.

Oh, he did finally replace this car part in my other jeep so now maybe I can get it sold. I think I'll drive it to my youngest son's house and he can sell it for me.

Tomorrow is Monday and I can't wait to watch "Guiding Light"...will Tammy marry Sandy or will she run off with Jonathan????

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone except the poor Turkey....

I always feel sorry for the poor turkey on Thanksgiving. There is a turkey farm down on Five Mile Rd. in Livonia near me, and when I drive by I see all the white feathered turkeys walking around....just a couple weeks ago I passed them and I was thinking when I drove by...."well, you guys will be on the dinner tables in a couple weeks" sad. Lots of people order their turkeys in advance from this turkey farm and they raise these turkeys strictly for Thanksgiving.....I know, cause after Thanksgiving the place is turkeys strutting around. By then, they are nothing more than sewage...poor turkeys! I refuse to buy one of those turkey-farm-raised-only-for-Thanksgiving turkeys!!....I buy my Thanksgiving turkey from the store. I'm sure he was raised on some turkey farm but at least I didn't have to drive by and look at him.

When we lived in Canton Township my mother had chickens and she sold the eggs for 50 cents a dozen. I loved those chickens and every once in awhile one of them would end up on our dinner poor Fanny...she was so sweet and I loved feeding her in the mornings and she would follow me around and cluck....then one day she turned up missing....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...just kiddin'(the morning part should have been a clue I was lying..haha) mom really did have chickens but just for the eggs. Actually when she wanted a chicken to eat, she would take one of the chickens to this place and exchange it for a frozen one...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...not sure if there was a whole lot of difference...I think "our" chicken propbably ended up on someone else's dinner table and we ended up eating someone else's chicken, but at least we didn't eat our own.

So much for the farm life....

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I got people coming over. Well, at least I have an extra table for everyone. I went shopping today! way of keeping my mind off and chocolate! There is this really neat place I just love down the street from me called "Jimmy's Rustics", and they are "GOING OUT OF BUSINESS"...."EVERYTHING ON SALE"....I turned my car around and just had to go there!! So I found this incredible deal....and I mean INCREDIBLE FANTASTIC DEAL!!!...Hell, everything they had was a deal and I wanted all of it, but I had to focus on what I was really looking for. I am looking for a patio-type, vacationy-type table and chairs for my new cottage I am buying. They had this set from Lane Furniture that was originally $2950 and selling for under $400!! Well, I knew it would be perfect so I bought sale, of I hope it fits okay. It took me two trips to get it home, but it is now sitting in my living room and I "think" hubby likes it....hard to tell with his grimreaper looks on his face half the time. He has no problem "making" money but problems "spending" money....whereas I have no problem "spending" money but have problems "making" guess we make a good team...He "makes"...I "spend".....

AnYway, I have extra table space now.....HAPPY THANKSGIVING....

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Shopping and more shopping....

I got my Thanksgiving grocery shopping done today....but of course I forgot a couple things, so I'll be back in the store tomorrow. I went to the Walmart in the Dearborn Heights area to do some Christmas's pointless to go to the one near me...that store sucks! I saw something I wanted to buy when I stopped at the Walmart in Bad Axe, but they didn't have the right I went to the one near me and, of course, they didn't even have it at all...nothing....they have a really crummy men's department there. So I went to the Dearborn Hts/Taylor one and they had it.

I also went to Target and bought my husband the Seinfeld Season 5 and 6 that just came out today....yesterday I bought Season 4. They were selling Season 5 and 6 for $29.99 each...But they were also selling the two together in a set for $89.99???? Ok, the set came with a miniature puffy shirt and some TV script, but for $30 more...I DON'T THINK SO!

Today I was craving a cig so bad...I ate tons of chocolate candy, and sucked on so many lemon drops my mouth is all puckered up. Then I went in the garage to put something in the back seat of my other jeep that is in the garage and there were the two cartons of cigs I had thrown out...apparently my hus put them in there instead of throwing them out. Who knows why....maybe he thinks it's a waste of money to just throw them out and maybe I'll end up wanting them...anyway I took them out of the jeep and put them by the trash. He was in the house and I told him to throw them out! He is always saving crap I throw out. I don't want them. So tomorrow I think I will just take scissors and cut them all up and throw them in the trash...then he'll have to throw them out. Hell, they aren't that expensive. They are just those cheap $1.00/pack ones I was buying.

Tomorrow I want to go to Pier 1...I love that store!

Monday, November 21, 2005

I got back from Caseville this morning. Thursday I picked my g'friend up at the airport and she spent the night here...then Friday we headed up to the Caseville area. We stopped at a couple antique stores in Oxford and this other store I love to stop at in Lapeer. She lives in Pigeon so I went there first to drop her off, then I went on into Caseville.

