Cherokee Rose

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mini Sue's Photo Shoot....

I first took Mini to the Walgreen's where my son's ex-girlfriend works. She was there with her two chihuahuas. They had a Halloween setting set-up outside with pumpkins and scary graveyard things. There were several other dogs there too and I think all the dogs were distracted by each other. Mini is dressed up as a pink princess girl. I had the guy take a couple pictures but neither one really showed off her costume. On my way home, I stopped at the Walgreen's near my house and tried again. They had a couple pumpkins set up and a hay bale....which was good cause then she could sit on it and pose better. I like that picture better.....

So here is picture number 1......

....and here is picture number 2:

And this is my favorite! (Well, it's as good as I'm gonna get)


  • At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahh! ain't she cute. You are just too much into your dogs. Glad to here Jerry is on the mend.

  • At 7:53 PM, Blogger Happy Housewife said…

    Oh my goodness! She's so precious!
    Love the costume!
    Thanks for the idea, i was so glad I went!


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