Cherokee Rose

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Vote for Brinks.....

I keep forgetting to post this. I entered Brinks' picture of him by the cop car on this pet photo contest. It runs til the end of the month. The website is They have four, cat, theme and pets and Brinks is under the pet one. A direct link to his category would be So maybe you could give him a vote. It's all for fun...there's no prizes or anything. I just thought it would be cute to see Brinks' picture in a contest.

My son entered little Pippi and we're hoping she will be in next month's contest.

Okay, so American Idol was on tonight and two guys and two girls got booted from the 24. I phoned in votes for six girls and one got booted tonight; and of the six guys I voted for one got booted. Yes, now that all those silly auditions are over with the show gets somewhat better. At least there are some good singers this year.

Working tomorrow....haven't got a clue what I'm going to wear....that's the one part I hate about working...trying to figure out what to wear!


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