I did not want to get out of bed today. I have no energy at all anymore it seems. I thought if I quit smoking I would feel better, look better...but I don't. If anything, I feel worse....I am tired all the time. I think the nicotine at least boosted my energy level as well as my metabolism....got my heart going. Now all I want to do is sleep. I'm thinking that maybe the blood pressure pills I'm taking might be the cause to some extent. My hus says they make him tired. And now that I'm not smoking, I probably don't have as high of blood pressure and taking these pills is probably making it too low now. Who knows...all I know is that I feel tired all the time. If I lay down on the couch, I'm out like a light...middle of the day, after dinner...I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep.
and shop...
Today I went to the gym finally. I haven't been there in months and months. They changed some things around and I didn't recognize the place when I first walked in. I did 35 mins on the treadmill at a decent pace. Then I went shopping at Sears and both Mervyns. After dinner, I took my hus there to show him a picture I want to buy, but he wasn't too thrilled about it, so I'll skip it. But I did finally find some jeans that fit so I bought 3 pair. These are the type of jeans that actually go to the waistline, not those low-riser ones that seems to be the only things you can find anymore. Hip hugger jeans were great back in the 60's and I looked damn hot in them, but they aren't so hot when my belly is now hanging over the waistband!...LOL
It was nice seeing Michael J Fox on Boston Legal tonight. He still has a bit of his old spark.....Oh, and I read that Hillary Swank is finally dumping that no talent husband of hers, Chad Lowe. She is so above him....he's just living off her talent and money anyway.
Three more days and I'm leaving for Caseville. Art Van is delivering some furniture on Saturday.....can't wait....
and shop...
Today I went to the gym finally. I haven't been there in months and months. They changed some things around and I didn't recognize the place when I first walked in. I did 35 mins on the treadmill at a decent pace. Then I went shopping at Sears and both Mervyns. After dinner, I took my hus there to show him a picture I want to buy, but he wasn't too thrilled about it, so I'll skip it. But I did finally find some jeans that fit so I bought 3 pair. These are the type of jeans that actually go to the waistline, not those low-riser ones that seems to be the only things you can find anymore. Hip hugger jeans were great back in the 60's and I looked damn hot in them, but they aren't so hot when my belly is now hanging over the waistband!...LOL
It was nice seeing Michael J Fox on Boston Legal tonight. He still has a bit of his old spark.....Oh, and I read that Hillary Swank is finally dumping that no talent husband of hers, Chad Lowe. She is so above him....he's just living off her talent and money anyway.
Three more days and I'm leaving for Caseville. Art Van is delivering some furniture on Saturday.....can't wait....
At 10:11 AM,
JUST A MOM said…
WWWOOOhhhoOOOOO, you went to the gym, I was wondering when you said you have a life time membership how the hell you do that?? and do you go. Anyway great job! UUMM yeah I am thiking you might go to the doc and have tehm check your blood presure. Or hell go to Walgreens and check it. UUMM eyah the hip huggrs with the elephant bells were pretty hot weren't they,, hahahah along with the tank top and the choker to boot. OH hell and don't forget the ratted hair and black racoon eyes. Have I gone too far? Are you drinking lots of water? I was feeling pretty funky there for a while with out my bestest freind the smokes, but some how I jumped pretty much out of the funk.Now I am looking to find my what to fill teh hole, I think I found it. We ahve done damn great!!!!Tomorrow is your 2 month isn't it!!???? Go buy yourself soemthing, OH wait you have been hahahahahahah GO get your BP checked will ya. Have fun up north. They got snow up there?
At 3:15 PM,
Diane said…
Hip huggers, elephant bells, short tops...those were the hot days! I got a deal on the gym membership. I usually go twice a week, but got away from it last March when I was working on my mom's house every day...then summer came and I was in Caseville...then the holidays...so now I'm back on track I hope.
Two months Jan 11!!
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