Cherokee Rose

Monday, February 27, 2006

Well, I finally got connected to the internet! I haven't been able to get online. Everytime I dial in I get this error telling me that my password is incorrect...which is bullshit cause I have the "save this password" checked and all I do is hit Enter. It's not like I'm typing it wrong or using all caps or something. Finally I called Earthlink and this computer thingy said something that sometimes the phone number we are trying to use can cause this error, so I went into my properties or something and found another phone number and used it and finally got on! What crap!!

I didn't do much all weekend. We rented "Flightplan" with Jodie Foster and it was pretty good. My husband started coming down with this cold yesterday and he stayed home from work today. So we're both sniffing and feeling crappy. Tomorrow I have to go to work, so I better feel better.

My mother-in-law is still in the hospital. She was not acting right and they thought maybe she had a stroke, but the tests say otherwise, so they think it might be a reaction to the meds they have her on. I swear some meds just make you feel worse...better to do without.

I made a pot of potato/carrots/chicken noodle/dumpling soup...just a bunch of can stuff that I threw together in a we'll eat that for dinner with some White Castle burgers that I bought yesterday. Right now, I'm going to go back downstairs, lay on the couch and watch General Hospital.

Friday, February 24, 2006

My once a year cold is here....

I am so sick with a cold. Late Tuesday afternoon I felt like it was definitely coming on and Wednesday I woke up with a bad sore throat and drainage. I worked yesterday and luckily I am off today cause today it is way worse. So I'll not be doing much this weekend. I always get a really bad cold every year. But last year my girlfriend told me about these vitamins called Euchinacea and said that if you take them then you won't get a cold or if you do it will be much I took them last year and for the first time I never got my really bad cold. But this year I forgot about them and didn't take them, so now I got it. I'm taking them now but a little too late...maybe I'll get rid of it faster.

Yesterday just when I was getting ready to leave for work, I noticed my answering machine blinking. My sister-in-law had called earlier that morning to let us know that my mother-in-law had had a heart attack and they were at the hospital. So I called my husband and he left work and went over there. He called me later to let me know that there was severe blockage in one of the veins in her heart and the doctors put a stint in it to open it she's fine now and I think she's coming home today.

So last night was a battle of the TV stations night....8:00-9:00 American Idol, channel 2; 9:00 Skating with Celebrities, channel 2; 8:00-10:00 Dancing with the Stars, channel 7;...what to do, what to do...and my husband hates when I keep switching channels and he told me to go watch them upstairs, so I agreed to only switch channels during commercials...haha But then my youngest son came over and I ended up not seeing much of anything anyway. He came to let us know that he sold the white jeep for us and he had the money! He got a decent price for it. I got my mom's house sold, the jeep sold, and the Fiero sold and out of my backyard....maybe this will be a better year than last.

I need to go to the bank so I better get dressed...I feel like crap but I need to get this cash in the bank. My son always insists on cash when he sells a car cause of all the scams going on out there. He once sold his Corvette and the guy said he was sending him an E-Check from a bank and since he was out-of-state he had a guy in Michigan that would pick it up and drive it out to him. Then my son got an email from another guy warning him about this buyer...he also sold a car to him and received an E-check and he took it to his bank and the bank checked it and found it to be a phony from a phony bank. So this guy told my son that if he checked this Buyer's buying history it showed that he had just purchased (thru Ebay) 9 cars in a 24-hour period totaling more than $80,000!...then Ebay suspended this buyer. So my son emailed this buyer asking him what is going on and if this E-Check was good or not..the guy wrote back telling him that it was...then my son wrote and told him that he is with the Detroit Police force and told him to call him and he never heard from him again!...He did get the E-check in the mail and I saw it and it looked real to me, but it wasn' was a phony. There was an article in the paper about a guy who sold his Corvette, accepted a cashier's check, signed the title over and about a week later found that it bounced...he was money, and no car. So always insist on CASH!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Funny Joke.......

Someone sent this to me and thought I'd share.........

SUBJECT: What do you have to do to get into Heaven?

"I was testing the children in my Sunday School class to see if they understood the concept of getting into heaven.

I asked them, "If I sold my house and my car and had a big garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would that get me into Heaven?" "NO!" the children answered.

"If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me into Heaven?" Again, the answer was, "NO!"

