Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Reunion....

It was a super FUN weekend...although by Sunday night, I was totally drained and I slept on the couch most of Monday recuperating.

Friday night I went to the bar get-together for the first part of my class reunion. There were lots of classmates there to see. I wish I had gotten around and talked to more of them, though. I tend to sit and talk to the ones I know and see more of most the time. We had lots of good food and had so much left over that we could use it for our picnic on Sunday. I left at a reasonable hour because it was my wedding anniversary and I wanted to go home and at least see hubby and have a glass of wine before midnight. When I was getting ready, I saw a vase of 6 red roses and babies breath sitting on the table....that was sweet! I was surprised. I had made him a cherry cheesecake because it's his favorite and I haven't made one in years. I've been lazy and been just buying them. So I made one for him. So I got home and we had wine and cheesecake.

Saturday was the big dinner/dance and it went off was a success. There were classmates there who didn't make it to the Friday bar thing...and some of the people from Friday night didn't come to the Saturday dinner. But we had a decent turnout. There was good food and lots of dancing. The highlight of the night for me was seeing a classmate that I haven't seen in many many years. We were good friends in school and even lived near each other when my hubby and I had our first house. Then I moved and we lost touch. I had sent her a letter with some pictures asking her to please consider coming this year. She has never been to any of our reunions or get-togethers. Well, she Came!! And I was so thrilled. I was sadden to hear that she lost her husband 7 years ago. I was at their wedding many years ago. And I found out that she is also an Eagles member! So I'm going to have to go to her Eagles and check it out. I want to keep in contact with her.

Sunday was the picnic and it was a nice day and a small crowd showed up. By Sunday alot of people are getting back home. People come from other states and have to fly back. We even had a classmate show up that wasn't at either Fri or Saturday events. It was nice to see him.

So that's it for another five years!! We are trying to come up with some ideas of something different to do next time. One thought is to have our reunion on the Detroit Riverboat. They do reunions on Saturday nights with a Motown band and everything. And another thought is to have it at the gym inside the old high school. Now that would be a hoot!! Only problem with that is we wouldn't be able to have liquor in the school....bummer!!! Well, like the guys say...."we'll just sneak it in or drink outside like we use to"....haha


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