Leaving for Caseville again...
I'm leaving tomorrow for Caseville and I'll be taking Mini Sue and Keno this time. I'll be gone for a week so I'm planning on being back home by next Tuesday. This trip the weather better cooperate....I'm taking shorts and I want to be able to wear them and not have them just sit in a drawer like last trip.
My youngest son called me last night and he and his girlfriend and her daughter were up at the condo this past weekend. I guess he bought a jet ski and wanted to take it up there and try it out. He got a good deal on ebay. It's a 3-seater so all three of them can ride at one time. It works great and the weather was great and they had a good time. One of the owners let him use his lift for the night so he didn't have to pull it out of the water. And another owner said he can park it next to his cottage for the summer. Otherwise my son was going to have to haul it down the road to our cottage. Our condo unit is an apartment....but some of them are 2-bedroom cottages. Looking back, I wish we would have bought a cottage instead of the apartment, but at the time our kids were young and we felt we couldn't afford a cottage and the higher monthly dues. Oh well!
He also said that they had a wedding on the beach Saturday and a tent set up on the grounds where the reception was held. It was really nice. I was there once when they had a wedding on the beach quite a few years ago. Gee, I wonder if that couple are still married??
I want to get my annuals planted and I already bought them from a nursery here cause the ones in Caseville are too expensive. I bought some petunias and marygolds. So I have alot of planting to do.
Not sure if hubby is coming up later or not. I know that Sunday if Father's Day and my middle son usually stops over. I bought him a new hose for Father's Day...haha. I was trying to use the one we have and it's all taped up in spots and it leaks bad at the connection. So I bought him a new one, put it in the garage and stuck a note on it saying "Happy Father's Day"! I'm sure he thinks it's a waste of money cause the old one is "good enough". Using the old one is a royal pain. I was cleaning the siding from where we tore out some bushes and I had to keep turning it off when I wasn't using it cause it was leaking all over the place...and then turn it back on when I needed it. It was a pain. So he got a new hose....
Mini Sue is doing her "luggage watch"...! Everytime I get out the luggage and start packing, she will not leave the bedroom and will sleep next to the luggage all night. It's like she's afraid I'm going to sneak out in the middle of the night and skip town without her. Even Keno was laying there with her tonight. It was funny...it was like she told him..."if you don't want to get left behind, you better stay here".
I took a picture of her.....

Okay...have a good week....
My youngest son called me last night and he and his girlfriend and her daughter were up at the condo this past weekend. I guess he bought a jet ski and wanted to take it up there and try it out. He got a good deal on ebay. It's a 3-seater so all three of them can ride at one time. It works great and the weather was great and they had a good time. One of the owners let him use his lift for the night so he didn't have to pull it out of the water. And another owner said he can park it next to his cottage for the summer. Otherwise my son was going to have to haul it down the road to our cottage. Our condo unit is an apartment....but some of them are 2-bedroom cottages. Looking back, I wish we would have bought a cottage instead of the apartment, but at the time our kids were young and we felt we couldn't afford a cottage and the higher monthly dues. Oh well!
He also said that they had a wedding on the beach Saturday and a tent set up on the grounds where the reception was held. It was really nice. I was there once when they had a wedding on the beach quite a few years ago. Gee, I wonder if that couple are still married??
I want to get my annuals planted and I already bought them from a nursery here cause the ones in Caseville are too expensive. I bought some petunias and marygolds. So I have alot of planting to do.
Not sure if hubby is coming up later or not. I know that Sunday if Father's Day and my middle son usually stops over. I bought him a new hose for Father's Day...haha. I was trying to use the one we have and it's all taped up in spots and it leaks bad at the connection. So I bought him a new one, put it in the garage and stuck a note on it saying "Happy Father's Day"! I'm sure he thinks it's a waste of money cause the old one is "good enough". Using the old one is a royal pain. I was cleaning the siding from where we tore out some bushes and I had to keep turning it off when I wasn't using it cause it was leaking all over the place...and then turn it back on when I needed it. It was a pain. So he got a new hose....
Mini Sue is doing her "luggage watch"...! Everytime I get out the luggage and start packing, she will not leave the bedroom and will sleep next to the luggage all night. It's like she's afraid I'm going to sneak out in the middle of the night and skip town without her. Even Keno was laying there with her tonight. It was funny...it was like she told him..."if you don't want to get left behind, you better stay here".
I took a picture of her.....
Okay...have a good week....
At 7:32 PM,
Happy Housewife said…
Rich's Dad's dogs used to do the same thing! If they could get into the truck when they were packing it up, they couldn't get them back out!
Have a safe trip!
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