Bits and pieces of my day....
I took my camcorder in to be repaired. They say they need to replace some video circuit thingy and some power circuit thingy at a cost of $175, minus the 50 bucks I already gave them to check it out. I figure since I got it as a Xmas gift from my son and didn't pay for it, then I'll pay to have it fixed once.....but if something else goes wrong with it again, then I'm replacing it. Hell, I have hardly even used it. I only have 2 cassettes of recording. I just started a third cassette when it started acting up. And I just got it 2 years ago. What the hell is that???? What kind of cheap crap do they sell?? Oh well....such is life....
I went to "the house" again today to pitch stuff out since tomorrow is garbage day (a day late cause of the holiday). There was a bunch of wood stuff in the rafters in the garage, so I got up on the ladder and got it all down and took it to the street. I also pitched out the old table that my mom use to keep next to her washing machine for her soap and bleach. I had brought it up to the kitchen for my nephew to use when he lived there. I hope someone picks it up and uses it for something...I really hate to think of it in some garbage dump. I filled my jeep up with more stuff to bring home. Mainly crap we needed when we were fixing the place up to sell....and some of my mom's books. Lord, I got so many books here. You would not believe all the damn books she had. She loved to read and she kept every book she ever owned. I got rid of a bunch at the estate sale...pitched out a lot and I hope someone picked them up, gave a bunch to charity....and now I got 3 boxes more of books I will probably sort through and give to charity.
I want to record my mom's in "White Noise"...I had the recorder with me today and totally forgot to do it. I really need to do this before closing day. I bought a bunch of tapes and I am going to turn the recorder on and let it run. Then when I play it back, maybe...maybe I will hear my mom's voice...maybe.
I have an old taperecorder tape that my mom made years ago. It was when my kids were small. I can hear my dad talking and my mom talking....I treasure the tape and hope to God nothing ever happens to it.
I still have my Xmas tree up in my family room. I took all my other stuff down and today I took the tree down in the living room. The only last Xmas thing left I have is my tree in my family room. It looks too pretty to take down. Also, it may be the last year for my tree since I want to start downsizing next year. I walked through my house tonight and I totally MISS all my Xmas stuff!!! I miss my village scene and all my mantel gold angel that my Aunt sent me...she died. I miss my apple tree in my dining room.....I miss my gold tree in my living room....I miss all my stuff I have on my wall unit...I miss my gold reindeer and santa...I miss all my Xmas bears....I miss all my Xmas stuff!!! I promise, I will not complain about Xmas next year...I want it all back!!!!!
Oh, my boss called today. I've been expecting his call...he always calls after the holidays to make sure I am still available to work this year. Of course, I am....what the hell else do I do??? Not sure if I mentioned it, but I work for a CPA during tax season. I only work from Feb to April...2 or 3 days a week. Anyway, he told me that he moved. He has been at the same place for most of the time I have worked for him. He's out in Novi now I got to figure out the easiest and fastest way to get there. I have a month til I start working.
So that was my day....nitey nite.....
I went to "the house" again today to pitch stuff out since tomorrow is garbage day (a day late cause of the holiday). There was a bunch of wood stuff in the rafters in the garage, so I got up on the ladder and got it all down and took it to the street. I also pitched out the old table that my mom use to keep next to her washing machine for her soap and bleach. I had brought it up to the kitchen for my nephew to use when he lived there. I hope someone picks it up and uses it for something...I really hate to think of it in some garbage dump. I filled my jeep up with more stuff to bring home. Mainly crap we needed when we were fixing the place up to sell....and some of my mom's books. Lord, I got so many books here. You would not believe all the damn books she had. She loved to read and she kept every book she ever owned. I got rid of a bunch at the estate sale...pitched out a lot and I hope someone picked them up, gave a bunch to charity....and now I got 3 boxes more of books I will probably sort through and give to charity.
I want to record my mom's in "White Noise"...I had the recorder with me today and totally forgot to do it. I really need to do this before closing day. I bought a bunch of tapes and I am going to turn the recorder on and let it run. Then when I play it back, maybe...maybe I will hear my mom's voice...maybe.
I have an old taperecorder tape that my mom made years ago. It was when my kids were small. I can hear my dad talking and my mom talking....I treasure the tape and hope to God nothing ever happens to it.
I still have my Xmas tree up in my family room. I took all my other stuff down and today I took the tree down in the living room. The only last Xmas thing left I have is my tree in my family room. It looks too pretty to take down. Also, it may be the last year for my tree since I want to start downsizing next year. I walked through my house tonight and I totally MISS all my Xmas stuff!!! I miss my village scene and all my mantel gold angel that my Aunt sent me...she died. I miss my apple tree in my dining room.....I miss my gold tree in my living room....I miss all my stuff I have on my wall unit...I miss my gold reindeer and santa...I miss all my Xmas bears....I miss all my Xmas stuff!!! I promise, I will not complain about Xmas next year...I want it all back!!!!!
Oh, my boss called today. I've been expecting his call...he always calls after the holidays to make sure I am still available to work this year. Of course, I am....what the hell else do I do??? Not sure if I mentioned it, but I work for a CPA during tax season. I only work from Feb to April...2 or 3 days a week. Anyway, he told me that he moved. He has been at the same place for most of the time I have worked for him. He's out in Novi now I got to figure out the easiest and fastest way to get there. I have a month til I start working.
So that was my day....nitey nite.....
At 7:23 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
WOW good kick back Saturdays huh. SOOOOO any snow?? it has been so warm here at the 80 mark.
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