Hello...Yeah, I'm still here. Just been chillin...Damn, I got major problems with this computer. First of all..... JAYE: I read your blog, BUT I cannot get into your comments so I cannot comment!! I think there is just too much stuff to download or something....I don't have any problems with Val's or other blogs. But I did see the kids Santa pics and I don't have a pic of me and Santa when I was little.
I think I will "survive" Christmas again this year!!!...I go through this paranoia every year and I somehow get it together. My hus got the lights put on the tree and I spent all night getting it decoratored....then I drank a few beers....heehee.
I deserved it....I been working on this Xmas thing for a month now...and I got everything done....the dining room, the living room, the kitchen room, the family room, even my hus is getting the outside done.....my lights, my snowmen, my tree on my patio. I got all my presents bought....and most of them wrapped. Spent more than I wanted to as usual....but ya get to the point where you don't give a rat's ass what you spend as long as you GET SOMETHING!...Get it Wrapped and get it over with....
Merry Christmas to Everyone...
Oh WEll.....Thank God it only comes once a year.
I got my main big tree all decorated tonight. My tree is the BEST! First of all, I have the only lights in town on it!! Nobody has these lights. Well, ya go look for lights to buy and you get the usual....multi, green, clear, red, gold, whatever.....I wanted green and clear. All I could find was either green OR clear. So what I did was I bought 4 strands of green and 4 strands of clear....then I interchanged them....pulled out every other green, inserted every other clear..so I ended up with strands of green, clear, green. clear...etc.....8 strands of green and clear like I wanted. Then I decorate with lots of sprayes of pine cones, apples, cranberries....just push them into the branches...then I hang my birds and birdhouses and squirrels....A wildlife theme.
So I got watching "Nip n Tuck" tonight and that damn Christian really pissed me off big time.....but this other story line was about one of the main female characters who was in the process of losing her mother.....she said to her "I don't need you to tell me what I am anymore".....then her mother started to revive, so she put a pillow over her face......
Jesus F'king Christ...(my favorite expression!!)...my comp is screwing up bad and I will be lucky if this post even blogs. So I' posting it......
I think I will "survive" Christmas again this year!!!...I go through this paranoia every year and I somehow get it together. My hus got the lights put on the tree and I spent all night getting it decoratored....then I drank a few beers....heehee.
I deserved it....I been working on this Xmas thing for a month now...and I got everything done....the dining room, the living room, the kitchen room, the family room, even my hus is getting the outside done.....my lights, my snowmen, my tree on my patio. I got all my presents bought....and most of them wrapped. Spent more than I wanted to as usual....but ya get to the point where you don't give a rat's ass what you spend as long as you GET SOMETHING!...Get it Wrapped and get it over with....
Merry Christmas to Everyone...
Oh WEll.....Thank God it only comes once a year.
I got my main big tree all decorated tonight. My tree is the BEST! First of all, I have the only lights in town on it!! Nobody has these lights. Well, ya go look for lights to buy and you get the usual....multi, green, clear, red, gold, whatever.....I wanted green and clear. All I could find was either green OR clear. So what I did was I bought 4 strands of green and 4 strands of clear....then I interchanged them....pulled out every other green, inserted every other clear..so I ended up with strands of green, clear, green. clear...etc.....8 strands of green and clear like I wanted. Then I decorate with lots of sprayes of pine cones, apples, cranberries....just push them into the branches...then I hang my birds and birdhouses and squirrels....A wildlife theme.
So I got watching "Nip n Tuck" tonight and that damn Christian really pissed me off big time.....but this other story line was about one of the main female characters who was in the process of losing her mother.....she said to her "I don't need you to tell me what I am anymore".....then her mother started to revive, so she put a pillow over her face......
Jesus F'king Christ...(my favorite expression!!)...my comp is screwing up bad and I will be lucky if this post even blogs. So I' posting it......
At 11:46 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
So seh put the pillow over her dead I LOVE IT!! OK sorry,,,
it is the music video I have on it Diane sorry it will be off after Christmas. I can not believe you sat and pulled out everyother bulb,, OK yah I guess I can if I wanted something like that bad enough I would have done it too. How is the sale of the house coming?
At 4:19 PM,
Diane said…
Still waiting on the house. The realtor called and said they are waiting on the mortgage company to give the okay. I think they are still trying to get approved.
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