Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Two years ago today....

Today is the second anniversary of my mother's death. I remember getting to the nursing home a little after noon and the nurse was with her and she told me that she was just about to call me because my mother was nearing the end and would probably pass away before the day was gone. I remember saying and running out of the room. I got ahold of my hus and my brother for them to come. A friend of mine happened to stop by and she stayed with me until they got there. It was at some point after 5:00 that I had a strange feeling that my aunt was there in the room with us. I leaned down and whispered to my mom that I think her sister was there and I asked her if she could see her...then I told her that it was okay to go with her sister...told her I loved her and kissed her forehead. She took one breath and was gone.

I went to the house today and videotaped the house. The realtor said the closing should be next week.

My boss called and I will start work on I just hope I have a few outfits I can get into!

I wish I could get out of this funk I am in. My stomach is constantly in a nervous stomach. I use to smoke to relax, now I'm all tensed up all the time...really sucks!


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