By now I was starting to smile. "Well then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all the children, and loved my husband, would THAT get me into Heaven?" I asked them again. Again they all answered "NO!"

I was bursting with pride for them.

Well, I continued, "then how can I get into Heaven?"

A five-year-old boy shouted out, "YOU GOTTA BE DEAD!"

Home Sweet Home

I was typing away last night and my whole computer froze up on me...couldn't do a damn thing except turn it off by hand. I think I am going to do a total recovery on this machine. I think there must be viruses or bugs in it.

Anyway I'm back from Caseville. It got really cold Saturday and there's snow and ice there....we don't have any snow here, so it seemed even colder. One of the events was this Polar Bear Dip where these insane people jump into a hole cut out of the ice in the frigid water. My girlfriend and I watched some of them. We were freezing just watching them....there is no way...haha The bars were packed Saturday night. We went to this one bar and it was so packed we left and went to the one at the condo...we waited for some friends to show up, but I guess they went to the first place and just stayed there. We should have stayed and waited for them. But I really didn't want to stay cause then I'm afraid to drink cause I have to drive least at the condo I can walk. And the cops were out big time. Shanty Days weekend is a big weekend for partying. I felt like crap Sunday and I had to drive own fault...I'm glad I didn't have to work Monday.

I worked today and I think I might be coming down with a throat is sore and I've been sneezing for the past couple days. I don't want to get a cold!

I went shopping yesterday and bought a pair of slacks that fit so I had something to wear today...none of my clothes fit...I tried on tons of stuff and can't button a I'm starving myself now. I ate too damn much in Caseville and drank too much...I always g'friend and I always go out to eat and I can't just order a stupid, I have to order a double cheeseburger and chili own stupid fault nothing fits. And I drank way too much beer....Lets see...hmmmm...around 27 beers, a whole bottle of wine and a couple shots of vodka, but whose counting...we had a good time. Good thing I was only there for a couple nights...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Yesterday I went to my favorite consignment store and I got talking with this woman whose mother is in a nursing home and she is dealing with things and the house and getting rid of her stuff....besides her mom is over 90 and doesn't have long to live. Also her brother was killed in a random drive-by shooting last August. So she told me about this grief support group that she sometimes goes to the third Wednesday of the month which was last night. It's not too far from my house so I decided to go last night. Since I sold the house last week, I'm now having these dreams about the damn house. I had another one the other night that I still had a key and was still able to go into the house and it was late at night and I was afraid that the new owner would catch me...and I'm looking at things he was doing to the the kitchen faucet was disconnected and I'm thinking that it was a brand new faucet we installed so why the hell is he changing it. It's almost like losing the house is like losing part of my mom again....It was a comfort to me to go there sometimes and the memories seemed more real and sometimes I could feel her I don't have the house anymore and it's like losing it all.

I don't know how to explain it. Anyway I went to this meeting last night and there were 6 other people there...5 women and 1 man. The man and 4 of the women lost their spouses and one woman lost her daughter. The one woman said her husband went in for a stress test...she was waiting for him in the waiting room, and after 4 minutes on the treadmill he had a heart attack and died right there! My husband was suppose to have a stress test a while back and he canceled it for that reason...he was afraid he'd have a heart attack on the damn thing. So I guess it happens. Anyway, so then last night I have all this crap going through my head and I had a really bad night trying to I'm not sure if these meetings really do much good.

I worked today and I'm off now til Tuesday. I'm leaving tomorrow for Caseville for the Shanty Days weekend. I have part of this entertainment center thing to take up there. I brought the credenza part of it back last time for my husband to put together and we got it in my jeep. I figure I can get it out with my girlfriend's help. I'm not going to bother bringing the other two pieces back for him to put together. He said he'll go up there one weekend and do it.

So that's about it til I get back....Have a great weekend...Ciao

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day...

My boss called me yesterday and needed me to come into work today instead of tomorrow and that was no big deal, so I worked today. Yesterday I got a lot of little crap done that I needed to do. I returned an audio book at the library and took out a couple more for my trip this weekend. I love those audio books...way much better than reading and turning pages...haha...the book was really good, Chill Factor. Then I had to go and register some homestead paper from my mom's house, which basically tells the city that the house has been sold. I took some film into Walgreens to be processed. One of them has pics of Jayden when I was over there last, but since my scanner is still not working I can't download any of them. I did some grocery shopping.

