Late Night Visitors.....
I've talked about all the little mousies I have running around in my house. I hear them in the walls and attic sometimes. I use to see them running across the family room but Lucky was a real mouser and he would go nuts and sometimes catch them. He was better than a cat when it came to catching mice. He was pretty good at it. And he was good at hearing them and barking his head off at closet doors, kitchen cabinet doors, etc. But now that he is not here anymore, they are getting bold. The other night we were watching TV in the family room and I kept seeing this mouse running from behind the wall unit...across the carpet and down the hall somewhere, probably under the closet door. Then he'd run back to behind the wall unit and pretty soon I'd see him running across the carpet again towards the hallway. Mini Sue and Keno missed all the excitement. They had no clue. I told hubby that we have a mouse, and he's like "so what else is new".
I had clothes in my computer room closet that I was getting ready to give to the consignment store last week. I had this one dressy type outfit that I was going to iron and while I was ironing it, I noticed that it had a big round chewed out piece missing!...the size of a saucer. I know that a while back when I was tearing out the carpet I had found some blue fuzzy stuff that looked like it had been material and couldn't figure out where it came I know...the outfit was mainly blue.
I have this open bag of M&M's in a bag that I'm going to take to Caseville sitting on my desk in my bedroom. I woke up last night and I could hear something rattling in the direction of my desk. It sounded like an M&M rolling around. Mini Sue and Keno didn't hear a thing....they slept through the whole thing. The rattling was keeping me awake. I knew it had to be a mouse and it sounded like he was playing a marble game with my M&M's. I finally fell back to sleep. Then I awoke again closer to dawn and I could hear more rattling again. It sounded like he was inside the bag. This time Keno heard it and barked. I got up quietly and turned on the light. I walked towards the desk and a mouse came out from behind this plastic basket that was sitting in the corner. He ran out and then ran back behind the basket. The dogs were fully awake and watching. Then he ran out and flew off the desk and landed on the area rug. He stood there for a second and then ran under my bed. I'm assuming that he probably headed for the closet...who knows. Mini Sue stuck her head under the bed and barked but I didn't see him come out. I took the dogs downstairs to put them outside and then we all just went back to bed. I took the M&M's out of my room for tonight. Hubby is suppose to find the mouse trap we use sometimes.
We had pizza yesterday and there were a few pieces of pizza left in the box sitting on the stove. Usually hubby puts the extra pieces in the fridge, but he didn't last night. I love cold I tore off 1/2 of a piece and was munching on it this morning when I walked into the family room. My husband looked at me weird and asked "Are you eating that pizza?" what? He asked me if I looked at the pizza cause he said that a mouse had gotten into it. YIKES! I went back and opened the box and sure enough...the two whole pieces I hadn't touched was chewed up on the tops. Of course, I had already eaten most of the piece I had. But the piece that I had torn off looked okay to me...what was left of it anyway. But I was gagging....YUK...I hadn't even noticed. I just opened the box, tore off a piece and scarfed it down. SICK, SICK, SICK.....DAMN MICE!!! Hubby better find those traps....
The problem is that I like mice. I use to have one as a pet...Fievel, the mouse. Had him for two years. I have mice figurines on my window sill in my kitchen. Anyway, the trap we use is a non-kill one....we catch them and put them back outside. But the problem is that they probably just run back into the house. So we may have to get serious and do some mice killing. Lucky use to do that for us...although we would usually yell at him when he did...but he at least kept the mice population down. Now they are taking over our house. I better not find one in my bed tonight.....
I had clothes in my computer room closet that I was getting ready to give to the consignment store last week. I had this one dressy type outfit that I was going to iron and while I was ironing it, I noticed that it had a big round chewed out piece missing!...the size of a saucer. I know that a while back when I was tearing out the carpet I had found some blue fuzzy stuff that looked like it had been material and couldn't figure out where it came I know...the outfit was mainly blue.
I have this open bag of M&M's in a bag that I'm going to take to Caseville sitting on my desk in my bedroom. I woke up last night and I could hear something rattling in the direction of my desk. It sounded like an M&M rolling around. Mini Sue and Keno didn't hear a thing....they slept through the whole thing. The rattling was keeping me awake. I knew it had to be a mouse and it sounded like he was playing a marble game with my M&M's. I finally fell back to sleep. Then I awoke again closer to dawn and I could hear more rattling again. It sounded like he was inside the bag. This time Keno heard it and barked. I got up quietly and turned on the light. I walked towards the desk and a mouse came out from behind this plastic basket that was sitting in the corner. He ran out and then ran back behind the basket. The dogs were fully awake and watching. Then he ran out and flew off the desk and landed on the area rug. He stood there for a second and then ran under my bed. I'm assuming that he probably headed for the closet...who knows. Mini Sue stuck her head under the bed and barked but I didn't see him come out. I took the dogs downstairs to put them outside and then we all just went back to bed. I took the M&M's out of my room for tonight. Hubby is suppose to find the mouse trap we use sometimes.
We had pizza yesterday and there were a few pieces of pizza left in the box sitting on the stove. Usually hubby puts the extra pieces in the fridge, but he didn't last night. I love cold I tore off 1/2 of a piece and was munching on it this morning when I walked into the family room. My husband looked at me weird and asked "Are you eating that pizza?" what? He asked me if I looked at the pizza cause he said that a mouse had gotten into it. YIKES! I went back and opened the box and sure enough...the two whole pieces I hadn't touched was chewed up on the tops. Of course, I had already eaten most of the piece I had. But the piece that I had torn off looked okay to me...what was left of it anyway. But I was gagging....YUK...I hadn't even noticed. I just opened the box, tore off a piece and scarfed it down. SICK, SICK, SICK.....DAMN MICE!!! Hubby better find those traps....
The problem is that I like mice. I use to have one as a pet...Fievel, the mouse. Had him for two years. I have mice figurines on my window sill in my kitchen. Anyway, the trap we use is a non-kill one....we catch them and put them back outside. But the problem is that they probably just run back into the house. So we may have to get serious and do some mice killing. Lucky use to do that for us...although we would usually yell at him when he did...but he at least kept the mice population down. Now they are taking over our house. I better not find one in my bed tonight.....
At 6:36 AM,
Happy Housewife said…
Alright here is something we do not have in common. I DESPISE mice. Hate hate hate them.
They are all over our house up north and I can hardly enjoy going up there because of it.
I swear to god if I find them in this house, we'll move! When I was married to dh#1 we lived in an old farm house and it was over run. I cried non stop until we moved! (granted I was 18 and a little unreasonable too!)
At 10:45 AM,
Judy said…
I like mice too--once found one on the playground and put it in my mitten and took it back into the classroom and into my desk where he spent an hour skittering around. My 3rd grade teacher was not impressed and made me take him back outside and release him.
However--I do NOT like them in my house because I do not like to find their "sign" in my drawers and cupboards.
There is nothing to be afraid of however--they are tiny, cute little furry animals--not like a slinky snake--if I ever found one of those in my house I would have to move away.
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