Keno and Mini Sue are now best buds and even sharing a bed together....
Well, tomorrow is April 1 and it better start feeling more like Spring around here. I'll tolerate yucky weather in March, but April is my limit. I am getting fed up with the cold grey days.
Well, hubby called that assfault (sp???) guy again and he said that he didn't show up last Tuesday cause he got busy. Yeah, butthead, we ALL could have been busy if we weren't sitting around waiting for you to show up! Anyways, he is coming again on Friday. We have another company we want to call as well....might as well get two quotes.
I have a list of things that I want done before the summer flies away..never to be seen again for another 10 months. #1 - new driveway; #2 - new front door; #3 - Get my computer room cracked window replaced; #4 - replace garage windows; #5 - new kitchen cabinet doors; #6 - get car in garage repaired and up and running (or sold); #7 - repair cracks through the house on walls and ceilings; #8 - tear out old bushes in front of house and put in wood deck (maybe); #9 - redesign wall unit; #10 - buy new bigger TV for wall unit; #11 - new tires for jeep and repair throttle thingy; #12 - cry when summer ends and none of these things ever get done!!
We have a lot to do so we better get busy....
At 5:05 PM,
Judy said…
I am soooo happy that Keno has fit in and he and Susie Q are great friends. you have done a very nice thing to take him into your home. Good job!!!
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have a honey do list too, except I have no honey.
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