Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mrs. Davis' Chair

Did anyone catch the article in Sunday's paper on the photographer Curtis Krueger? He use to live next door to an elderly lady, Mrs. Davis. She had this old wrought-iron garden chair sitting in her garden. He borrowed it one day, took it to the beach with him and photographed it at the beach. He had the photograph framed and gave it to her for her 98th birthday and she was absolutely delighted with a real kick out of seeing her chair sitting at the beach. He called the photograph "Mrs. Davis' Chair Goes To The Beach". She gave him the chair and his mission was to go to all 50 states and photograph it. The photos are beautiful and unusual. In some of the photos the chair is obscured in the background but it is there.

My grandmother's last name was Davis and I have a couple of her old dining room chairs that are over 100 years old. I was thinking I should do that with one of her chairs...course I wouldn't get out of Michigan, so her chair would have to basically travel within the state...haha.

Anyway, check out his website and click on Mrs. Davis' Chairs and you can click on every state name and see all his photographs of Mrs. Davis' chair.

Recently, his truck caught on fire. When he escaped his burning truck, he saved his dog and cat, and when the firemen got there he begged them to get the chair out which they did. But everything else was lost in the fire. He travels to art shows with his photographs and everything was burned. The story is also on his website.

I thought it was interesting. BTW, Mrs. Davis died when she was almost 102!!


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