Cherokee Rose

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Doctor, Doctor....

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. For almost 3 weeks now I have been experiencing tenderness and somewhat painful feelings in my left lower neck region. It started during the middle of Cheeseburger week in Caseville. I noticed that when I drank water it felt funny on the left side of my neck. I thought maybe I just slept on it wrong. After a week it was getting more pronounced and I thought I must have a swollen lymph gland or something. But the left side felt the same as the right to my touch. I didn't really feel any difference or swelling. Then about a week ago, I realized that the pain was coming from further down my neck...more where my thyroid gland is. The pain is mild but there and it is now extending up towards my jaw and side of my face just under my ear. I have been feeling a bit headachy, especially around my eyes, kind of like sinus pressure. And I have been so damn tired all the time.

I don't want to diagnose myself but I am guessing that it's 'thyroiditis'. I am reading about it online and it describes everything I have.

1. Painful, with pain extending to the jaw or ears.
2. slow pulse rate (fewer than 60 beats per minute)
3. swelling around the eyes.
4. feeling tired and unenergetic.

At least those are the symptons I have....some I don't have.

My pulse rate has been the 50's. Sometimes when my friend in Caseville and I go to Walmart, etc., we use one of those blood pressure machines and her pulse rate is high like over 100 and mine is always like 51 or 54. She laughs at how low my pulse is. Even when I take my blood pressure at home, my pulse has been in the 50's.

And I've been blaming allergies all summer for my eyes being swelled when I've been in Caseville to my neighbor.

I don't feel any lump or anything....just tenderness and mild pain. The website recommends aspirin or ibuprofen and when I take that it eases up quite a bit, but if I don't take anything, the discomfort comes back. I was hoping it would just go away, but after almost 3 weeks hubby said I better get to a doctor. So I'm going tomorrow and we'll see what he says.

I'll keep you all informed....


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