Cherokee Rose

Monday, October 22, 2007

Off to see the dentist.....

Well, that's done for another 6 months!....the dental cleaning. But I made the original appointment 2 weeks ago cause then in 6 months I would be able to get that one done before tax season is over and I leave for Caseville. Course, now with all the screw-ups I'm 2 weeks behind which now makes my next 6 months April 22 and I will be in Caseville then doing my spring cleanup....that's why I made the appointment when I did and now it's all screwed up. Maybe I'll go ahead and make the next appointment for April 16 and insurance better damn well pay for it...close enough. That's if I even have dental insurance by then. Right now, we have cobra and I don't have a clue when that runs out or what happens when it does....guess I'll find out.

Hubby is finally going to fix the fence that got wrecked when the neighbor's tree fell on it like almost 6 months ago. Basically all it needs is to take the fence off the bent part of that long top metal thingy and replace it with a new top metal thingy and then restretch the fence up onto it. Of course, I could simply call the fence guy and he would have had it done in 1/2 hour 5 months ago, But hubby wants to save a few bucks. So now he has this long metal thing that needs to be cut and he doesn't have anything to cut through it....and I'm thinking how simple it really is....JUST CALL THE FENCE GUY!!


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