A short trip to Caseville....
I'm off to Caseville tomorrow for the week. I'm sure the grass is in dire need of cutting by now. My neighbors up there called today to see how Lucky is doing. I wasn't home, but hus talked to her and also told her that I will be up there tomorrow.
Yesterday I went to the Plymouth Fall Festival. There was this chiropractor there that was doing this free 'thermo scan' thing. He runs this thing across your neck and the condition of your nervous system of your spine that controls everything in your body shows up on this computer screen. Red is not good. I had a few red lines which indicated problems with my eyes and sinuses and also lungs and heart....sheeesh! I know I have sinus problems, I need an eye exam cause my right eye keeps blurring up on me at times. I think it may be a cataract; and with my high blood pressure, I'm sure it's affecting my heart. So I guess the test was right. Now he wants me to come in for a free evaluation in hopes of getting me for a client and make lots of money off me, while making me a much healthier person. I told him I'd think about it.
Today I went to the flea market at Greenmead. I bought a few things, but as usual I don't go prepared. I didn't take that much cash and I forgot my checkbook. Or maybe hubby hid it on me! So I didn't buy a lot of things I wanted to. My youngest son collects gas station stuff which he resells and makes money. This guy was selling a restored air meter, so I called my son and he told me to buy it. Yeah, I had about 5 bucks in my purse. So I had to drive to an ATM. So I bought it and now he owes me.
My office/computer room is done. Hubby put the shoe molding in today. We laid the area rug down and I started putting the stuff back into the room. I'm putting most of it in drawers and in the closet so it doesn't look cluttered like before. I had this tacky table that I would put crap on and I had boxes of more crap sitting on the floor underneath. Well, hubby said that the tacky table ain't goin' back in. I guess I'll have to find a less-tacky one....good, something for me to look for and buy! He is going to put my desk together while I'm gone. I can't wait to see it. Luckily there is a picture of it on the box, cause I have totally forgotten what it even looks like. I hope I still like it when he gets it together. I know I liked it when I bought it 5 years ago.
Also at one of the estate sales I went to over the weekend, I bought this real old cedar chest. The whole chest is made of cedar. And there are these copper things on all four corners and in the middle with a keyhole. It has intricate feet on it in the front but one is a little broken, and one of the back legs is missing. So hubby will have to replace the back legs. Anyway, I'm taking it to Caseville with me cause I have no place to store it right now while I'm working on these rooms. #1...I want to refinish it and #2...I want my girlfriend who is the antique expert to look at it and give me advice as to the best way to refinish the wood and copper. She does that sort of thing all the time. And maybe she can give me an idea of how old it might be and what she thinks it will be worth once I get it done.
So I'm packed up and ready to leave tomorrow. I'll be back by Friday. Next weekend is the Victorian Festival in Northville and hubby is having his surgery on Monday. When I get back, I'll start tearing up the carpet in another room. I can't wait to get my whole upstairs done. I would take pictures but my freakin' digital camera broke on me. The last time I used it was when I was able to see the kids for awhile at my DIL's sister's house and I took some pictures. I'll have to post some of them when I get back.
Have fun....I will.....
Yesterday I went to the Plymouth Fall Festival. There was this chiropractor there that was doing this free 'thermo scan' thing. He runs this thing across your neck and the condition of your nervous system of your spine that controls everything in your body shows up on this computer screen. Red is not good. I had a few red lines which indicated problems with my eyes and sinuses and also lungs and heart....sheeesh! I know I have sinus problems, I need an eye exam cause my right eye keeps blurring up on me at times. I think it may be a cataract; and with my high blood pressure, I'm sure it's affecting my heart. So I guess the test was right. Now he wants me to come in for a free evaluation in hopes of getting me for a client and make lots of money off me, while making me a much healthier person. I told him I'd think about it.
Today I went to the flea market at Greenmead. I bought a few things, but as usual I don't go prepared. I didn't take that much cash and I forgot my checkbook. Or maybe hubby hid it on me! So I didn't buy a lot of things I wanted to. My youngest son collects gas station stuff which he resells and makes money. This guy was selling a restored air meter, so I called my son and he told me to buy it. Yeah, I had about 5 bucks in my purse. So I had to drive to an ATM. So I bought it and now he owes me.
My office/computer room is done. Hubby put the shoe molding in today. We laid the area rug down and I started putting the stuff back into the room. I'm putting most of it in drawers and in the closet so it doesn't look cluttered like before. I had this tacky table that I would put crap on and I had boxes of more crap sitting on the floor underneath. Well, hubby said that the tacky table ain't goin' back in. I guess I'll have to find a less-tacky one....good, something for me to look for and buy! He is going to put my desk together while I'm gone. I can't wait to see it. Luckily there is a picture of it on the box, cause I have totally forgotten what it even looks like. I hope I still like it when he gets it together. I know I liked it when I bought it 5 years ago.
Also at one of the estate sales I went to over the weekend, I bought this real old cedar chest. The whole chest is made of cedar. And there are these copper things on all four corners and in the middle with a keyhole. It has intricate feet on it in the front but one is a little broken, and one of the back legs is missing. So hubby will have to replace the back legs. Anyway, I'm taking it to Caseville with me cause I have no place to store it right now while I'm working on these rooms. #1...I want to refinish it and #2...I want my girlfriend who is the antique expert to look at it and give me advice as to the best way to refinish the wood and copper. She does that sort of thing all the time. And maybe she can give me an idea of how old it might be and what she thinks it will be worth once I get it done.
So I'm packed up and ready to leave tomorrow. I'll be back by Friday. Next weekend is the Victorian Festival in Northville and hubby is having his surgery on Monday. When I get back, I'll start tearing up the carpet in another room. I can't wait to get my whole upstairs done. I would take pictures but my freakin' digital camera broke on me. The last time I used it was when I was able to see the kids for awhile at my DIL's sister's house and I took some pictures. I'll have to post some of them when I get back.
Have fun....I will.....
At 1:46 PM,
JUST A MOM said…
ok caught up I am so glad Lucky is doing better and HARDWOOD FLOORS MAN I AM JEALOUS!!!!!! have fun
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