Cherokee Rose

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Damn....Shi*.....F*ck.....I'm really trying to be nice....But I really want Xmas to be over with. Can it just go away??????I spent mucho dollars on gasoline driving around ( ain't like the old days where we rode on camels looking for INNS to sleep in) mall and mall. I need to find really nice gifts for people, not just scented frankincense.


I spent the evening with my middle son (John), and his girlfriend (Emilie), and we had a great time. They got me everything on my Xmas wish. I got a new Mr. Coffee coffeemaker, Kelly Clarkston's new CD, DVD movies White Noise and Hide n Seek...I really really loved White Noise cause it is the one movie that I want so badly to relate to......It is a movie that relates to people being able to communicate with people that have passed on or DIED. I want to put a recorder in my mother's house and let it play for awhile. I want to play it back and see if she is talking to me. I need to hear her voice.

Paranormal..whatever they call it. I see my mom in my dreams..I talk to her...she talks to me...

OK> Whatever...Xmas......I'm pushing keyboard get my thoughts across. Now I'm thinking....WHO THE HELL REALLY CARES...!!!????

I'm just typing to type...


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