Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Shopping and more shopping....

I got my Thanksgiving grocery shopping done today....but of course I forgot a couple things, so I'll be back in the store tomorrow. I went to the Walmart in the Dearborn Heights area to do some Christmas's pointless to go to the one near me...that store sucks! I saw something I wanted to buy when I stopped at the Walmart in Bad Axe, but they didn't have the right I went to the one near me and, of course, they didn't even have it at all...nothing....they have a really crummy men's department there. So I went to the Dearborn Hts/Taylor one and they had it.

I also went to Target and bought my husband the Seinfeld Season 5 and 6 that just came out today....yesterday I bought Season 4. They were selling Season 5 and 6 for $29.99 each...But they were also selling the two together in a set for $89.99???? Ok, the set came with a miniature puffy shirt and some TV script, but for $30 more...I DON'T THINK SO!

Today I was craving a cig so bad...I ate tons of chocolate candy, and sucked on so many lemon drops my mouth is all puckered up. Then I went in the garage to put something in the back seat of my other jeep that is in the garage and there were the two cartons of cigs I had thrown out...apparently my hus put them in there instead of throwing them out. Who knows why....maybe he thinks it's a waste of money to just throw them out and maybe I'll end up wanting them...anyway I took them out of the jeep and put them by the trash. He was in the house and I told him to throw them out! He is always saving crap I throw out. I don't want them. So tomorrow I think I will just take scissors and cut them all up and throw them in the trash...then he'll have to throw them out. Hell, they aren't that expensive. They are just those cheap $1.00/pack ones I was buying.

Tomorrow I want to go to Pier 1...I love that store!


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