1. Saturday was hubby's birthday....so everyone sing a belated birthday song to him....What did we do? Well, usually we go out to eat with our youngest son and his current significant other. But they are having problems and she went back to her condo and he had to work Saturday. So I was hoping that hubby and I could still go out for his birthday. Nahhhhhh.....I went out for some takeout chinese food. I gave him a bag of goodies and a shirt and jeans, but he says that the jeans are "not his style" so I guess I'll have to take them back. I thought they were oh-so cool....they were blackish with fading down the legs and neat stitching on the pockets that matched the shirt. I guess I'll have to go to Salvation Army to find "his style"...cause they don't make them ANYMORE!!!!!...THEY WENT OUT WITH THE 80'S!!!
2. BITCH OF THE MONTH: Heather Mills McCartney!!...God, what a f'ng whore....she marrys and sleeps with Paul and now she wants all his money for her services. I'd like to rip her GOOD leg off and smack her with it.
3. BRINKS.....I left the downstairs door open over the weekend and hubby came out and told me to watch the dogs cause "Brinks is downstairs".....holy-moley....I knew he was gonna do that cause he's so damn curious as to what is down there. So there he sat on top of the door and bobbin' his head and looking all over the place, checking everything out. We eventually got him back up the stairs. I put a mirror in the hallway and a newspaper under it and now he sits there and coos at himself and lays there like he's found a buddy to bond with...hahahaha Right now he's sitting on top of my computer watching me. He likes to watch me type. The other day hubby came upstairs to use the computer and Brinks was already on it....on the keyboards!...typing with his toes and the monitor screen was doing stuff....too funny. Yesterday was Monday and he took his Monday bath. I swear, for the last 3 Mondays he sits in this bigger bowl of water I have for him to use as a birdbath....every Monday!...how does he know it's Monday. He sits in the water and then he bobs his beak in the water and picks at his feathers like he's washing himself.
My upstairs is full of feathers....he must be molting or something. Sunday I vacuumed everything and wiped off all the bird turds everywhere and spot cleaned parts of the carpet...everything was clean and now there's messy papers and feathers everywhere again....grrrrrrrrrr!
4. A friend's daughter is getting married and her shower is next Sunday. I won't be here cause I'll be in Caseville for the Shanty Days weekend so I won't be going. I'm going to just send a gift card from Target where she is registered. Anyway, but I got her gift registry thing to see what she wanted. I couldn't believe they had a Nintendo Guitar WII thing on there.....WTF??...It's a bridal shower not a Xmas list.
5. I worked yesterday and I don't go back in until Thursday. Then Friday I'm leaving for Caseville and won't be back until Monday....a nice long weekend. Maybe I'll take one of the dogs. Hubby can watch over the zoo til I return.
6. I still have a critter somewhere in my house. I can hear it at night in the walls. And I still find birdseed in weird places. Like when I came back from Caseville and there was birdseed between my mattress and box springs in my bed!!! I was changing the sheets and on the edge I noticed the seeds. I picked up the mattress and there was a bunch of birdseed there. And I opened up my stereo turntable to play a record and there was birdseed in the corner. It's everywhere. Brinks is not doing it, but some little chipmonk or mouse is. OH YEAH....and I got out this box (with openings on the sides for carrying) under this table where I have some crap stored until I can get my computer desk set up right and there was birdseed in there too, but also there was all this cottony stuff like a nest. I couldn't figure out what it was at first. Then I noticed I had these two chair cushions sitting on top of the box and when I took the top one off, the bottom one was all chewed up with the stuffing sticking out!!....damn critter ruined my cushion and made himself a little next in my box. I told hubby he better set some traps.
That's all my ramblings for now, I guess.....
2. BITCH OF THE MONTH: Heather Mills McCartney!!...God, what a f'ng whore....she marrys and sleeps with Paul and now she wants all his money for her services. I'd like to rip her GOOD leg off and smack her with it.
3. BRINKS.....I left the downstairs door open over the weekend and hubby came out and told me to watch the dogs cause "Brinks is downstairs".....holy-moley....I knew he was gonna do that cause he's so damn curious as to what is down there. So there he sat on top of the door and bobbin' his head and looking all over the place, checking everything out. We eventually got him back up the stairs. I put a mirror in the hallway and a newspaper under it and now he sits there and coos at himself and lays there like he's found a buddy to bond with...hahahaha Right now he's sitting on top of my computer watching me. He likes to watch me type. The other day hubby came upstairs to use the computer and Brinks was already on it....on the keyboards!...typing with his toes and the monitor screen was doing stuff....too funny. Yesterday was Monday and he took his Monday bath. I swear, for the last 3 Mondays he sits in this bigger bowl of water I have for him to use as a birdbath....every Monday!...how does he know it's Monday. He sits in the water and then he bobs his beak in the water and picks at his feathers like he's washing himself.
My upstairs is full of feathers....he must be molting or something. Sunday I vacuumed everything and wiped off all the bird turds everywhere and spot cleaned parts of the carpet...everything was clean and now there's messy papers and feathers everywhere again....grrrrrrrrrr!
4. A friend's daughter is getting married and her shower is next Sunday. I won't be here cause I'll be in Caseville for the Shanty Days weekend so I won't be going. I'm going to just send a gift card from Target where she is registered. Anyway, but I got her gift registry thing to see what she wanted. I couldn't believe they had a Nintendo Guitar WII thing on there.....WTF??...It's a bridal shower not a Xmas list.
5. I worked yesterday and I don't go back in until Thursday. Then Friday I'm leaving for Caseville and won't be back until Monday....a nice long weekend. Maybe I'll take one of the dogs. Hubby can watch over the zoo til I return.
6. I still have a critter somewhere in my house. I can hear it at night in the walls. And I still find birdseed in weird places. Like when I came back from Caseville and there was birdseed between my mattress and box springs in my bed!!! I was changing the sheets and on the edge I noticed the seeds. I picked up the mattress and there was a bunch of birdseed there. And I opened up my stereo turntable to play a record and there was birdseed in the corner. It's everywhere. Brinks is not doing it, but some little chipmonk or mouse is. OH YEAH....and I got out this box (with openings on the sides for carrying) under this table where I have some crap stored until I can get my computer desk set up right and there was birdseed in there too, but also there was all this cottony stuff like a nest. I couldn't figure out what it was at first. Then I noticed I had these two chair cushions sitting on top of the box and when I took the top one off, the bottom one was all chewed up with the stuffing sticking out!!....damn critter ruined my cushion and made himself a little next in my box. I told hubby he better set some traps.
That's all my ramblings for now, I guess.....
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