The people accepted our offer, so I stopped in at the real estate office Saturday to sign some papers and pick up some paper work for my husband to sign and have notarized....then he doesn't have to be at the closing and I can sign his name for him.

Saturday my g'friend and I drove into Bad Axe and shopped and got something to eat. Then later her boyfriend and us watched some DVD movie at their house. It was some old movie from the 1980's with James Spader and Robert Downey when they were really young. The bar at the condo was packed Saturday night because they were having some "all-male revue"...we could have went, but decided to pass and watch a DVD instead. I brought very few clothes with me this time and had nothing to really wear anyway.

Sunday we decided to drive into Saginaw and do more shopping, so we were gone all day. I didn't get back to the condo until almost 11:30. It was nice not having the dogs with me this time. I was free, free, shop and not worry about getting back for the dogs.

Still not smoking....10 days!!! I found a couple packs of cigs in a drawer in my condo, so I broke them all up and pitched them out.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Six days and counting...

I haven't had a cigarette since 11:30 last Friday night! So it's been almost 6 days. And I'm doing great! Yesterday I had to give Mini Sue a bath cause she smelled so smoky to me. Hell, everything in this house smells smoky, but getting better. I wish I could open up the windows. Last Saturday I basically got rid of everything. I took all my opened packs of cigs and ripped them all up and threw them in the trash...and threw my ashtrays I was using in the trash...and I took all my unopened packs (about 16-18) and threw them in the trash and I threw my cigarette pouch in the trash. Now THAT was a mistake, cause I had a couple phone numbers stuck in the lighter section of the pouch..and I just remembered last night. The garbage is gone, so are the phone numbers now. And I found a couple packs in my car and at the other I threw those out. So everything is gone. My husband really didn't think I could do it...but I'm doing it!

I suck on a lot of hard candy....keep myself busy...think about my new cottage and how nice the white ceilings alot of chips....take a pill to help me sleep...take deep breaths....and think "clean". It's getting easier. I can actually get up in the morning, drink my coffee, watch Guiding Light and NOT smoke...

Well, my g'friend is coming in this afternoon. Luckily, she only smokes occasionally and usually doesn't even have cigs, so I'm sure she won't be smoking if she knows I'm not. Cause right now, I don't think I can be around smoke...I'm not that strong yet.

Now I've quit smoking before years ago. But then I only smoked 1/2 pack a day and then I cut down so I only smoked socially, so it was easy to just stop altogether. This time I was smoking from the time I woke up til basically all night (I would wake up just to have a cig..then go back to sleep) and I smoked at least 1 1/2 packs, sometimes 2 packs a day. When I quit before, I quit for 9 years!! Then I got stupid and started smoking again and smoked like a fiend. Actually, I had quit once before that time also...I think I had quit for 2 years. So I KNOW that quitting doesn't always mean never gets easy...the temptation is always there...forever...ya just gotta deal with it as long as you can.

That's about it...I'm still not dressed and it's way past noon...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Well, I'm back again. My husband and I got to Caseville around 9:00 last night. I went and bought some subs and just chilled....literally....well, not too bad. I had the heat on and it was warm enough, but when I go to bed I turn the heat off and turn my electric blanket on. So when I got up around 5:00 to put Lucky outside, the condo was around 50 degrees, but it was snuggly warm under the blanket. We have electric heat and I feel it is a waste to have it running when I'm I always turn it off. Besides, once one of the other condos had a bad wall fire from one of those heaters.

Okay, so today I drove my hus around to show him places I have seen so he can compare with these two places I have been dealing with as far as location and prices go. To avoid confusion, I will refer to the place I currently had a pending offer on as "Shady Lane place", and the other place which I rejected their counter-offer as "M-25 place". My youngest son had went to Caseville Saturday to check out these places and he called us Sunday to tell us that he had some major doubts about "Shady Lane place", and he really liked the "M-25 place" better... I could see his points cause I had some concerns too....and my husband agreed and he liked "M-25 place" better too. "Shady Lane place" is a mobile with a big addition in the front. It is really nice inside to say the least....and it was priced so cheap I couldn't figure out why. Well, my husband checked it out...and he could see that there is some structural problems in the roof between the living room and the master bedroom. I had noticed inside the bedroom there was a wood beam between the outside wall and the closet and I wondered why it was there. Hus thinks it was put there to support the wall. Also, we could see that all the ceiling tiles in that bedroom were bowed out...hus said that is caused by moisture...obviously by the roof in that area. So no wonder it was being offered at a dirt cheap price...luckily I had hus look at it...cause I would have bought it cause it was so cute and what the hell do I know about ceiling tiles and roofs???

