Cherokee Rose

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I was typing away last night and my whole computer froze up on me...couldn't do a damn thing except turn it off by hand. I think I am going to do a total recovery on this machine. I think there must be viruses or bugs in it.

Anyway I'm back from Caseville. It got really cold Saturday and there's snow and ice there....we don't have any snow here, so it seemed even colder. One of the events was this Polar Bear Dip where these insane people jump into a hole cut out of the ice in the frigid water. My girlfriend and I watched some of them. We were freezing just watching them....there is no way...haha The bars were packed Saturday night. We went to this one bar and it was so packed we left and went to the one at the condo...we waited for some friends to show up, but I guess they went to the first place and just stayed there. We should have stayed and waited for them. But I really didn't want to stay cause then I'm afraid to drink cause I have to drive least at the condo I can walk. And the cops were out big time. Shanty Days weekend is a big weekend for partying. I felt like crap Sunday and I had to drive own fault...I'm glad I didn't have to work Monday.

I worked today and I think I might be coming down with a throat is sore and I've been sneezing for the past couple days. I don't want to get a cold!

I went shopping yesterday and bought a pair of slacks that fit so I had something to wear today...none of my clothes fit...I tried on tons of stuff and can't button a I'm starving myself now. I ate too damn much in Caseville and drank too much...I always g'friend and I always go out to eat and I can't just order a stupid, I have to order a double cheeseburger and chili own stupid fault nothing fits. And I drank way too much beer....Lets see...hmmmm...around 27 beers, a whole bottle of wine and a couple shots of vodka, but whose counting...we had a good time. Good thing I was only there for a couple nights...


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