The Escape Artist.....
Keno hates squirrels big time. Basically he hates anything coming into our yard....birds and rabbits included. When he sees one of them he goes totally balistic. He gets this real high pitch bark that sometimes sounds like he's screaming...and he gets so excited! His whole little body trembles and shakes (I think that's the Chihuahua part of him coming out)and then he starts with this pitchy whine that evolves into this high pitch shrieky bark. Then he has to come find us and tell us. It's so funny. Even if I'm upstairs on the computer, he'll come flying up the stairs and starts shrieking/barking at me and wants me to follow him. So I have to act all excited cause he is telling me something and follow him back to the family room, where he proceeds to jump up at the window to show me. Then I have to say something like "It's a SQUIRREL!!", and he seems satisfied that I know what he's trying to show me. Then he runs to the door and demands that I let him out so he can go get the squirrel or whatever it is that's out there. I open the door and he runs like a bat out of hell and even tries to climb the tree that the squirrel is on. After awhile the squirrel goes away and he comes back in the house. Then he sits on the couch staring out the window for the next one to appear and it starts all over again. He does this allllllllll day. Searching for critters in our yard seems to be his purpose in life.
Anyway, he has figured out that he can squeeze through the pickets of our picket fence on that side of our yard. If it's just a squirrel that ends up in the neighbor's yard he seems somewhat content to just poke his head through, but I'm also yelling "NO FENCE KENO...KENO NO FENCE!!" at him and he usually backs off.
The other day there was a bunny in the yard and he went balistic as usual. I let him outside and the rabbit ran for his life with Keno fast behind him. The rabbit ran for the fence and easily slipped through. Even with me yelling, Keno paid no attention and went right through the fence after the rabbit. I had to go into my neighbor's yard screaming KENO and he just kept running after the rabbit into the other neighbor's yard (they have no fences). All our yards are super wet from all the melting snow and rain. My neighbor's yard is way worse than ours and has standing water in the back. So I was slopping through all this water chasing after Keno as Keno is chasing after the bunny. Finally he lost him and came to me.
Today he was barking and shrieking at a squirrel so I let him outside. The squirrel ran into the front yard where Keno couldn't get to. But we have this small wood fency thing that is between these two big wood fency things that faces the front. It's small so we can step over it if we want to get into the front from the backyard. Keno jumped up on it and pulled himself right over it! Then he ran for the squirrel. I jumped over it and ran after him. Luckily, he lost the squirrel and came to me.
Later a bunny was in the yard and Keno went nuts and wanted out but I told him "NOOOOOOO!!...You are NOT going after that bunny!" Cause I knew where the bunny would head and Keno would be right behind him.
He is a little escape artist. My husband already knows that he has to get some chicken wire and put it up in front of the picket fence to prevent him from slipping through. Now he has to do something with the small wood fency thing. We may have to build an entire 10' stockade fence to keep Keno in.
We never had this problem with Mini Sue or Lucky.
But then again, Mini Sue could care less about Squirrels or bunnies.
Also today is my father's birthday. He would have been 82. He died when he was only 52.
Today is also my grandson's birthday. Jayden is 5. Happy Birthday, Jayden! It was so awesome that he was born on my father's birthday.
Anyway, he has figured out that he can squeeze through the pickets of our picket fence on that side of our yard. If it's just a squirrel that ends up in the neighbor's yard he seems somewhat content to just poke his head through, but I'm also yelling "NO FENCE KENO...KENO NO FENCE!!" at him and he usually backs off.
The other day there was a bunny in the yard and he went balistic as usual. I let him outside and the rabbit ran for his life with Keno fast behind him. The rabbit ran for the fence and easily slipped through. Even with me yelling, Keno paid no attention and went right through the fence after the rabbit. I had to go into my neighbor's yard screaming KENO and he just kept running after the rabbit into the other neighbor's yard (they have no fences). All our yards are super wet from all the melting snow and rain. My neighbor's yard is way worse than ours and has standing water in the back. So I was slopping through all this water chasing after Keno as Keno is chasing after the bunny. Finally he lost him and came to me.
Today he was barking and shrieking at a squirrel so I let him outside. The squirrel ran into the front yard where Keno couldn't get to. But we have this small wood fency thing that is between these two big wood fency things that faces the front. It's small so we can step over it if we want to get into the front from the backyard. Keno jumped up on it and pulled himself right over it! Then he ran for the squirrel. I jumped over it and ran after him. Luckily, he lost the squirrel and came to me.
Later a bunny was in the yard and Keno went nuts and wanted out but I told him "NOOOOOOO!!...You are NOT going after that bunny!" Cause I knew where the bunny would head and Keno would be right behind him.
He is a little escape artist. My husband already knows that he has to get some chicken wire and put it up in front of the picket fence to prevent him from slipping through. Now he has to do something with the small wood fency thing. We may have to build an entire 10' stockade fence to keep Keno in.
We never had this problem with Mini Sue or Lucky.
But then again, Mini Sue could care less about Squirrels or bunnies.
Also today is my father's birthday. He would have been 82. He died when he was only 52.
Today is also my grandson's birthday. Jayden is 5. Happy Birthday, Jayden! It was so awesome that he was born on my father's birthday.
At 7:44 AM,
michelle said…
Hey your dog sounds fun. Poor lil bunny lol
Jayden being 5 is so weird feels like I just
Had him. I babysit another jayden lol.
Well have a good day miss u xoxo
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