"M-25 place" is also a mobile with an addition and also an attached garage. It needs some cosmetic updating in the bathroom and kitchen, but otherwise it is cute and has a nice size living room with really nice carpet throughout and 2 decent size bedrooms and a 1/2 bath area. But mainly, it has a beautiful backyard that is fenced in for my dogs. And there is privacy in the backyard...."Shady Lane place" didn't have much privacy in the back...hus didn't like that either. Also "Shady Lane place" was in a residential area...not a real vacation feel to was more like a house in a subdivision.

So we submitted another offer....which is the same as their counter-offer that I had they should accept it okay. The closing is Dec 10. And we are keeping the condo for awhile....that way we can drive there and still use the beach and pools. There is also a lake access down the road from "M-25 place".

Unfortunately we can't afford what we really would love to buy....My second son asked me what a vacant 60' lot on the water would cost....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,about $200,000!!...with a house/cottage on it, $300,000+....across the street from the lake but with a view of the lake.....$100,000-$150,000, depending on the view.

On another note.....STILL NOT SMOKING!!...I am so good. The funny thing is that I am now getting back my sense of smell and I am complaining to Jerry about everything in this house smelling so bad....Even my dogs smell like smoke! We walked into the condo and I couldn't believe how bad it smelled. I was spraying everything with air freshner and Febreze....hus was laughing at me. I mean it! I couldn't sleep the other night cause my sheets smelled so bad from smoke...YUK! I feel like I just want to wash everything I own or throw it out...haha

Tomorrow I better get my house cleaned up...picking up my g'friend on Thursday and then Friday it's BACK TO CASEVILLE! til Sunday, anyway.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Back to Caseville AGAIN!

My husband wants to see the place in Caseville that I have an offer pending on, so we are going to drive up tonight and he can see it tomorrow and a few others I've looked at. Then we'll drive back tomorrow. Then my girlfriend is coming in from Arizona on Thursday, so I'll pick her up at the airport and we will drive back up to Caseville on Friday. I talked to her boyfriend today and got all the info I need, like her flight number, etc. All this driving back and forth to Caseville is driving me crazy. So I'm in a hurry right now...getting some emails done and this post...cause we have to leave like real soon... is my little Mini-Sue's birthday...she is 6 years old!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005 it's Saturday who cares if it's Saturday night????...Whatever...

ANYWHOOOO.....I arrived back at my "regular home" yesterday from my little condo in Caseville that I have been since November 3....and this is what happened:

Ok....I get there ummmmmm....about 6:00 p.m. Thursday night..(I left at 1:00, but I stopped at all my favorite places along the way...) I walk in...and I see my vacuum cleaner sitting in my bedroom which is not a good sign....which means "someone has been in my closet and cleaned out all my crap so they can turn my water off.!! Well, that is exactly what that asshole Hershel did..he turned off my fuckin water before Holly Berry Fair! So I go marching into the office...(scared the shit out of the recep)....and I'm yelling at her to call Hershel...NOW...CALL HIM NOW!!!...She asked me what was wrong...I told her I had NO FUCKING WATER...and she says "Oh, you scared me...I thought maybe it was serious"...I'm like "WHAT??? THIS IS SERIOUS..I HAVE NO WATER AND I WILL BE HERE FOR A FUCKING WEEK AND I HAVE NO WATER) She calls Hershel and he and I are at each other....He: It was cold this week and I got scared....Me: (Yelling...IT NEVER FREEZES PIPES IN NOVEMBER,,,IT'S FUCKING FALL!...THE LEAVES AREN'T EVEN DOWN)....what a fuckin asshole....

So he tells me he will give me a key to one of the motel rooms he owns for the night and he will have the maintenance men there in the morning and have my water turned back on. So I'm like being cool and it's fine and everything is like ..." "That 70's show" (I love that tv sitcom!)....and I'm like the mom (but waaaaaaay cuter!) as long as I get my I was cool...and I took the key to one of his rooms so I could at least use the bathroom.

Well, I never lock my doors...I don't even lock my I am so not use to locking doors! So I walked over to the motel room next door around 11:30 and didn't go back over there again until almost 9 the next morning. So I walk in and I thought I was in the wrong room. Damn, the beds were messed up...the towels were all wet,,,(well apparently some drunks came by and tested all the doors and lucked out when they found MY motel door unlocked) I couldn't believe it! I went into the office and told them. Hershel was not too happy...Hahahahah...he offered to sell me a place he owns in town in exchange for my condo..haha....his place sucks!

