Happy Memorial Day...
So I guess technically today is the real Memorial Day....seems strange since we just celebrated it LAST weekend. I don't understand. I would think that this weekend would be Memorial Day weekend. Kinda like we have two Memorial Day weekends this year...whatever..
Today turned out to be a nice day weatherwise. It could have been a teeny bit warmer but the sun was shining. I went to the matinee show and saw the new Terminator Salvation movie. Looked more like a Transformer movie to me. It was okay, but I preferred the earlier ones. Then on the way home I did my grocery shopping. When I got home I grilled chicken wings and steak bits. It was a good dinner. I also had those little red potatoes, zuchinni slices, corn, and Italian spagetti salad that I also tossed in some spinach leaves. I loaded the chicken wings with lots of spices before I grilled them and they turned out good. The steak bits were from a rump roast that I had bought that I sliced up into steaks and steak bits for grilling later.
So anyway, I have to write about this poor little Robin bird that wanted so badly to build her nest on top of my husband's tire while he was parked in our driveway in Caseville. He drove up on a Wednesday and by the very next day he noticed something on top of his back tire. It was a fully constructed bird nest! She had made it that quick. There it was, sitting right on top of his tire. And he had to move his car so I could have my garage sale. So he picked up the nest and put it in the backyard. He moved his car and the next day there was the beginning of another nest on top of his tire. He kept brushing it off and she kept coming back. We would see her flying around with all this stuff in her beak. Finally, he put a tarp on top of the tire to prevent her from building her nest there. But we could see her flying around it and getting frustrated. He even moved his car to the other side of the driveway (we have a circular driveway). He found a half-built nest on his tire again so he had to put the tarp back on it. Finally, my husband made a makeshift birdhouse out of a plastic water jug and attached it to this metal rod and stuck it in the ground near where his car was originally parked. He put the half-built nest inside and put the other nest she built on top. She was confused. We would see her flying around with stuff in her beak and the car was moved and the tarp was on the tire. She even tried putting it on MY tires. We just kept brushing it off. Then he left for home, and I saw her out on the driveway where his car use to be parked walking back and forth with straw in her mouth looking for the car. I felt so sorry for her. I kept yelling at her to USE THE WATER JUG BIRDHOUSE!!...(stupid bird) I had went out to lunch with my girlfriend and when she dropped me off, I saw a little broken blue robin's egg behind the tire of my car with the yellow 'baby bird' yolk running out on the cement. I figured she must have gotten desperate to lay her eggs and she went on my tire and it rolled off. There was only one egg though...I don't know if she laid more some place else. I wanted to cry for her. I felt so bad. She was trying so hard to make her nest so she could have her babies. But she just couldn't have her nest on my husband's tire! I even suggested to him that he let her and he could leave the car there and drive home with me. He looked at me like I was nuts. He said he had no intentions of leaving his car there until the babies would be old enough to leave the nest...which could be awhile I assume. I figure that a raccoon would probably get them before they hatched anyway. Doesn't she know that birds are suppose to build their nests in trees??!!!...not tires....
What is it with us and birds anyway......
Today turned out to be a nice day weatherwise. It could have been a teeny bit warmer but the sun was shining. I went to the matinee show and saw the new Terminator Salvation movie. Looked more like a Transformer movie to me. It was okay, but I preferred the earlier ones. Then on the way home I did my grocery shopping. When I got home I grilled chicken wings and steak bits. It was a good dinner. I also had those little red potatoes, zuchinni slices, corn, and Italian spagetti salad that I also tossed in some spinach leaves. I loaded the chicken wings with lots of spices before I grilled them and they turned out good. The steak bits were from a rump roast that I had bought that I sliced up into steaks and steak bits for grilling later.
So anyway, I have to write about this poor little Robin bird that wanted so badly to build her nest on top of my husband's tire while he was parked in our driveway in Caseville. He drove up on a Wednesday and by the very next day he noticed something on top of his back tire. It was a fully constructed bird nest! She had made it that quick. There it was, sitting right on top of his tire. And he had to move his car so I could have my garage sale. So he picked up the nest and put it in the backyard. He moved his car and the next day there was the beginning of another nest on top of his tire. He kept brushing it off and she kept coming back. We would see her flying around with all this stuff in her beak. Finally, he put a tarp on top of the tire to prevent her from building her nest there. But we could see her flying around it and getting frustrated. He even moved his car to the other side of the driveway (we have a circular driveway). He found a half-built nest on his tire again so he had to put the tarp back on it. Finally, my husband made a makeshift birdhouse out of a plastic water jug and attached it to this metal rod and stuck it in the ground near where his car was originally parked. He put the half-built nest inside and put the other nest she built on top. She was confused. We would see her flying around with stuff in her beak and the car was moved and the tarp was on the tire. She even tried putting it on MY tires. We just kept brushing it off. Then he left for home, and I saw her out on the driveway where his car use to be parked walking back and forth with straw in her mouth looking for the car. I felt so sorry for her. I kept yelling at her to USE THE WATER JUG BIRDHOUSE!!...(stupid bird) I had went out to lunch with my girlfriend and when she dropped me off, I saw a little broken blue robin's egg behind the tire of my car with the yellow 'baby bird' yolk running out on the cement. I figured she must have gotten desperate to lay her eggs and she went on my tire and it rolled off. There was only one egg though...I don't know if she laid more some place else. I wanted to cry for her. I felt so bad. She was trying so hard to make her nest so she could have her babies. But she just couldn't have her nest on my husband's tire! I even suggested to him that he let her and he could leave the car there and drive home with me. He looked at me like I was nuts. He said he had no intentions of leaving his car there until the babies would be old enough to leave the nest...which could be awhile I assume. I figure that a raccoon would probably get them before they hatched anyway. Doesn't she know that birds are suppose to build their nests in trees??!!!...not tires....
What is it with us and birds anyway......
At 4:26 PM,
Happy Housewife said…
I was just thinking that..what is with them and birds?!
At 10:32 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
hahaha too funny maybe the birdbrain thought the tire looked like a tree?? silly.
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