Cherokee Rose

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I spent all day running around to stores and malls trying to get my shopping done. I found this lamp for my son at Office Depot...then found the exact same lamp at Walmart for $10 cheaper, so I bought it and now I have to refund the Office Depot one....jeez, I wish these stores would at least sell the same items for the same price. I'm tired of refunding.

My youngest son and his girlfriend are going to come over this Saturday for our gift exchange thing, so I'm trying to get everything done. My house is decorated except for my big tree in my family room. I got it up but I'm waiting for my hus to put the lights on so I can decorate it. I hope it's done by Saturday.

The realtor called yesterday and said that the grandfather wants to see the house again...then they will finalize the offer and I can come in to sign papers. I thought it would be today, but I didn't hear anything. This better not fall through or I will kill someone! Merry Christmas or no Merry Christmas....someone will die!!!!


  • At 12:04 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…

    OOOOOOOOOo it has to go through!!!!! It just has to...

  • At 12:23 AM, Blogger JUST A MOM said…


  • At 1:04 AM, Blogger Diane said…

    I've tried to comment and I've been trying to post...and it ain't happening.....My computer is fucked up....


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