Damn...I need to go to sleep...but I did buy another place in Caseville. I checked out some places and worked with a couple realtors. I put a bid on a place, they counter-offered..and I rejected it. Then I put a bid on another place, they counter-offered with lots of furniture that I wanted, and I accepted....So the closing is December 16.

I'll tell you more...but I need to get some sleep...

OH..did I tell you I actually quit smoking...I had to....I couldn't stand the way everything was smelling, and I want my new cottage to smell good, so I just said "That's more smelly cigs..."...

I did do more than real estate shop and buy a nicer place....I went to dinner with my H(igh) S(chool)friend: I drove to Bad Axe and did major Xmas I was busy and now I'm home.

Ciao, Diane

Thursday, November 03, 2005

A Funeral fit for a Queen......

Well, I'm slowly getting myself ready to leave. I got most everything packed and just waiting for my hair to dry. I can't wait to leave and get the hell out of here!

Wow...that Rosa Parks funeral was on TV for like 8 hours!! It started around noon and the church funeral part ended around 6:00...then they had the long procession to the cemetery. Then when the hearse got into the gates, it ran out of it sat there for awhile and then some guys started pushing it from behind to the mausoleum place. Then they had to wait for the family to catch up so they could proceed with the rest of the funeral...but by 8:00, the TV stations went back to their regular programming and I didn't see the rest of it. It was a very, very long funeral. She definitely had a funeral fit for a queen....and a queen she was. She was a gracious humble lady who did a heroic thing that started the wheels turning in the right direction. But unfortunatly, it is too bad that she wasn't treated like that while she alive...especially by her own people. It was a bit hypicritical to see all these african-americans like Jesse Jackson, etc, and the regular people going on and on about how great she was and what an impact she had on their lives and how they are going to really miss her. Well, where the hell were they when she was alive?? This poor woman lived in a rental house, and I believe it was a flat, in robbed by one of her own kind...and was almost evicted by her landlord at one point...and then finally Detroit set her up in a nicer apartment. Then I would hear some of them on TV say things like "when I had a chance to meet her", or "I met her once"...hell, she was a lonely woman who basically lived by herself...why didn't they just go and visit her? Where was Oprah and Jesse then?? There was a neice and her daughter there in the crowd who admitted that they never even met her!!! Christ, she was their Aunt for Gods' sake and they never bothered to meet her????

Well, they at least gave her a funeral fit for a Queen.

Not sure when I'll be back from Caseville....probably in a week or have a good week...see ya

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Christmas in Caseville....

I have done almost next to nothing today. I went to the fence place and paid the bill for the fence repair and I mailed a package out. I've been mainly watching the Rosa Parks funeral thing on TV. It's being broadcasted from a church near me. When I driving on Telegraph Rd today, the intersection on 7 Mile Rd was blocked off except for funeral traffic.

I'm leaving for Caseville tomorrow!...yipppeeee I'll be there for the Holly Berry Fair this weekend. There will be big craft shows set up and the Xmas Cookie Walk through town in all the stores and shops. It will be very festive, and I'm hoping to get into a decent Xmas spirit. I am so NOT into Xmas this year....I told hus I wish we could just leave all the crap up in the attic and forget about it this year. I'm so sick of the commercializm, the money-spending, etc. I am definitely cutting back on my spending this year. I've spent my money already on trees and fences! I hate shopping in malls....I hate wrapping....I hate trying to figure out what the hell to buy.

A radio station here starts playing Xmas music 24/7 on November 1 and I had it on today...trying to get into the Xmas mood.....Damn, and we still have Thanksgiving yet ....and I Hate to cook!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

B & B Pickles Recipe......

(recipe by Faye A. Davis)

30-36 Pickling Cucumbers
8-10 Small Onions
1/2+ Cup Salt (I use between 1/2-3/4)

4 Trays of ice cubes or more as needed

Slice cucumbers thin & slice onions
Mix with salt in big kettle
Mix ice cubes with cucumbers and onions
Weigh down with rock for a minimum of 3 hours or overnight - adding ice if needed
Drain good - Then make:

IN LARGE KETTLE............heat and dissolve

5 Cups white vinegar
5 Cups sugar
1-1/2 teaspoons of Tumeric
1/2 teaspoon of Cloves
2 tablespoons of Mustard Seed
1 teaspoon of Celery Seed

HEAT THROUGH - BUT DO NOT BOIL (boiling ruins the batch)
(cukes will turn a darker green when done)

BOIL JARS & LIDS (put jars & lids in boiling water for a few minutes-
one or two at a time as you are canning.)

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