Cherokee Rose

Monday, December 19, 2005

Brighthouse Cable Sucks....

Today is Monday and I hate Mondays. I don't go anywhere on Mondays. I stay home and try to do housework and catch up on my sleep. Today I didn't do any housework. There's too much Xmas stuff around to bother. My cable box is messed up and none of my remote controls work it. I have to change channels manually on the box. Today I got the TV working through the DVD/VCR player and I can use that remote control to change channels at least. My cable company is changing the cable system to Digital TV, I think they call it. They keep calling and leaving me messages for me to hook my cable up directly to my TV and bring my cable box in. They say that my cable box will not work with the new setup. Well, I like my cable box and I do NOT want digital TV, so I've been ignoring them for about 4 months now. Jerry noticed some wiring on our fence in the backyard, so I think they are doing something back there with the cable and now my remotes won't work the old cable box. But I can work it through my there f'ing cable company!!

I suppose I should just hook it up to my TV, but it is too hard to get to the back of my TV that is in this huge heavy wall unit....and besides, I just don't have the time to mess with it. I'll do it when I have nothing better to do.

Saturday night my youngest son, his girlfriend and her little girl came over for our gift exchange. I got a kitchen knife set for my new place in Caseville from his girlfriend. But my son got me a combination toaster oven/4-cup coffeemaker, which is not what I he is taking it back. I specifically sent him a list of what I wanted...and I wanted this regular size Mr. Coffee one. It is a very small combo...the toaster oven was only big enough for one piece of was more for a college dorm.

This Friday, my middle son and his girlfriend are going to come over for our gift exchange. He couldn't come last Saturday cause he and his girlfriend both had to work. It is so hard to get everyone here at the same time. My oldest son isn't going to come over until Saturday, New Year's Eve.

I am still struggling with this Xmas crap...I just can't get into the spirit of things, but I'll survive it....I just want it over with! And I'm NOT doing this next year, everybody will get money and I'm going to Caseville.


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