Well, I'm back again. My husband and I got to Caseville around 9:00 last night. I went and bought some subs and just chilled....literally....well, not too bad. I had the heat on and it was warm enough, but when I go to bed I turn the heat off and turn my electric blanket on. So when I got up around 5:00 to put Lucky outside, the condo was around 50 degrees, but it was snuggly warm under the blanket. We have electric heat and I feel it is a waste to have it running when I'm sleeping...so I always turn it off. Besides, once one of the other condos had a bad wall fire from one of those heaters.
Okay, so today I drove my hus around to show him places I have seen so he can compare with these two places I have been dealing with as far as location and prices go. To avoid confusion, I will refer to the place I currently had a pending offer on as "Shady Lane place", and the other place which I rejected their counter-offer as "M-25 place". My youngest son had went to Caseville Saturday to check out these places and he called us Sunday to tell us that he had some major doubts about "Shady Lane place", and he really liked the "M-25 place" better... I could see his points cause I had some concerns too....and my husband agreed and he liked "M-25 place" better too. "Shady Lane place" is a mobile with a big addition in the front. It is really nice inside to say the least....and it was priced so cheap I couldn't figure out why. Well, my husband checked it out...and he could see that there is some structural problems in the roof between the living room and the master bedroom. I had noticed inside the bedroom there was a wood beam between the outside wall and the closet and I wondered why it was there. Hus thinks it was put there to support the wall. Also, we could see that all the ceiling tiles in that bedroom were bowed out...hus said that is caused by moisture...obviously by the roof in that area. So no wonder it was being offered at a dirt cheap price...luckily I had hus look at it...cause I would have bought it cause it was so cute and what the hell do I know about ceiling tiles and roofs???
"M-25 place" is also a mobile with an addition and also an attached garage. It needs some cosmetic updating in the bathroom and kitchen, but otherwise it is cute and has a nice size living room with really nice carpet throughout and 2 decent size bedrooms and a 1/2 bath area. But mainly, it has a beautiful backyard that is fenced in for my dogs. And there is privacy in the backyard...."Shady Lane place" didn't have much privacy in the back...hus didn't like that either. Also "Shady Lane place" was in a residential area...not a real vacation feel to it....it was more like a house in a subdivision.
So we submitted another offer....which is the same as their counter-offer that I had rejected...so they should accept it okay. The closing is Dec 10. And we are keeping the condo for awhile....that way we can drive there and still use the beach and pools. There is also a lake access down the road from "M-25 place".
Unfortunately we can't afford what we really would love to buy....My second son asked me what a vacant 60' lot on the water would cost....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,about $200,000!!...with a house/cottage on it, $300,000+....across the street from the lake but with a view of the lake.....$100,000-$150,000, depending on the view.
On another note.....STILL NOT SMOKING!!...I am so good. The funny thing is that I am now getting back my sense of smell and I am complaining to Jerry about everything in this house smelling so bad....Even my dogs smell like smoke! We walked into the condo and I couldn't believe how bad it smelled. I was spraying everything with air freshner and Febreze....hus was laughing at me. I mean it! I couldn't sleep the other night cause my sheets smelled so bad from smoke...YUK! I feel like I just want to wash everything I own or throw it out...haha
Tomorrow I better get my house cleaned up...picking up my g'friend on Thursday and then Friday it's BACK TO CASEVILLE! til Sunday, anyway.
Okay, so today I drove my hus around to show him places I have seen so he can compare with these two places I have been dealing with as far as location and prices go. To avoid confusion, I will refer to the place I currently had a pending offer on as "Shady Lane place", and the other place which I rejected their counter-offer as "M-25 place". My youngest son had went to Caseville Saturday to check out these places and he called us Sunday to tell us that he had some major doubts about "Shady Lane place", and he really liked the "M-25 place" better... I could see his points cause I had some concerns too....and my husband agreed and he liked "M-25 place" better too. "Shady Lane place" is a mobile with a big addition in the front. It is really nice inside to say the least....and it was priced so cheap I couldn't figure out why. Well, my husband checked it out...and he could see that there is some structural problems in the roof between the living room and the master bedroom. I had noticed inside the bedroom there was a wood beam between the outside wall and the closet and I wondered why it was there. Hus thinks it was put there to support the wall. Also, we could see that all the ceiling tiles in that bedroom were bowed out...hus said that is caused by moisture...obviously by the roof in that area. So no wonder it was being offered at a dirt cheap price...luckily I had hus look at it...cause I would have bought it cause it was so cute and what the hell do I know about ceiling tiles and roofs???
"M-25 place" is also a mobile with an addition and also an attached garage. It needs some cosmetic updating in the bathroom and kitchen, but otherwise it is cute and has a nice size living room with really nice carpet throughout and 2 decent size bedrooms and a 1/2 bath area. But mainly, it has a beautiful backyard that is fenced in for my dogs. And there is privacy in the backyard...."Shady Lane place" didn't have much privacy in the back...hus didn't like that either. Also "Shady Lane place" was in a residential area...not a real vacation feel to it....it was more like a house in a subdivision.
So we submitted another offer....which is the same as their counter-offer that I had rejected...so they should accept it okay. The closing is Dec 10. And we are keeping the condo for awhile....that way we can drive there and still use the beach and pools. There is also a lake access down the road from "M-25 place".
Unfortunately we can't afford what we really would love to buy....My second son asked me what a vacant 60' lot on the water would cost....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,about $200,000!!...with a house/cottage on it, $300,000+....across the street from the lake but with a view of the lake.....$100,000-$150,000, depending on the view.
On another note.....STILL NOT SMOKING!!...I am so good. The funny thing is that I am now getting back my sense of smell and I am complaining to Jerry about everything in this house smelling so bad....Even my dogs smell like smoke! We walked into the condo and I couldn't believe how bad it smelled. I was spraying everything with air freshner and Febreze....hus was laughing at me. I mean it! I couldn't sleep the other night cause my sheets smelled so bad from smoke...YUK! I feel like I just want to wash everything I own or throw it out...haha
Tomorrow I better get my house cleaned up...picking up my g'friend on Thursday and then Friday it's BACK TO CASEVILLE! til Sunday, anyway.
At 1:43 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
wwwoooo hhhhoooo you go girl your better then me doing it all on yur own,,,,,,, I am impressed, but you dont' need me for that.
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