Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

One of those days.....grrrrrrrrrrrr

It really just wasn't my day....hell, it hasn't been my week. I have this partially working stereo system that I have on the free section of Craig's list. First this woman emails and says she wants it. I email a couple times with the address and the times she can pick it up and don't hear another thing from the bitch. I really HATE when people do that....and that is a major problem with Craig's list I hear....people saying they want something and they are coming to get it and then you hear absolutely nothing more from asswipes. So this other guy emails with his phone number and wants me to call him..(damn, I'm assuming he was from the Craigslist ad and not the guy I met in the bar...haha...only kidding!!...gotcha) So anyways I call him and leave a message with my number. He calls me back and I tell him he can have it if he wants it. And he says "and what is that"? I say "the stereo system". He's like Oh Yeah. Then he tells me that he is at his daughter's volley ball game and he will call me later when it's finished. I'm like Okay. This is about 5:00 and so far I haven't heard anything more from the guy. Must be another creepo. Anyway, I have a few more people interested, so maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Tonight was garbage night, I should have told hubby to just throw the damn thing out. Only the radio works. Cassette doesn't work right and the turntable doesn't turn, and it's a little hard to play records when I have to turn it myself with my finger!! I have the new one I just bought from ebay now. I was playing some old albums the other night...which is so cool....

THEN....I had a dentist appointment today at 3:00. I left at 2:30. I made the mistake of taking Telegraph Rd to Michigan Ave. Telegraph Rd is a major road construction pain in the royal ass right now and I forgot. I haven't been down that horrendous part of town since July. So I'm creeping along and by 3:00 I'm not even close, so I called hubby to get the phone number. I call them and tell them my predictment and they inform me that if I can't get there by 3:10 then I will have to reschedule. By 3:10 I was closer but no way I was gonna make it, so I called them and rescheduled for next Monday. Damn, I was pissed!!

While I was on Telegraph Rd I witnessed this accident and I wanted to turn around and see if the cop needed my statement but since I was trying to get to this damn appointment I didn't bother. Now I wish I would have. I see this cop on the side of the road as I pass. In my rearview mirror I see him pull out into traffic, and I'm thinking that he better not be coming after me, cause even though the traffic sign said 45 I knew I was going more like 50. So I'm watching in my rearview mirror. This was before the road construction hit and traffic was progressing at a good rate of speed. Then I see the cop go into the other lane on my left side....and this car in front of me abruptly pulls into that lane also. That's when I drove past this car in that same lane sitting there with it's hazard lights on and I immediately thought that maybe that is why the cop pulled out and got in that lane cause he had a call about a car in trouble. So I'm watching in my rearview mirror and everything happened so fast. That car in front of me that pulled into the lane saw that the hazard-light car wasn't moving and slammed on his brakes and rammed into the car and the car behind him rammed into him. The cop was behind that guy and he pulled quickly into the next lane and stopped. I figure that the car in front of me that pulled into that lane was at fault. First of all, he didn't use his turn signal...and he didn't look and see that there was a car in that lane immobalized with hazard lights on. The other guy that hit him was just driving along and this schmoe pulls right in front of him in his lane and then slams on his brakes. Well, hopefully the cop saw everything since he was right there.

I guess my day wasn't all that bad cause if it was then I would have been the one to get slammed into. I'm glad I stayed in my own lane.

Little Brinks is getting tired of sitting in that crate. He keeps flapping his wings. I can see his wings are getting stronger. It was too cold today to put him outside (even though he is a bird and would be out there anyway) But I think he's getting spoiled. I did try to put him out but I thought he looked like he was shivering so I brought him back in. I hope tomorrow it warms up a bit and then I will let him play on the grass and see if he can get a little airbourne with his wings. The only trouble is, I told my husband, is that he still has this gimpy leg and even if he can fly again, then if he tries to land on a wire or something, he'll probably fall off. I told hubby that I think he is missing the boat as far as flying south for the winter and he may be with us all winter and he can try flying in the spring. I didn't like the look on hubby's face. I asked him how long pigeons live and he said "probably 50 years!"....hahaha


  • At 12:22 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    hey we got peigons all the time ship him out here he willbe fine... stupid brids they are stupid....

    mike is in /royal oak now and will go up to see my farn next monday


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