Cherokee Rose

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Emergency Room Woes....

Well my husband is back in the hospital. He started feeling sick this afternoon and by evening he had a 102 degree temperature. They said that if he develops a fever then we are to either call the doctor or go to the emergency room. Since the doctor wasn't in at the time, I took him to the emergency room. We got there around 8:00 and I just finally got home after 1:00 a.m.

His temp went up to 103 while he was there so they gave him something to bring the fever down and something for his nausea. They also gave him a strong antibiotic intravaneously. They did blood work and found that he developed a bacterial infection probably from the surgery. So they admitted him and are keeping him overnight.

His temp was down to 100.5 when I left and he is feeling much better. I'm sure he will be home by tomorrow.

Also TODAY...Sept our anniversary!! I asked hubby where he will be taking me out for dinner..LOL...and he said probably the hospital cafeteria!!


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