Today is Valentine's Day and I hadn't bought anything for my hus cause I thought I was going to have the day off and could get something today before he came home. But then my boss called and I ended up working today. SOOOOOOOOOO I had this Happy Anniversary card that had a couple of squirrels sitting on a red heart-shaped chair, so I crossed out "anniversary" and wrote in "Valentine's Day"....then before Xmas I had bought this holiday tray of different nuts and peanuts and chocolate covered ones in case I needed an extra gift for someone and I never used it and I found it still in my drawer so I gave him THAT!.....LOL

When I got home from work there was a Valentine's heart shaped cake sitting on the table...that was least it wasn't something he found in his drawer left over from Xmas......

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A typical boring weekend at home...

Friday was my husband's birthday. I gave him a present....he doesn't need anything, and besides he never gets me anything anymore. He didn't really want to go out, but since I had to work Friday we decided that we would just go to this bar near us and grab a sandwich or something. The first place we went to was packed...I mean, there was a line out the friggin door. So we went to this other bar down the street. It was packed but we got a table. We got fish sandwiches and a pitcher of beer. We were home by 8:00 in time to watch Dancing with the Stars. Whoopee doo...a big night out...

Saturday my oldest son stopped by with his tax stuff for me to do. He said that little Jayden had an ear infection and was apparently allergic to the meds they've been giving him cause he is all broken out in hives and itching. So I gave him some antihistimines to give him...poor little guy. Allergies run in our family.

I did absolutely nothing all weekend except lay on the couch and sleep. I am so damn tired of feeling tired all the time.

I don't have to work again until Wednesday and Friday I'm leaving for Caseville for Shanty Days weekend. It's some winter blast thingy they do up there. They'll have a beer tent, ice fishing, polar dipping, outdoor games, etc. I do the beer tent. I'm not a winter outdoorsy kinda girl.

Anyway, the closing on the house went okay...although we had to wait a bit for the wire transfer of the funds to clear so they could give us our checks...but everything went smooth. So that night I'm dreaming that I'm in the house and I know it belongs to someone else, and I still have all this crap I need to get out and I'm afraid the guy will show up and catch me in his house....damn...I'm still dreaming about that damn house! It does feel weird to know that I can never drive over there and walk through the door anymore.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Good-Bye Balmoral House

Today my brother and I are closing on the house. Thank God!!! I am happy and I am sad.

My mother bought the house in 1980/1981 a year or so after my father passed away and she sold the larger home they had. She was dating my stepdad at the time and he moved in after they married in 1982. Then he passed away in 1992 and she lived there by herself until she had to go into the home in 2001 where she passed away in 2003. Her cat, cleo, still remained in the house by herself for 6 months....she did well on taking care of herself...haha....she even had TV to watch! My g'friend would go over and feed her 5 days a week and I would go over twice a week. Then I decided that she needed some company, so I had my nephew move in. He took care of Cleo and the house for 2 years while he went to college nearby. The house needed to be sold, so he moved out last year and I proceeded to get it ready to sell. So after 25 years of ownership and memories, it is now being sold.

I walked through the house remembering this and that. I sat on the couch imagining my mother sitting across from me in her favorite chair. Before I left, I walked over to that imaginary chair, leaned over and and gave her a hug with tears streaming down my face. Then I locked the doors one last time and walked out.

...........and life goes on.................

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Congrats Steelers!

I got home from Caseville Sunday night just in time for the game. I missed all the pregame stuff though. I'm not a football fan, but I was rooting for the Steelers and was glad they won. Mainly I watch the Superbowl for the halftime show...and this year it was the STONES!!...I videotaped them with my camcorder. Yes, the baby boomers are gettin on in years, but we still can outrock, outdance and outparty anybody! Hell, we created the phrase "lets rock n' roll" to mean "lets paaaaaarrrrrrrttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!"

Anyway...Monday I went to work for my first day back on the job. My boss moved to a different office suite in Novi and it is really really nice to say the least. Very classy place. And the best part is I have my own office and with a window! The other office plaza has individual offices and also office cubicle spaces in the hallways and that's where I was. This new place strictly has individual offices. And he bought a new notepad (laptop type) computer for me to use and it's great. It was a good day.

