Cherokee Rose

Monday, January 02, 2006

Out goes the old and in comes the they say...the beginning of a brand new year. 2005 wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worse either; and it ended on a good note anyway. I sold the house and we all had a great time last night. The kids loved their toys. Jayden's main gift that he loved was this electronic drum set I got him. My son has all the band's equipment down in his basement and Jayden loves to play on the drums. This one I got him is on a stand with a microphone and it makes different sounds. He was singing some "ba-ba-ba" was so funny. Hunter's main gift he loved was this Dirt Bike race game you play on have to get so many points in order to get to the next level and you earn money so you can buy better equipment and parts for the bike so you can do better on the harder levels. He was really good at it. We all stayed up til almost 4 in the morning and then they took Jayden upstairs and went to bed, and Hunter and I stayed up another hour playing that game. We slept on my couch and didn't get up til noon! And they didn't get up til 1:00....

We had watched that Dick Clark's Rockin Eve and even though I'm glad that Dick Clark is improving from his stroke and was able to do the New Year's thing this year, it was still very sad to see the decline he is in from that stroke. I remember coming home from school and watching American Bandstand with him. He never seemed to age through the years.

Since my son is also an ordained minister, I wanted him to do a "pet blessing" on my two doggies. We took them into the living room in front of the fireplace. They were so was as though they knew they were being blessed. Even when my son laid his hand on their heads, they didn't flinch or try to bite him!...haha He also put a cross on their heads with holy water. They just laid there really quiet like they knew. My son is new at this and it was a nice blessing. Good practice for him before he starts doing weddings....LOL

I am so bummed cause my scanner is done's ready for the trash. Now I can't scan pictures...not even pictures for ebay selling. And my computer has an operating system error and the CD-Rom doesn't work, so even if I buy a new scanner, I doubt if I'll be able to use the software for it. This really sucks!

A new year beginning with new problems.....


  • At 2:25 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    LOOK what a good start we are in hading into the new year huh!!!!!!! I think we are doing good. What have you gotten yourself for doing so good? Oh wait you got a cottage hahahahahahaha great job girl. I haven't figured out mine yet. Have a great one.

  • At 12:20 AM, Blogger Diane said…

    Buying the cottage is the reason I quit it wouldn't start smelling. Now I need to think of a reward for every 5 pounds I can lose...haha

  • At 1:04 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    I just think smoke when I stand still. I feel this empty in my gutt. Although today when the girls were frusterating me,, I wanted to smoke too. I will not though it took tooo much to get here!!!! I am walking in the morning..... we are doing good!!!!!


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