The realtor called and the closing on the house is set up for this Thursday!! So tonight my hus and I drove to the house and got the lawnmower. Tomorrow I'll go over one last time and say my final good-byes, lock the door, and walk away from it. I'll be very very brave.....

Also, tomorrow I have to go to my youngest son's house to meet some appraiser there. He is getting a new mortage at a fixed rate instead of the adjustable rate he has now that keeps going up. He is simply getting a new mortgage on the existing balance, so he won't be borrowing any more. He just needs to lock it into a fixed rate. Luckily he can do it without paying any closing costs, and with the lower rate his payment will be cheaper.

I had a good time in Caseville. My g'friend and I went shopping on Saturday and later we all watched some movie called "Underclassman" on DVD. We were stuck in that snowstorm coming home from Bad Axe Saturday night and it was terrible driving when I left her place later to drive home. It took me twice as long to drive back. So now I guess winter is officially here....I knew it was too good to be true with this warm January we were having.

Oh, and we sold the Fiero that's been in my backyard for 8 years on Ebay for $320! this guy from Holland, MI came and towed it away. I wasn't here...I just know it was gone when I got home!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

WOW....Super WOW!....My son who is a Police Reserve officer got a call from one of his officer friends and they need 6 guys to be bodyguards for Freeman Hendrix while he attends different superbowl parties tonight! Plus he gets paid to do it!!

For those who don't know who Freeman Hendrix is...he is the guy who ran against Kwame Kilpatrick for the mayoral race for Detroit in November but he lost to Kilpatrick which was a surprise to everyone. Hendrix even demanded a recount.

So tonight my son will be following him around to different parties from 8:00 til 2 in the morning and who knows what celebrities he will see!!....

In other news, my son put that Fiero that has been sitting in our backyard on Ebay and it sold for $320 basically for hopefully the guy will come tow it out this weekend.

I don't know what the hell is going on with the closing on the house. According to the purchase agreement, it is to take place on or before 2-6-06...which is Monday and I haven't heard anything. The realtor called last Saturday and said that it will probably be another week or I'm still waiting....and I am starting my job on Monday. I hate waiting...I just want to get it over with...NOW!!!!

Okay, I'm leaving for Caseville soon....and it seems like everytime I go to Caseville, I get a call from the Realtor, so maybe I'll hear from him. Have a great weekend and root for the STEELERS on Sunday!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Super Weekend...!!

Yesterday I went to this consignment store and shopped some more. I bought this comforter set with dustruffle and pillow shams for the bed at the new place in Caseville. Then I brought it home and tried in on the Queen bed downstairs and it's really not big enough. That's why I hate comforters and I prefer bedspreads. With today's bigger mattresses these comforters barely come down and cover them and they are way not long enough for now I'm stuck with something else I bought and don't need! So I took the set to another consignment store and I have it for sale there now...maybe I can recoup some of what it cost me. I didn't dare tell my husband!! I also bought an artificial palm tree plant that will be perfect there.

I know my nerves are bad cause before when I smoked, the nicotine was a relaxing drug that my body depended on. My mother had always been a nervous person. She even use to go to psychiatrists and was once was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown. My neice said that it is probably hereditary and it probably is. Anyway, I had my cigs to keep me calm and my beer to keep me happy... I remember my mother use to take some over the counter drug called Nervine and I went to some drugstore today trying to find it and couldn't. So now I don't have nicotine to keep my body relaxed and I probably need to find something else. I'll mention it to my doctor next time I see him, but I doubt if he'll prescribe me anything...he's like that....I once asked him for diet pills and he told me I didn't need them. He doesn't like to prescribe drugs apparently...maybe I need to find a new doctor. I've been sleeping better only cause I now have to take 1 1/2 pills instead of 1/2 like I use to. But at least I can relax enough to sleep.

I decided to just get out of here for awhile, so I'm leaving tomorrow for Caseville. I have a ton of crap to take up there. I had brought the two side tables that were in a box home last time and hus put them I'm taking those, the palm tree, pictures and tons of other crap I've been buying. The jeep is loaded and I haven't even packed yet.

So I'll go to Caseville and maybe there will be a Super Bowl party going on at the bar Saturday night! I'll be back by Sunday for the game and I start work on Monday.

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